Battle for Hadleigh Epilogue

With commendations from team warmachine captain torolf, team phobia captain romulus, and many witness accounts, we of the guild hall have seen fit to reward you by-'" he trailed off briefly, eyes widening.

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 4: Volcan and Ignus

He was from gladiator city, and like most of the underprivileged of that place he had grown up as another pit fighter in the arena just like romulus.

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North and South Chapter 6: The Brothers

He hadn't seen such power since torolf and romulus. but it was still, unmoving. the aura was calm, like the one it belonged to was meditating. but to his shock, he could also feel it... reaching out.

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North and South Chapter 4: Calygrad

"my captain, volcan, captain romulus and shamshir of warmachine all faced him at once when we raided one of his fortresses to free prisoners of volcan's island home." "we couldn't even touch him..."

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 3: Research (Pt 2)

It was no secret that the establishment of the guild investigative bureau, founded by romulus of team phobia, had created a slight divide in the guild's ranks.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 10: Ascendance

"consider this," volcan began, "while romulus was still a guild councilor, he added new branches to the guilds. any assassins who are willing could maybe sign on with one of them?"

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Sands of the West Chapter 6: The Way Home

The anticipation of fighting team drake, his battle with sickle and its thrilling turns, even his seething at the attitude of romulus of team phobia, he allowed it all to come forth, just enough to let the thrill flow through him again as it did then.

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 4: Clearing the Roads (Pt 2)

Volcan, myself, romulus and shamshir all faced him at the fortress, and even with all four of us attacking at once, we couldn't even touch him..." he explained. val looked at volcan, aghast. "he was fast enough to evade _you?_" he asked.

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North and South Chapter 9: The Cleansing

Maybe you should've listened to what romulus-" luke shot the delphox an intensely furious glare, lifting a paw to silence her right then and there. "do _not_mention that name to me again, do you understand?" he practically growled at her.

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 7: Rekindled

"myself, luke, captain romulus and shamshir of team warmachine, fought to keep him at bay while the others escaped. but we were barely able to hold our own.

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Star Trek: Warrior - "Legacy"

"so far we have been testing the system on the edge of federation space near dewa iii, or "new romulus" as its known now.

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Star Trek: Warrior - Book One - "Legacy"

"so far we have been testing the system on the edge of federation space near dewa iii, or "new romulus" as its known now.

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