Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 1: The Royal Knights

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#103 of Pokemon Team Valiant

King Calyrex, ruler of Calygrad city, summons his Royal Knights, Zacian and Zamazenta, and sends them on a mission to seek out the Eastern Shadow Nexus, and to do this he sends them to Port Azure to join forces with Luke and Volcan.

Meanwhile, a day long awaited finally comes to the eager couple...

Calygrad, at the end of summer...

King Calyrex finished writing the letter he was penning, returning his pen to its inkwell before he snuffed the candles he had been using for light. He let the ink dry on the paper before he folded it and dripped candle wax onto the seam, pressing his personal seal into the wax and letting it harden. Satisfied, he levitated out of the chair, the letter still in his paw as he floated across the room toward the door leading to the corridor.

Outside his study, the castle steward was waiting for him. The steward, a Drizzile, bowed upon seeing the king. "Good morning, your majesty," he said, cordially. "I was just coming to see you."

"Indeed? Report, then," bade Calyrex.

"I came to inform you that the Royal Knights have arrived, as you commanded," replied the Steward, "They humbly await your audience."

"I shall see them in the throne room," said Calyrex. Then, he offered the steward the letter he carried, "While you are doing that, please see to it this letter is also mailed. It is for the mayor of Valvatna, already addressed."

"It would be my pleasure, sire," the steward returned as he accepted the letter.

"Very good," Calyrex replied before dismissing the steward, sending him on his way.

The King made his way quickly to the throne room, floating casually through the halls of his palace before entering the room through a side door. He entered the grand chamber where he held court and audience with the people and lowered himself into his throne to await his visitors. He did not have to wait long before the doors opened, and in stepped two mighty canid Pokémon, one largely a light blue with tones of white and pink, the other primarily a burgundy red with tones of dark blue and white.

The two wolf-like Pokémon entered the room, walking slowly and proudly as they crossed the hall to stand at the base of the dais leading up to Calyrex's throne. There, they bowed their heads low to him and lowered themselves until their chests were resting against the floor.

"Welcome, Zacian and Zamazenta, my Royal Knights," bade Calyrex, "Please rise, my friends. It has been too long since last we met."

Zacian would be the first to rise to her full height, giving the King a small nod and a smile in response to his statement. "It is indeed a pleasure as always, Your Highness." She answered, "To what do we owe the pleasure of this occasion? Is there an ancient evil that requires us to vanquish them?" she asked in an all too eager manner.

"Whether or not it is ancient I cannot say for certain, but I believe the world faces a truly grave threat, and it is time Calygrad made its own contribution to the efforts against the ongoing crisis," Calyrex replied. "Tell me. Have you two heard of the Dark Crusade?"

"We have," Zamazenta answered for both, "Raiders and marauders plaguing the south. They are opposed by the Guilds, if I am not mistaken." He tilted his head curiously, "Are we to ally ourselves with the guilds then, and aid them in the crisis?"

"In a way, yes," replied Calyrex. "There is someone I wish for you two to meet, but more on that later. For the moment, I should fill you in on your target. I will try to make it brief, but it is best if you two settle yourselves. This may still take some time."

At his bidding, the two canids seated themselves at the base of the dais, and listened attentively as Calyrex began his explanation. He told them of the destruction of the monastery, which the two knights knew about already but not the cause. They were shocked to learn that the destruction had come from within, when one of its students had been tainted by a dark power - the same power that created Shadow Pokémon. This student, known as Calhoun, had single-handedly destroyed the Order of the Fist's presence in the north, and he also pointed out to them that the same student was also the one who had laid siege to Calygrad mere days after the monastery had fallen.

"The student was that Dark Blaziken?" Zamazenta asked, unable to hide his shock. "I never imagined a student of the Shifu Brothers could fall so far..."

"I should have slain that foul beast when I had the chance," Zacian growled both in anger and in regret. "I was always wary of that one, especially with his amethyst-coloured eyes... Such a trait could only have spelled ruin for this fair land."

"Do not be so quick to pass judgment, Zacian. It may not have been his fault," said Calyrex, "Evidence that came to light suggests the boy may have stumbled upon something that no one was ever meant to find."

Her ears flicked at the statement, and she narrowed her eyes slightly toward the King. "...What evidence?" She asked warily, unsure whether or not she would like what she was about to hear next.

"A series of diaries or journals that Calhoun - the boy, kept during his days at the monastery," Calyrex explained, "tell the story in detail, that while Calhoun was out in the mountains, gathering medicinal herbs, there was a landslide. The slide uncovered the entrance to a cavern that was unmapped, and Calhoun investigated it. Inside, he found a source of great evil that for now we refer to as a Shadow Nexus."

Calyrex leaned forward slightly as he continued. "This Nexus is what turned Calhoun into a Shadow Pokémon. He tried to resist it, but he could not, and it twisted him into the monster we saw that night when our city was besieged. Now he leads the Dark Crusade, abducting, pillaging, and destroying everything in his path. He seems to have a particular fondness for destroying sites dedicated to the gods themselves, not the least of which being the Arceus Shrine in the Equatorial Islands, and we know he has hit many other such sites, such as the city of Hadleigh which once had a house of worship to Groudon."

"But there is more still. Recently, I received a missive from one of the heads of the Guild Council, Romulus of Gladiator City. They have reason to believe Calhoun is seeking these Nexuses, of which there are four in the world, located at the compass points. The one Calhoun found was the North Nexus. At the very least, we know that another of these Nexuses could make another like him -or worse they might make him even more powerful," he leaned back in his seat again, "Which brings me to why I summoned you, my knights."

"So, in summation, you wish for us to aid the Council in locating these nexuses and destroy them before this monster finds them and uses them to further empower himself. Correct?" Zacian asked, a look of slight disapproval in her expression. "Forgive my pessimism, but what hope would they have against such an evil force? The last time a catastrophe like this occurred, it took the Lord Almighty himself to banish the evil away."

"Sister," Zamazenta said, chiding, "It is unbecoming of you to talk down to the Guild teams like that. They perform an honourable service and should be respected."

"And it is unwise to underestimate them," Calyrex added, smiling confidently, "for you see, they know Calhoun is hunting these Nexuses because they have already stopped the Dark Crusade from seizing the Nexus in the south and seen to it that he can no longer use it."

Zacian gave pause upon hearing that, her body stiffening and her eyes widening slightly before she gave her response. "...This is hardly the time for poor humour, your Majesty," she said in disbelief.

"I am not joking, Ser Zacian," Calyrex replied with a tight smile, in a reminder for the knight not to take their friendship too far beyond their stations, "According to the message I received, the southern nexus was drained of its dark power, and buried. The Crusade cannot use it anymore."

"Did the message say who accomplished this feat?" Zamazenta asked for both, his sister too muddled to speak. Truly he was equally stunned by the news.

"The same one I am sending you two to meet," replied Calyrex, "His name is Luke, a Lucario from the town of Port Azure and the captain of Rescue Team Valiant."

