A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter One)

A pokeball...? she was encased in it, and for a few seconds she was distracted by memories of georgia. after that moment of distraction, she broke her way free of the pokeball. she hissed and continued to walk on. "a wild espeon, huh?

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Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 6

She saw the two pokeballs axel and junior were holding and she raised her eyebrow in question. "might i ask, but are those pokeballs from professor sycamore?" "y-yes. he intrusted us to give these to the two trainers coming to pick them up."

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A Rare Sight Ch.10 Pt. 1- Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

"you put ruby's pokeball in there and when you release her again a giant explosion will happen depending on the type of sticker that you put on the ball." "huh, cool," i said while putting ruby's pokeball in the shaded cover.

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Pokemon Kanto League chapter 1

She watched it as a pokeball appears and she grabs it "so what is it?"

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A Dream Realized 2

A few seconds later the professor straightened and held up a pokeball belt with 5 pokeballs already on it and a pokedex.

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Rebirth ch30

He said as he pulled off another pokeball, except this one was a quick ball that he quickly threw at the gallade, intent to capture the thing with that special pokeball.

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 6

Not this time." answered calem and took my pokeball from his belt and throw it. "argon! let's go!"


Watcher of ArceusChapter 2

To help speed up the trip back to the manor, thomas had called everyone, but radara back to their pokeball.

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A Rare Sight Ch.3-Walking Around in a Big Circle

We finally got everything ready, so i put zigzagoon back in his pokeball and started to head off.

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Pokemon Journey to another world ch3

"unfortunately i don't know where there are any starters but what i can do is give you a pokeball and maybe you will get lucky." with that i reached into my pouch and pulled out a pokeball and handed it to him.

The Kanto Challenge: Chapter 2

Luna pulled out the same pokeball from earlier and a red beam shot out of the front of it, and then her raichu was gone. she pulled the pokeball close and said to it, "you did good gamma.

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The Kanto Adventures - The Journey Begins

On the strap of the backpack was one pokeball, a pokeball that ichibu reached for. "c'mon out bones!" he called out as the pokeball enlarged itself and released a small brown dinosaur looking pokemon that stood on two legs.

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