A Dream Realized 2
#2 of A Dream Realized
The week after John got his egg, John was in the pasture feeding the pokemon his father kept on the ranch. He had been up since 5 and had spent at least 6 hours outside. He was just emptying out the last bag of food for the pokemon when he glanced up at the house, just in time to see a flash of light in his room. He frowned slightly before realizing what it could mean and without a second thought dropped the bag in his hand and dashed for the house. When he burst through the door, he mad his mother jump and she stared at him as he rushed through the room and up the stairs. It only took a few seconds to get through the door and to his room and when he opened the door he found the egg's container shattered on the floor with the pokeball that had been attached to the top nowhere to be found.
Thinking the worst of the situation, John dropped to his knees, just staring at the container. A second later his mother appeared behind him and glanced into the room. "What's the matter?" John just shook his head. "The egg and pokeball are gone. Someone..." He suddenly stopped mid sentece when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to find a pokemon huddled in a corner in the back of his room, shaking. John slowly stood and moved closer, soon realizing the pokemon was a Riolu and he kneeled down again a few feet from it. "Hey... Did you hatch from the egg?" Not really expecting an answer, he was surprised when the Riolu stopped shaking a bit and slowly nodded.
John lowered himself to sit on the floor and held out a hand to the Riolu. "I'm glad to finally meet you, my name's John." The Riolu slowly stepped toward John and sniffed his hand before slowly smiling and leaping into his chest. John laughed and managed to catch the pokemon before it fell. "Easy there." After a second he started scanning the floor. "If you are here than where is the pokeball?" The Riolu leaned back and tapped his arm before pointing behind the door into his room. Swinging the door away from the wall he found the pokeball and slipped it into his pocket. "I guess now that I have my first pokemon I should head to the Professor's and get registered as a trainer." His mother stepped out of the doorway, smiling slightly. "Don't be in too much of a hurry to leave. You're father won't admit it but he will miss you once you're gone, we both will." John laughed and stood up fully, setting the Riolu on his shoulder. "Didn't say I was gonna leave also. I still need to find out if Rose has had her egg hatch yet." Stepping out of his room, John closed the door and walked to the kitchen. At the moment all he had was the basic pokemon food and settled for pulling out a handful and handing a piece up for the Riolu to eat. "I don't think dad would appreciate me dropping my chores just to leave early anyway."
His mother laughed and nodded, watching both of them. "Well, I may not want you to go but i'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures. And I want you to make me one promise." John turned to face his mother and frowned slightly. "What would that be?" His mom smiled slightly. "Treat your pokemon well. Especially Riolu." John laughed and nodded. "You know I always do and I always will." After a second of silence he looked up before handing the Riolu a second piece of food. "Anyway, i'm gonna head out, the sooner I get to the lab and register, the sooner I can get back and finish up the chores." Turning to the front door, John almost didn't notice when his mom followed him out. At first she was silent but as he started to walk off she spoke. "Mist." Confused, John turned around and looked at his mom. "Mist?" His mother nodded. "I just thought I would throw out a name for your Riolu. If it's a girl, you could name it Mist." John nodded and thought over it for a second. "I will keep it in mind. Thanks." With a smile, he turned around and started toward the lab again. This time it only took him a few minutes to get there and he knocked on the door. For a few minutes there wasn't an answer but as he raised his fist up to pound on the door again he heard footsteps and dropped his hand back to his side.
A second later Professor Rowan opened the door and looked at John. "Oh, it's you John, why are..." He froze when he noticed the Riolu on Johns shoulder and quickly stepped aside. "Come in, come in. I wasn't expecting you to be here with your pokemon at least for another couple of days." John shrugged and reached up to scratch behind the Riolu's ears. "To be honest I wasn't expecting it either. I was out in the pasture when I noticed the flare of light from my room." He followed the Professor back into his lab as he spoke, still smiling up at his Riolu. "Well now that you have your first pokemon I can register you as a trainer." John looked at the Professor when he started speaking, watching as the Professor typed at a computer. A few seconds later the Professor straightened and held up a pokeball belt with 5 pokeballs already on it and a pokedex. Taking both, John slid the pokedex into his left pocket and put the belt on, pulling out his Riolu's ball from his pocket and slipping it into the first slot on the belt.