"...Luke... Valiant..." Zacian mused softly to herself. "I have been hearing those names a lot as of late. Tales of this young Lucario overcoming insurmountable odds and leading his comrades into many victories during these dark times..."

"Indeed," agreed Calyrex, nodding his large head.

"So, what is our mission, your majesty?" Zamazenta asked.

"Two Nexuses still remain unfound," explained the king. "One on the Eastern Continent, and one in the West. Unfortunately, the guild's presence in the east suffered a critical blow when their original council was wiped out by the Crusade. Most of their effort has been focused on rebuilding throughout the summer, while also rooting out the Crusade's influence in their ranks. Romulus himself has returned to Gladiator City and is devoting all his resources to locating the western Nexus, but the Guild cannot spare the resources to search the east with so much work left to do."

He sat up straight as he went on. "So, I have decided that it is time Calygrad joined this coalition against the Dark Crusade. They must be stopped, and these Nexuses are the key. It may not end their rampage, but it will prevent Calhoun from gaining greater power. I am sending the two of you to Port Azure to seek out Captain Luke and Captain Volcan of Team Phalanx; you are to help them in locating and destroying the eastern Nexus."

Despite her earlier reservations, Zacian bowed her head before the king in acknowledgement to his command. "It will be done, Your Majesty." She answered vocally before turning to Zamazenta. "Let us depart posthaste, Brother."

"Aye," agreed the younger brother.

"One last thing," said Calyrex. "Visit the vault before you go. Given the gravity of the current threat, I think it is more than likely you will need your armaments. The Crown Sword and Crown Shield are at your disposal."

"Understood. Thank you, Your Majesty." Zacian answered once again.

"We shall not fail you, sire," Zamazenta promised as the two turned and departed from the throne room.

They made their way to the vault, padding through halls of the palace in almost synchronized steps. Servants parted to let them through, guards saluted them in recognition of their ranks as the Royal Knights. They were allowed to pass to enter the vault the moment they approached, both guards saluting them as the others had before opening the doors for them and stepping aside. They entered and passed by several mounds of treasure before approaching their weapons.

The sword and shield sat waiting for them upon pedestals in the center of the room, both items stood upright as if they had been eagerly waiting for their master's return. The Crown Sword was a beautiful blade of steel that had taken on a golden hue when it was first empowered, with a red fuller and sapphire inlays. The grip wasn't designed to be held in hand, but it was widened and well-padded to accommodate within Zacian's jaws.

As for the Crown Shield, it was similarly made of the same steel-gold with red inlays, broad and mighty with sliding outer plates, and an open socket through which Zamazenta could insert his head. Like its sister blade, it radiated with divine power, and seemed to invite its master closer.

"It has been too long since we wielded these weapons," said Zamazenta. "Now in the name of justice and honour we take them up once more." He walked around the mounted shield, approaching its inner curve with his face angled toward the open slot.

"We shall not fail." He said before sliding his head through the opening.

Immediately, the shield glowed brightly, and Zamazenta lifted his head as he felt its power filling him. The shield merged itself with his body, conforming to his features as it expanded to its full girth. A long mane of fur erupted along his back, growing seemingly out from the shield itself and angling over his body like a fur cape, trailing as if in the wind before settling itself upon his back. His eyes glowed bright yellow, matching the gold of the shield, and he lifted his head in a howl of might as he felt his strength return to him.

When Zacian took the Crown Sword into her jaws, she too underwent a similar transformation to her brother's. Along her head she had now adorned a large golden crown, with red highlights visible along its center piece. From her shoulder blades, two large golden wing-like appendages appeared, and her long braids changed into flowing locks that, like with Zamazenta, waved gently along her sides as of being blown by a gentle breeze.

With her transformation complete, she then turned her head so that the Crown Sword rested between her 'wings' when she released her grip on its hilt.

"It's been a long time indeed," Zacian commented as she turned to look at her brother, "But with these sacred weapons, we will smite the evil that plagues this earth!" She further exclaimed with pride in her tone.

Now that the preparations were made, they left the palace and set their course for Valvatna. There, they would charter a ship, and make their way to the Eastern continent to seek out Luke and his team...


Volcan cut to the side as Master Zheng came at him, the swift paws of the Water-type Urshifu forcing him to stay mobile, lest he take a direct hit from the master's Surging Strikes. Water trailed Master Zheng's paws as they moved, keeping up the pressure even as Volcan tried to find an opening, though every one he spotted was soon filled as the Water-type Urshifu struck again.

The principle of the Rapid-Strike style was to force open the opponent's guard, make them lower their defenses for a counterattack and then strike a vulnerable place - such as a pressure point, as Master Zheng had demonstrated before. This was shared with the capo variant, with the user utilizing rotation and momentum to conserve energy at the cost of the precision offered by the original style. Volcan's speed was being put to the test, parrying and dodging Master Zheng's strikes, hoping he could outlast him long enough to gain that opening he needed.

High, low, middle, low, high, low, middle, middle... Pattern. There was a pattern. The longer a fight dragged on, a fighter would eventually fall into a pattern; Volcan knew this. Even Master Zheng was not able to completely avoid this. High, low, middle, low, high, low, turn, middle, backstep, middle - the turn was when Zheng was open...

Volcan waited, parrying the attacks, and tensing his arm for the next time Zheng turned. Middle, high, low, turn - Volcan moved, a thunder punch cracking to light on his right fist. He lunged forward, knowing Zheng would have his back to him for only a split second...

Step, step, slam. Volcan saw stars dance across his vision, barely registering when Zheng stopped his turn halfway before planting his feet again and taking one step forward. The back of his fist came up like a hammer to slam into Volcan's cheek as his electrified arm hit only empty air.

Volcan stumbled, the momentum of his missed strike now being sent to his side, and he careened into a support beam, where he finally tumbled to the floor.

"Ow," was all the Blaziken could say, pain stinging his cheek where Zheng had struck him.

"A good try." Zheng remarked, stepping over to the downed Blaziken and offering his hand down to him. "But an effective fighter will always have a contingency in mind when they inevitably fall into a pattern." He added.

Volcan graciously accepted the hand, letting Zheng hoist him to his feet and rubbing his cheek. He looked up as Master Chen came over.

"You fought well, Volcan," he complimented, "not many can last as long as you did against my brother."

"Easy to see why," Volcan commented, still rubbing his cheek, "staying out of the path of those paws is like standing in a storm and trying not to get hit by the rain."

Chen chuckled. "An apt comparison."

"If it is any consolation, Luke had a hard time keeping up with me during our lessons," Zheng added. "Granted, he is a quick learner and is naturally gifted in speed, but I don't think he was used to fighting someone who strikes as fast as he moves."

Volcan chuckled. "Of everyone I know there are maybe three I can name who can keep up with him in terms of speed, with you being the third."

"And the other two?" Chen asked.

"Koa and Neilla," replied Volcan, "Koa's the only one I can think of _actually_faster than Luke is, but he needs a bit more refinement to his technique as of yet." He shook his head. "Eh, but enough of that."

"Indeed," said Chen, "I believe you have somewhere to be, my student."

Volcan looked at him. "What? What do you mean?"

"Do you not know what day it is?" Chen asked, "I believe you told me yourself, on the last day of summer-"

Chen didn't get to finish, before realization struck Volcan like a hammer. "That's today?!" he exploded.

Chen put up his hands. "At ease, Volcan. It is tomorrow, not today," he assured him. "But I'm sure you still have some preparations you wish to make."

"Yes!" Volcan exclaimed, already heading for the door before he stopped, and turned to the two again to give a parting bow. "Thank you for your time, Master Zheng," he said politely.

Zheng gave Volcan a bow in return. "Take care, young one. Enjoy your special day." He bade the Blaziken with a smile.

"I will!" Volcan replied before he hurried out of the dojo.

Chen chuckled as he watched Volcan leave. "I dare say I have not seen anyone so excited since you married Tyra, brother," he commented, crossing his arms.

"I seem to recall you sharing in that excitement when you discovered you were getting a nephew." Zheng shot back with a slight grin. "I had never seen you grin so broadly before."

"And why shouldn't I have?" Chen asked, holding out his arms in a shrug, "Qiang is a fine boy. I'm as proud to call him my blood as I am proud to call you."

"Indeed, he is," Zheng concurred, smiling to himself. "He's turning into a fine young man, and he seems to be more open to new experiences ever since he and Caulin traded blows. I had never seen him have so much fun before."

"Nor have I," said Chen, nodding. "This has been an interesting summer for all of us, I would say. The future looks bright."

Zheng looked ahead once more, never losing his smile. "Yes, I'm inclined to agree. The future is indeed looking bright, both for us and for this world."

"And for one man in particular, sooner rather than later," added Chen.

Volcan sprinted up the road back to Azure, his long strides carrying him to the town in half the time that walking would have taken him, though he still took more than an few hours to reach his destination. The sun was setting as he arrived, entering Azure and slowing his pace as he crossed town to his home. He could already see the signs of the big day - his big day, coming on the morrow.

The town square was being set up for the event. An altar, resting upon a dais, lay waiting for the coming day, with rows of seats arranged in an aisle. An awning was stretched above the altar to protect it from unexpected weather - though, the local Castform monitoring the weather claimed the skies would remain clear.

The day had finally come... It almost didn't seem real, even as Volcan stared at the site of the wedding. His wedding...

"It's finally happening," he whispered to himself, putting a hand over his heart. "Feels like I've been waiting all my life for this..."

In typical wedding tradition, Luke wasn't staying at home that night, as it was considered bad luck to see one's partner before the wedding. He was instead staying at his mother's house, with Ignus, and leaving Volcan with his home all to himself. He entered the house, and went to sit on the couch, taking a few steady breaths to calm himself.

He wasn't alone for long, though. There was a knock at the door, and he got up to answer. Outside, he was surprised to find several others gathered there; Minato, Hank, Tristan, and Katsumoto all stood outside.

"Huh? Guys?"

"Bachelor party!" Tristan bellowed randomly.

"One last little get together before the big day, Legs!" Hank chimed in, even blowing a party horn that nearly bopped Volcan's beak.

"Huh? But... I didn't-"

"The point is for us to give you the party, not for you to plan it," Tristan replied, "now come on! This is a happy time, right?"

"Well... Yes..." Volcan admitted, still unsure how to react to this sudden turn of events. He remembered they had played with the idea of a bachelor party before, but he hadn't expected it to be a surprise party.

"Well then step aside and let us in before we trample all over you," said Minato as he stepped inside, prompting Volcan to move over and clear the doorway, "It's the last day before your big day. You should be winding down and relaxing, rather than getting your feathers all ruffled about it." He added.

"Aye. Any unnecessary stress will only serve to dampen your spirits when the morrow arrives," Katsumoto added with a firm nod.

Volcan sighed. "Alright, alright, come in," he said, stepping aside to let the others enter, closing the door behind them again.

"We brought snacks and drinks too!" Tristan added, gesturing with his head to the bags he carried in each hand.

"Non-alcoholic of course. Don't want you with a splitting headache when you wake up." Minato added.

"I still think we shoulda brought something light. Anything's alright in moderation," Hank piped up.

"For once I am in agreement with Hank. I did offer to bring in something from my homeland, but you were adamantly against the idea," Katsumoto added.

"Again. We're trying to help Volcan relax and unwind, not get him shitfaced," Minato sternly reminded them.

"Appreciate that," said Volcan; he did not want to be nursing a hangover on his wedding day.

"Oye," Tristan commented, leaning close to the Blaziken, "Ya got a bruise on your cheek. You run into a tree or something?"

"Wha- oh. No, I just came from the dojo," Volcan replied, lifting a hand to rub the slightly yellowed bruise Tristan had spotted, "I was sparring with Master Zheng. He got me good."

Minato walked up and inspected the bruise on Volcan's cheek, gingerly touching it with his paw. "Yikes, that's gonna take a few days to properly mend. You're gonna wanna cover that up with something for tomorrow."

"I got some berry paste back home that he could use," Hank offered, "It'll cover it up so well, it'll look like he never even got the bruise."

"That's a good idea," Volcan agreed with Hank, "I didn't actually realize what day it was until Master Chen reminded me."

Tristan gaped at him. "You forgot your bloody wedding day was tomorrow?" He asked, "And you guys call _me_rock-headed?"

"I didn't forget!" Volcan exclaimed. "I just... Didn't realize it was _that_soon; it's been a busy summer!"

"...Dude, just admit you forgot and save yourself any further embarrassment," Minato chided, grinning at his friend, and nudging his arm with his elbow. "Otherwise, Tristan will never let you live it down."

Volcan let out a groan and sank back into the couch where he was previously seated. "Okay, yes, I forgot... I knew the wedding was coming but I didn't realize it was that close. I've been trying to catch up on all the training I've missed over the summer. I suppose I wasn't keeping track of the days."

"Eh, between that and that little hurricane in a bottle kid you adopted, I guess ya have a good excuse," Tristan offered before looking around the house, "Where is that little guy anyway?"

"With Luke. He's staying at his mother's house tonight," Volcan replied.

"And how is that little fluffball doin'?" Hank asked as he helped set the snacks and drinks down on the living room table, "I'm noticin' a lack of claw marks and rips along the walls, so that's a plus."

"He's been getting better about that," Volcan replied, nodding, "He's started to recognize what behavior is allowed and what isn't. Still has a lot of energy to burn but at least he has stopped chewing on the legs of the coffee table," he nudged the table in question with his foot for emphasis. "Got him a few toys to chew on instead."

"Has he learned any words as of late?" Katsu asked.

"A few," Volcan replied, nodding and smiling proudly, "Little guy is absolutely brilliant; he learns so fast. He can almost speak in coherent sentences now and has even started speaking some of our crew's names."

"Heh. Smart kid," Minato remarked with a smirk and a nod, "Sounds like you're doing well by him, Volcan."