"I was wondering if you would be able to tell me the gender of my Riolu also. I think my mom thinks it's a girl." Professor Rowan glanced at the Riolu as John spoke and nodded when he finished. "You're mother was right if she did. I'm assuming that asking for the gender means you are going to name her?" John laughed and nodded. 'My mom actually already gave me a name for her. Mist. Though I'm not sure why she chose that name." After a second he just shrugged and smiled. "Thanks again for this. I can't begin to thank you enough for giving me my first pokemon." Professor Rowan laughed and shook his head. "Don't thank me, you had this coming for a long time. Although how you managed to miss getting a starter for so long I will never know. But as it is, I wish you luck on your coming journey." John nodded his thanks before leaving. Once out side he set Mist on the ground. "What do you say to a jog home, Mist? Will be as good a start as any to our training." Mist smiled up at him and nodded before jumping ahead. John laughed and followed, actually having to push himself to keep up with the small pokemon. "Hey, slow down, I'm not that fast." Though he tried several times, John finally gave up on slowing Mist down and just did his best to keep up.
Breathing hard when they reached the house, John slumped against the building and slid to the ground. Mist stepped up beside him, her head tilted to the side slightly and John chuckled. "I guess I am going to have to do some training myself if I am going to keep up with you." Reaching up he rubbed the top of her head. "I wasn't expecting such an energetic pokemon." Mist leaned into his had and her eyes half closed, almost seeming sad when after a couple of minutes he pulled his hand back. Slowly standing back up, John groaned as he rubbed the side of his right leg. "No more running for me." He leaned down and picked up Mist, setting her back on his shoulder. "Lets grab a drink while we are here then head over to Rose's and see if her egg has hatched too, what do ya say?" Mist nodded once and smiled. "Ri." John stepped through the front door and headed to the kitchen, grabbing a large glass and a small glass from a cupboard and filled both with water. After sitting both down on the table, he set Mist beside the smaller glass and sat in a chair, laughing when she stuck her head into the glass and starting lapping at the water, almost exactly the way a dog would. John downed half his glass in one go and leaned back in his chair.
Mist finished off most of the water within a couple of minutes but had put her head too far into the glass and got stuck, causing John to laugh as he helped her get free. Once he finished his own water John stood up and put the glasses in the sink, and turned to face Mist. "Ready to head out again?" Mist nodded and jumped to the floor, following John outside as he started for Rose's house. Along the way John had to stop multiple times as Mist would run off to look at every small thing, curiosity being something John knew well, he allowed her to wander around as long as she stayed close, causing a 4 minute walk to take 30 minutes. When they finally reached Rose's house, John knocked on the door and hooked his thumbs in his pockets. A few seconds later Rose opened the door and she smiled when she saw John. "Hey! I wasn't expecting you to drop by today." John shrugged and looked down at Mist. "I wasn't either until I found Mist had hatched. Once I got her fed and got registered at Professor Rowan's I decided to drop by and see if your egg had hatched also." Rose just smiled and stepped back as she looked at Mist, opening the door wider. "My egg actually hatched two days ago. Come on in and I can introduce you."
Picking Mist up, John followed Rose into her house and into a room in the back of the house. The room was bare except for a small pile of blankets and a couple of bowls. John scanned the room but couldn't find the pokemon until he noticed that the blankets were moving slightly. "What did your egg hatch into?" Rose grinned and stepped into the room and kneeled by the blankets, slowly pulling them back to reveal an Eevee sleeping under them. "His name is Orin." John chuckled. "A good name." Rose frowned. "What's funny?" John just shrugged. "We each got the opposite gender. That's all." Rose shrugged and glanced down as Orin yawned. "Glad to see you are finally awake mr. sleepy. Orin looked up at her and blinked a couple times at the light. "Vee." Rose picked him up and let the blankets drop to the floor again. "So when are you planning on heading out?" John used his free hand to rub the back of his head. "Well.... I don't really know. Gonna finish up my chores for the day and clean up the container that Mist broke out of.... I guess I can leave tomorrow. What about you?" Rose nodded slightly and smiled. "Same here. I've just been waiting to hear from you about your own egg so that we could start our journey together."
John smiled at Orin and Rose. "So I guess you both are already registered?" When Rose nodded, John spoke again. "Well than, I guess I will get everything done at the ranch and then I will meet back here with you tomorrow morning." Rose nodded and freed a hand from Orin and held it out to John, smiling. "We have got a deal."