Volcan nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face. "I'm certainly trying. I promised him I'd do my best with him, after that... Encounter with my father," he added sourly.

"Hey now," Tristan spoke up, "No need to go back to that right now."

"Tristan is right," Katsu added, "Your relationship with your father does not define who you are. You are a great man, an excellent leader, and you are proving to be the father young Ignus both needs and deserves."

"A-fuckin'-men to that." Hank chimed in.

Volcan smiled at his friends, and gave a grateful nod, "Thanks, guys," he said. "Now... Shall we get to this party, then?"

"Thought you'd never ask," Minato remarked, handing Volcan a cup of one of the drinks they had brought over.

Volcan accepted the glass from Minato, and Hank put on some music for them as the party began, celebrating Volcan's last night as a bachelor, and the bright future that awaited him come tomorrow...

When the morning came, Volcan had thought the party and a good night's sleep would help him relax. But it was just the opposite, for as the time of the wedding approached, he was anything but relaxed. From his house, he could see the square - see all the Pokémon gathering there, and it was making his nerves tingle, the gravity of making his vows in front of so many people finally catching up with him.

The Blaziken found he could not stop pacing. He was dressed in his wedding attire, with a sleeveless black vest and a white long sleeve worn underneath. He flexed the hand that would carry his marriage band when the ceremony was over.

Minato, who had stayed after the party to help Volcan prepare, watched his pacing friend. Lashanne and Caulin stood with him, the two having come to join him that morning, and could only stare as Volcan passed.

"And I thought I was nervous the night you confessed to me," Lashanne remarked to Minato, "If he were any more tense, we could use him as a guitar string."

"I have to admit, even on my wedding night, I wasn't this nervous about it the day it happened," the Lucario remarked, casting a sidelong glance at Lashanne, "The party we had was supposed to help him relax for today... Maybe I should have let Katsumoto slip in some of that sake he kept talking about last night..."

"Maybe," she agreed, and cast a glance at Caulin, who stared silently at his uncle. With a sigh, Lashanne stepped forward, taking matters into her own paws.

The Delphox took a deep breath, and then shouted her captain's name. "Volcan!"

"GAH!" Volcan nearly jumped into the ceiling from the Delphox's sudden outburst and whirled to face her. "Don't do that!"

"You need to calm down," she said, paws on her hips and looking him square in the eye, "You're overthinking this."

"Easy for you to say," Volcan returned, now wringing his hands instead of pacing.

Minato then stepped in, walking over and grasping Volcan's wrists firmly in his paws. "Look at me," he firmly commanded, staring sternly into Volcan's eyes. "Stop thinking about the wedding for a moment and relax. Take deep breaths and calm down. Worrying will only make things worse."

Volcan, seeing how serious Minato was, tried to do as he said. He forced his mind to think about something else, focusing instead on the next time he wanted to take the boat out, and the calmness of the sea. When that thought solidly placed in the fore of his mind, he took a deep breath as Minato instructed, holding it, and letting it out slowly.

After that, he felt calmer, and opened his eyes. "S-Sorry," he said, sheepishly.

"Look... I get it," Minato stated after Volcan relaxed. "I was nervous too when I had my wedding with Linda. It's a nerve-wracking feeling, but that only means the payoff will be that much sweeter when you face it and overcome it." He explained. "Besides, you two have been waiting for this day for ages now. You'd be breaking Luke's heart if you got cold feet today."

"I wouldn't back out of this for anything," Volcan said firmly, "but right now I'm just trying not to pass out... All those people out there, every one of them witness to the vows I will be making. If I falter even for a moment, I will never live it down."

"I say again, you're overthinking it," said Lashanne, "This whole wedding thing might be over my head - we have no such ceremony where I'm from, but those people are here to be there, to help you welcome the start of something new. Something better." She rested her paw on Volcan's shoulder. "A better future for both of you."

Volcan looked at her curiously. "For someone who's never seen a wedding, that sounded pretty well informed."

"You know I read a lot," she said, "Books are good for something you know."

As though in emphasis, she looked back at Caulin, like she expected the Riolu to agree with her. He looked between her and Volcan a few times, then got the message and perked up before speaking.

"O-Oh! Right," he stammered before clearing his throat, "Yea, what Mom said. Just don't think about the what ifs and focus on the fact that you're finally getting what you wanted." He offered with a confident grin.

Volcan cast a scathing look at Lashanne for putting Caulin on the spot, but he sighed and found he agreed with what the Riolu had said. "Okay..." He sucked in another breath, steadying himself again. "Enough of this worry, then... It's time to take the first step."

"That's the way," said Lashanne, "now get out there. He's waiting for you."

Volcan nodded, and with an encouraging push from Minato, he stepped out of the house and started making his way down to the town square, with his friends following close behind as they headed for the site of the wedding. The ceremony was about to begin...

Many had come to see the wedding, and Luke was greeting several of the guests before the start of the ceremony. Nearly everyone he had invited had come; Sickle and his team were there, as well as Neilla and her team - all except for Sarth, though the Flygon had been well enough to send a card congratulating him and Volcan on their union.

Unfortunately, Lady Cinnia had not been able to attend, much to Luke's disappointment. She had sent a letter well in advance informing him that she would be unable to reach Azure in time, tending to matters that couldn't wait, but she wished him the best for his special day, and sent a present that he would have to open later.

Among other guests were Luke's family, along with Volcan's, and even Victor and Claire had been invited to witness their union on this day, though they had to leave behind Bellator as they didn't want him to intimidate the rest of the guests with his imposing demeanour.

The young Lucario gently shifted back and forth where he stood, trying to hide his own anxiety. He was excited and nervous all at the same time. Like with Volcan, he too was dressed in a smart-looking tuxedo that he purchased at the behest of his mother. She was insistent that he looked his absolute best for their wedding and despite his usual modest statements saying otherwise she would not take no for an answer. He took a moment to look at all the guests that showed up today, a bright smile present on his face for a moment before it disappeared shortly after.

But despite the show he was putting on for the guests to look brave and happy, his mind was reeling. 'The hell's taking him so long?' Luke thought to himself, turning his gaze out toward the center aisle where his beloved Volcan was supposed to be approaching from. 'Oh please, Arceus, don't tell me he got cold feet at the last moment... We've been waiting far too long for this day for you to back out now, love.'

Almost as if his thoughts were a cue, he heard the organ music beginning. Everyone in the aisle seats straightened up as they heard it start up, and Luke similarly tensed when it began. He looked to his brother beside him, who was filling in as his best man for the ceremony. For Volcan, it was Minato, who stepped out into view with the Blaziken as he appeared. Luke had never seen his soon-to-be-husband looking so regal, with his clothes and neatly groomed features. Nor had he ever seen him so tense - he was clearly trying not to let his nervousness show and failing just by his body language, with his rather slow shaky walk as they approached.

But as Volcan got closer, he seemed to gain more courage and his walk became steadier. Luke, on the other hand, felt his tension rising as Volcan came closer. He nearly jumped when he heard Ignus let out a yip from one of the aisles, excited by the sight of his other father. He was in the care of Degra, who gently shushed him to calm the Rockruff as Volcan approached the altar.

Luke couldn't help but chuckle softly at his own reaction to Ignus' excited bark, sneaking a glance over to their son and giving him a slight nod before turning his gaze back to Volcan and giving him a good once over before he began to blush softly. He wanted to tell him how handsome he looked, but he decided against it. It would be rather improper for them to speak out of line during the proceedings anyway, and he wanted to ensure this would be their most treasured day ever.

Minato went to take his place as Volcan approached, and Lashanne went to seat herself with the rest of Team Phalanx and Caulin standing beside her, bearing the rings for the two soon-to-be-weds. Finally, Volcan arrived at the altar, and turned to face Luke, blushing darkly.

"I... Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," he said in a low voice.

"It's okay," Luke whispered back. "Just glad you made it... Otherwise I'd be on the warpath for your ass," he added with a small snicker.

"I wouldn't blame you," he returned, chuckling, "Just some last-minute jitters."

Luke gave a nod back in understanding, then his ear flicked as he heard the pastor coming to the altar and quickly straightened his tux out before he and Volcan turned to face him. The pastor was none other than Azure's own mayor, a Slowking who most of the time preferred to blend in with the rest of the populace, as there were only a few instances where a mayor was needed in a small town like Azure. But when it was, this Slowking had been the one to fill the role for the town for a long time.

The music stopped then as the pastor began the ceremony, reciting from the book the traditional words spoken at marriage. The others remained quiet, listening in and watching the two undergo the first steps of cementing their union. From among those gathered, there was a sniffle, and those who heard it were surprised to hear it had come from Lighris. Upon seeing that he had been spotted, Lighris lifted his head, trying to maintain his 'tough guy' composure.

Soon the opening passage was over, and the mayor called upon the ring bearer to approach the altar to present the wedding bands to Luke and Volcan. With a quick nudge from his grandfather, Caulin left his spot beside Lashanne and trotted up to the altar with a cushion in his paws that held the rings. As the newlyweds took each ring into their hands the mayor spoke up once more.

"If there are any among us today that feel these two should not be united under any circumstances, speak now or forever hold your peace," he stated firmly. When no one spoke up after a few seconds of silence, the mayor addressed Luke and Volcan next. "Captains Luke and Volcan. You may now speak your vows to one another."

Luke nodded and decided to go first, gently taking Volcan's right hand in his left paw before he spoke. "...Volcan... it's almost hard to believe that this day has finally come, but it's a day I've been most looking forward to since I first proposed to you all those months ago. With the aid of mutual friends, we were both able to open our hearts to one another, and after enduring the harsh environment of the Western Continent it was crystal clear that we were meant for each other."

He then began to slide his ring onto Volcan's finger. "With this ring, I devote the entirety of my being to you, Volcan. Through sickness and in health, I swear that I will never leave your side... 'till death do us part..." He concluded, fighting back tears of joy as he finished speaking his vows.

Volcan watched Luke slide the ring onto his finger, smiling all the while despite his own nervousness. Then, he reached for Luke's ring and began his own vows. "It has been a long time coming, Luke. We've endured so much together, ever since you found me, wounded and on the brink of death on the beach. You've been everything to me and more, and now here we stand, making our new bond eternal."

He took Luke's paw in his hand, and slowly fitted the ring over one of the digits of his paw. "With this ring, I vow to stand by you through sickness and health, to never leave your side and remain faithful only to you, until death do us part," he spoke clearly and with certainty, even as a tear of his own slid from his eye.

With their vows spoken, the mayor began the final part of the procession. He turned toward Volcan first and spoke to the Blaziken. "Very well then... Volcan of Team Phalanx. Do you take Luke here to be your lawfully wedded husband for the rest of your life?" He asked.

"I do," replied Volcan.

The mayor then turned to Luke. "And do you, Luke of Team Valiant, take Volcan here to be your lawfully wedded-"

"Yes, I do." Luke answered without a moment's hesitation, cutting the mayor off mid-sentence. His tail swayed behind him quickly as his heart beat a mile a minute in anticipation.

The mayor paused for a moment before clearing his throat and closing the book he held in his hands. "Then, by the power vested in me, as Mayor of Port Azure, I now pronounce you two eternally mated." He said with a broad smile, stepping back from the newlyweds. "You may now kiss."

Luke was already jumping at the opportunity, tears of joy freely running down his cheeks as he leapt into Volcan's arms and kissed him with intense passion, overflowing with sheer joy now that they were properly married. Volcan picked him up to kiss him more deeply, hugging him tightly as their friends and family applauded, the union complete.

"Congratulations, guys!" Neilla called.

"WOOO!! I am SO glad I bore witness to this event!" Hank hollered, laughing and raising his claws triumphantly.

With the sound of the applause accompanying them, Volcan and Luke walked together back up the aisle, hand and paw together as they waved to the attendees. From the audience, Luke caught an approving nod from Sickle, who was wearing a genuine smile as he saw how happy Luke was, even though he knew he could have been the one there instead of Volcan at one time. The Sceptile lost his smile when Kaen sprang up beside him, bellowing congratulations so loudly that Sickle had to lean away from him.

Luke couldn't help but laugh at the sight. As they reached the end of the aisle, the two found their families waiting for them, with Mikhail being the first to step up to Volcan, wearing a gleeful smile on his face as he welcomed his new brother-in-law with a tight hug.

"Welcome to our family, Volcan~" Mikhail said, patting Volcan's back a few times before pulling back and releasing him, lifting his spectacles up to wipe his eyes as tears started to well up under them.

"Thank you, Mikhail," Volcan replied, "I've been looking forward to this day for so long it feels like a lifetime."

"We both have been," Luke said with a beaming smile. "Our dream has finally become a reality... We have a new home, we have a son, and now we're finally married... This is the happiest day of my life~!"

"Mine too!" Volcan chimed in, hugging the Lucario he had married tightly. Luke smiled and hugged Volcan just as tightly, burying his face into his chest and letting out a shaky, yet content sigh.

"I'd say this is a happy day fer all of us." Rigel piped up, walking over and giving both Luke and Volcan a hearty slap on the back each. "But the party's only just beginning, and I say we party like there's no tomorrow!"

"Took the words right out of my mouth!" Tristan boomed. "Let's do this!"

Celebrations for the wedding were taken back to the front yard of Volcan and Luke's house. Everybody had gathered there, with a meal spread across a long table provided by the local bakery and several restaurants who had all catered to them, including the wedding cake, made by none other than Degra herself.

Volcan and Luke watched proudly as everyone socialized, with several of their friends meeting for the first time. Such as Sickle, meeting Neilla's team; he had met Neilla before when Sickle had accompanied the team to Hadleigh, but it was the first time he'd had the opportunity to meet Azrael, Aerendyl and Breenelle - likewise for Neilla to meet Blaster, Howler and Kaen. Expectedly, Kaen made a move on the Lopunny, saying some flirtatious pickup line they couldn't hear.

They definitely saw Kaen backing away when the Lopunny gave him a scathing look. "Who knew a Lopunny could give such a death glare?" The Charmeleon asked, hiding behind Sickle.

"You really need to be put on a leash, Kaen," Sickle said, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry shortie, you are really not my type," Neilla said, shaking her head.

"Well, what is your type, then?" Kaen asked her.

"Someone who could at least square off with me is a start," she said, "I always could use a good sparring partner."

"I could totally do that!" Kaen argued.

"No, you couldn't!" Someone shouted from the group.

The Charmeleon whirled, looking for the source of the voice. "Who said that?!" He demanded indignantly.

It was Volcan who had shouted but made sure Kaen didn't see him or his grin as he kept walking with Luke. "He could not take Neilla," he said to Luke.

"Not to sell him short, but... No. He could not," Luke added with a grin of his own, covering his mouth and snickering to himself.

"Oh boys?" They heard a voice coming up beside them, and turned to see Degra, still carrying Ignus, who at the sight of his fathers was scrambling to get out of her arms. "Sorry, but I think he wants his daddies," she said, letting Ignus go so that he could jump into the arms of Luke, who was closest.

Luke smiled and caught Ignus as he leapt at him, quickly lifting him up and kissing Ignus' cheek over and over. "Then he'll get his daddies." He said warmly, then started laughing as Ignus started licking Luke's cheek over and over.

"Hey there, little guy," Volcan said, leaning in to pet Ignus and let him give his share of kisses to the Blaziken as well. "Did you enjoy the ceremony?"

Ignus barked a few times in response, then shook himself a little before he started forming words to speak. "D...Daddy... happy!" He managed to speak, his tail wagging frantically behind him.

"Yes, daddy is very happy," Volcan confirmed, smiling at Ignus, "the happiest he has ever been."

Ignus wasn't sure why Volcan was so happy, nor did he understand the special event that took place to make him so happy. Nevertheless, Ignus was just happy that his parents were happy, and continued to lick them both over and over, wanting to share in that happiness. Volcan picked Ignus from Luke's grasp to hold the Rockruff himself, hugging him lovingly and letting Ignus give all the kisses he wanted, bringing a trilling sound from the Blaziken's throat.

"Not often do I hear that sound from him," Degra remarked with a snicker, and then turned her attention to Luke. "Well. Today is the day then," she said, "I finally get to refer to you as my son too. I'm proud to have you as part of our family, Luke."

"That makes two of us," another voice chimed in, and Luke turned to see Lighris coming over to stand beside him. "I got three new brothers today."

Both Luke and Mikhail smiled back at Lighris, though when Luke was about to speak up and offer his thanks, Rigel stepped forward instead, looking at Lighris intently for a few moments before he eventually lifted his paw to the Zapdos.

"No hard feelings, eh?" He asked.

"Eh, what's a scrap between bros?" Lighris asked, balancing on one foot and lifting the other to grasp Rigel's paw. "I could've beat you though," he added with a smirk.

"Lighris," Degra said, casting a wary look at her son.

"Just having a bit of fun, mum," the Zapdos replied.

"Oh, is that what you think eh?" Rigel replied, his expression turning into a broad grin as his paw tightened around Lighris' talon. "Think you can say the same thing once I clip your wings?"

"Rigel," Luminara remarked, casting a disapproving look at her eldest.

"What? I could totally take him on." He retorted back.

"Not the point, boys," Degra piped up, crossing her arms. "This is a day of celebration, and I won't have either of you spoiling it for your brothers. Is that understood?" She gave the same scathing tone to Rigel and her own son, letting them know she was dead serious.

Rigel gulped nervously, never imagining another woman out there could stare him down like his own mother. "Y-Yes ma'am." He stammered, then looked at Lighris quickly. "...Another time."

"Another time," he agreed.

"Attention everyone; it is time to cut the cake!" Volcan called, coming to the rescue by changing the subject, and diverting attention to the main table. "Generously provided by the culinary mastery of my own mother," he gestured to Degra, "and I think my new husband deserves the honour of cutting the first piece."

"Why, I would be delighted," Luke remarked, walking with everyone else toward the main table where the cake stood. He took a moment to admire the culinary dessert before him, licking his lips a bit before he grabbed the large cake knife in his paws. "This looks utterly amazing, Degra. I can't wait to sink my teeth into this masterpiece."

Beneath the gourmet buttercream icing waited a red velvet cake, its aroma filling Luke's nostrils as he cut into it, and Volcan brought over a plate for him to put the first slice on. He gently put the first slice onto the plate, then passed it over to the closest individual to him; in this case, Sickle. He continued to cut the cake and pass it out to other attendees, leaving the last two slices for himself and Volcan to share.

Luke then gently took a bit of his cake on his fork and offered it to his now husband, blushing and swishing his tail quickly behind him. Volcan accepted the bite of cake, repeating the gesture to Luke and offering him a piece from his. He bit into it happily, then grinned as he took a handful of his own cake and held it up to Volcan's beak, practically stuffing it into his beak and earning a few laughs from others that had noticed Luke's innocent antics.

Ignus barked at their heels, and Volcan knelt down to offer him a piece from his cake, which the Rockruff ate happily, getting a bit of icing on his nose in the process, but he didn't seem to either notice or care as he wolfed down the piece of cake.

Soon the cake was gone, and most of the spread with it, and the leftovers were distributed to everyone who wanted to take something home. Katsumoto was among the guests that decided to take some of the leftover cake back home, however, he would gently scoop his beloved Vaporeon up in one arm and hold her against him while offering her the slice he had just taken, blushing and smiling warmly down at his fair maiden.

Serena accepted the cake from him, smiling. "Shall we share it when we get home?" She suggested.

"We shall." The large Samurott concurred, lightly rubbing his nose along with hers as he carried her off. "Congratulations to the both of you." He called back to Luke and Volcan as he made his departure.

"Thank you for attending!" Luke called back, waving the two of them off as they departed.

"Next time will probably be us attending theirs," Volcan whispered to Luke, grinning.

"I don't think they'll be the only ones," Luke whispered back, nudging Volcan with his hip and gesturing for him to look over at Minato and Lashanne sharing a slice of cake, practically glued at the hips as they fed each other a morsel and rubbed noses afterward.

Again, Volcan snickered. "True enough," he said, and then looked down to see Ignus sleeping by his feet, curled up on the ground. "Looks like the little fella got tuckered out, too," he said as he knelt down, and very carefully scooped the Rockruff up in his arms, not wanting to wake him.

"Think it's time we retired ourselves?" Luke asked, lightly scratching the sleeping Rockruff's head.

"With pleasure," said Volcan, "it's been a day I'll never forget, but I'm ready to sleep until the morrow."

Luke nodded in agreement. "I think we can allow ourselves to sleep in a little bit. Arceus above knows we've earned that much at least," He offered, gently leaning against Volcan.

"I'll never argue against sleeping in~" Volcan cooed as he put one arm around Luke, keeping Ignus cradled with his other as they walked back to the house.

"I know you won't," Luke replied knowingly, then said "...Lazybones."

"Knew that was coming," Volcan commented with a shake of his head.

They arrived home just as the moon was starting to rise, silently entering their house and locking up once they were home. Volcan wasted no time in quietly setting Ignus down in his room while Luke headed to their room and waited for the Blaziken to finish tucking in their son.

When Volcan eventually entered their room, he was greeted with Luke partially out of his own suit, laying on his side and grinning at the Blaziken while swinging his tie a few times before tossing it to the side. He looked at Volcan with bedroom eyes and beckoned him to approach after tossing away his tie. Volcan shed his own wedding suit, hanging it on a hook on the back of the door before approaching the bed, and sliding in beside the Lucario.

"Alone at last," said the Blaziken, reaching over to cup Luke's cheek with his hand.

"Alone and waiting~" Luke added, leaning into Volcan's hand and smiling warmly back at him. "As fun as that wedding was... I was looking forward to this moment most of all," he said, starting to blush heavily, "the moment where you and I finally consummate as husbands..."

"Then this time, I better put on my best performance," said Volcan, leaning in closer and moving both his hands to Luke's shoulders, gently laying him down and looming over him, "to make this day truly complete~"

Luke couldn't help but giggle under Volcan, slowly lifting his paws up and unbuttoning the rest of his undershirt to expose his bare torso underneath. "...Come and get me, you absolute stud," Luke whispered huskily.

Certainly needing no further encouragement, the Blaziken kissed the Lucario passionately, pressing in tight to his lover - now husband, to share a night to affirm their love once and for all...

The following morning, Luke awoke to a sound coming from the front door. At first, in his half-awake state, he thought he had imagined it, until he heard it again; the unmistakable sound of something, or someone, tapping on the door. Volcan, not having the same sensitive hearing as him, continued to sleep soundly, his head settled on the pillow with one arm around the Lucario.

Luke sighed and looked back at Volcan sleeping peacefully, smiling at first, but losing it as he gently lifted Volcan's arm up and off of him, sliding off the bed as quietly as he could to allow his husband to continue sleeping. He yawned after exiting his bedroom, his ear twitching as a third set of knocks appeared at his door.

"Hang on, hang on, I'm coming." He remarked groggily, unlatching the lock and pulling the door open. "What's the big idea, knocking so early in-"

The ones standing outside caused his other words to die in his throat, for they were a sight to behold. At the bottom of the short stairs leading up to the door stood two wolf-like Pokémon, but they were not Lycanroc or any similar Pokémon, for both were many times larger. Even down on all fours, they stood nearly eye level with Luke, and seemed almost dressed for war.

On the left, the first of the two wolves was mostly light blue in color, with two golden adornments arching above their back like a pair of wings. They wore a three-pointed, golden helmet upon their head that also covered their ears, and a pair of long, pink braids trailed like ribbons along their sides, defying gravity as they flowed on an unseen wind. On their back, resting between the two golden protrusions, Luke could see the handle of a sword peeking over the wolf's shoulder.

The other, slightly larger in bulk than the first, was largely concealed behind a metal-clad face, wearing what Luke could only have described as a shield on themselves. The segmented shield was folded back and allowed the wolf to have a range of movement, with two long blue plumes arching over the hump of their back like two additional tails, trailing along the length of their body. Unlike the sleeker one bearing the sword, this one also had highlights of red Luke could see along the top of their legs.

But probably the most intimidating characteristic about the two he could see immediately was their eyes. Their eyes were identical and were... Unsettling to behold. They were red, darker than Luke's own eyes, and with inner rings of yellow around their pupils. But he could also sense their auras; without even tuning to his Aura Sense, he could feel power radiating from both wolves...

The one bearing the shield spoke first, in a strong, fairly deep voice. He spoke cordially to the Lucario, with a tone of deep respect. "My apologies for disturbing you so early," he began, "but we have travelled far to find you, Captain Luke."

"U-Uhm..." Luke stammered, looking between the two wolves with a mixture of shock and confusion. "I'm... sorry, but I don't think we've met before. How do you know who I am?" He asked in a wary tone.

"We come on behalf of King Calyrex," the large wolf replied, "We are the Royal Knights of Calygrad, sworn servants of his majesty. I am Ser Zamazenta of the Dauntless Shield."

"And I am Ser Zacian of the Intrepid Sword," The other wolf stated, sounding more feminine than the other, "We have been sent by His Majesty, King Calyrex, to aid you in your quest to stop the Dark Crusade."

Luke's ears stiffened upright after hearing that, looking between the two of them quickly before he glanced over his shoulder. "...I think this is something my husband should hear about as well," he said to the two of them, "Could you give me a few moments, please?" He asked.

"Most certainly," Zamazenta replied, and lowered himself to a seated position. "Take as long as you require."

"Thank you," Luke said, then quickly shut the door and trotted back to his room to wake Volcan up.

"...That's the Lucario we were sent to assist?" Zacian asked while they waited for Luke to return. "I was told that he was an early riser, yet he seems exhausted and disheveled."

"We all have such days, sister," Zamazenta reminded. "Also, by the grounds outside this house as we approached, I think there was some kind of celebration here last night. Perhaps his exhaustion is related to that."

"Perhaps," Zacian returned.

Luke soon returned to the front door with a tired Blaziken behind him, gently pulling him outside to meet with the large wolves standing in front of their house. "They say they've been sent by King Calyrex to help us fight Calhoun... Figured you'd want to be included in this conversation."

Volcan rubbed his eyes and took the two in, their appearances helping chase the sleep from his mind as he looked between them. "Um... Wow," he said, "and I thought those Corviknights looked imposing."

"They pale in comparison when it comes to our presence," Zacian stated with pride. "Alas, we don't exactly have time to waste. We should attend to business posthaste."

"What business did he send you to help with?" Volcan asked, "Luke said you're here to help us fight Calhoun. But, we don't know where he is; we can't take the fight to him yet."

"There was mention of something called a Nexus," Zamazenta answered, "we are tasked to help you locate one of them, and destroy it."

Luke's brow furrowed slightly at the mention of the nexus. "I see..." Luke answered. "Well, in any case, we could use all the help we can get. As of right now though, we only have a speculation as to where the Eastern Nexus might be, but we don't have its exact location." He informed the two wolves. "I could gather up one of my teammates to see if he could fill you in on what he knows so far, but beyond that, we don't have many other leads to follow."

"That would be a start," said Zamazenta, nodding.

"I'll call him then," Luke said, going back inside to grab his radio.

Zamazenta turned his attention to Volcan then. "I assume then that you are Captain Volcan of Team Phalanx?" He asked.

"That's correct," Volcan replied, "King Calyrex mentioned me?"

"He did," Zamazenta confirmed. "It is a pleasure to - oh?" He stopped mid-word, as a small figure appeared from behind Volcan, stepping out to look at the two.

Ignus, awoken by the sound of voices, had been quick to detect the smell of the pair outside the house door, and grow curious to who was meeting his parents. The young Rockruff slowly approached the two larger wolves, looking at each of them warily as he sniffed them. Then his usual peppy demeanour returned when he realized they weren't a threat and he began barking and running around them both, stopping and lowering his head down and wagging his tail quickly, signifying that he wanted to play.

"And who is this young boy?" Zacian asked, arching an eyebrow as she stared inquisitively at Ignus.

"That would be Ignus," replied Volcan, smiling as he watched Ignus running around the knights. "He's our son."

The two wolves glanced at each other, and Zamazenta glanced at Ignus again, considering him before looking at Volcan again. "Fosters?" He asked.

"Correct," replied Volcan, "but we love Ignus as if he were our very blood."

Ignus started jumping back and forth, still looking to play with the two strange wolves. Luke then stepped back outside at that moment. "I've just informed my colleague about what's happening. He'll be here shortly," he said to Zacian and Zamazenta. He looked down and saw Ignus trying to get them to play with him and smiled. "I see you've met our son."

"Yes. He's certainly full of energy, this one," Zacian commented.

"You ought to meet Volcan's friend's son. That boy literally jumps off walls at any given chance," Luke remarked with a chuckle.

Zamazenta seated himself, and decided to indulge the Rockruff, using his paw for Ignus to chase, jerking it side to side and letting him try to catch it. The Rockruff barked happily and began chasing the larger wolf's paw, trying to leap onto it when he jerked it away.

Zacian smiled a little as she watched her brother play with the young pup, but that smile quickly faded when she felt a presence behind her, one that was alarmingly close too. Without a word, she suddenly turned and grabbed at her sword from her back, swinging her mighty blade and stopping just inches from her would-be attacker's neck.

The Greninja didn't so much as blink when that large blade came mere inches from beheading him, staring right back at Zacian with a cold, calculating demeanour.

"...That's one way to introduce yourself," Kage remarked stoically.

Ignus yelped and retreated behind his fathers when Zacian took her swing, whining and laying down low in fright at the sudden change of atmosphere. Luke gently reached down and lightly petted Ignus' head to reassure him everything was okay before shooting Kage a scathing look.

"What have I told you about sneaking up on others like that?" He demanded. "It's bad enough you give me heart attacks with your antics, and now you've scared my son half to death."

"Her fault for jumping to the conclusion that I had hostile intentions," The Greninja plainly replied.

"Seriously, Kage, it would not kill you to announce yourself," Volcan scolded, before gesturing to Zacian's sword as she returned it to her back, "especially since not doing so almost did!"

Kage said nothing more on the matter, merely glancing at Zacian as she put her sword away, then looked at Luke and Volcan. "I assume they're the reason why I was called over," he said, getting to the point.

Volcan let out a groan but decided to answer. "Yes. They've been sent here from Calygrad, to help us find and destroy the East Nexus. We mentioned to them that you are our only real tie to its location," he grimaced before he continued, "Kage does not know precisely where it is, but he does know about the ones watching over it and where they might be found."

"Whatever information he has will bring us one step closer to finding this Nexus and destroying it for good," Zacian remarked as she turned to Kage, "Speak. Where is its location?"

"In the Aporagorev Boglands," Kage stated, still staying as stoic as always, "It is under the watchful eye of a group of Greninja known as the Kaeru Assassins."

"...The Kaeru. We have faced them before," Zacian remarked, turning to her brother. "A group of mercenaries that performed the most cruel and bloodthirsty tasks all for their twisted idea of a perfect utopia, if I am not mistaken."

"So now our next step is to locate them," said Volcan, "a friend of ours has been helping us research the subject, finding out all he can about the Boglands, and the Assassins themselves. Unfortunately, both are subjects of a lot of mystery, and very little knowledge. A Professor was attempting to track them down hundreds of years ago, but his records ended before he could pinpoint a location."

"Unfortunate," said Zamazenta. "I have heard of this 'Aporagorev' before; the very word itself means 'Forbidden Place'. An inhospitable, untamable region of the Eastern Continent, declared off limits by the Guilds."

"Perfect place to hide the Nexus," Volcan remarked.

"Exactly," Luke added with a nod, "which is why we plan to explore that region of the Eastern Continent, but before we do, we need more information and a better layout of the land, or else we'd just be putting ourselves needlessly at risk... From what you told me, the Boglands are pretty much a deathtrap for anyone that sets foot in there, correct?" He asked Kage.

"That's putting it mildly," The Greninja confirmed. "Without proper survival gear and a familiarity of the land, you'll only succeed in sending yourselves to an early grave... Legendary Pokémon or not," he added, glancing to the wolves in particular.

"We have faced far worse, I can assure you." Zacian boasted.

"You have not faced what the Boglands have in store for you, let alone the Kaeru Assassins," Kage shot back, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

"And how would you know that?" Zacian asked in a challenging tone.

"Because I was once a part of their order," Kage answered, which made Zacian's fur stand on end and her eyes widen at the realization that she was looking at a former Kaeru Assassin. "I abandoned their order over twenty years ago to seek a new beginning with my now wife and my son. Where once I fought against the Guilds, I now serve them."

Zacian's surprise turned into a cold stare as she looked at Kage intently. "No doubt to try and wipe your ledger from all of that innocent blood you once spilled," she retorted spitefully.

"Sister," Zamazenta spoke up, turning to look at her, "We were sent to aid them, not to pass judgment upon them. The King spoke highly of these Captains; if they choose to trust this Greninja, we must be willing to abide as well if we are to work with them."

"If you recall, the last time a Kaeru Assassin tried to convince us he had changed his ways, he nearly stabbed you in the back," Zacian shot back, "What is to say he won't do the same thing to us when the opportunity arises?"

"If I wanted you two dead, you would already be a bloody mess at my feet," Kage remarked. "Take that into consideration before you start throwing accusations..."

"Enough!" Luke shouted suddenly, stepping between the Royal Knights and Kage, looking at his teammate first, "You're out of line, Kage. Control your tongue or I'll tie it for you," he said firmly, then turned to Zacian, "As for you. I'd appreciate it if you'd tone down your cynicism. Kage is my second in command, and I trust him with my life. He's never let us down before, so I suggest you give him the benefit of the doubt if you can't fully come to trust him."

"I have my own thoughts about Kage," Volcan said, crossing his arms, "but he's yet to prove himself anything but trustworthy in the time I've known him. If you want us to accept your help as your king wishes, then I share my husband's sentiment."

The sword wolf let out a scoff, but ultimately surrendered and gave them each a nod. "Very well then. I will take your word for it." She relented.

"Good," said Volcan. "Now... I think it's time we check in with a friend of ours."

Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 2: Research (Pt 1)

While Volcan went to retrieve Aerendyl from the Inn, Luke took Ignus next door to Minato's house where he could play with Caulin while his parents were busy, and then brought the knights inside to offer some tea until Volcan returned. A short while...

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