The Kanto Adventures - The Journey Begins
My first pokemon project, let me know what you think.
"Pidgeot-oooo!" the large bird cried as it landed with two people, her majestic crest seeming brighter in the sun. It was roughly five feet tall and had a beautiful red and yellow crest that ran all the way down her back. She had an older man on her back and a young man in his late teens in her claws. She got close enough to the ground to drop the young man off without injury. The teenager waved goodbye as the pokemon flew off "Bye Dad!" he called as the pokemon flew out of sight. The boy's name was Ichibu from Lavender Town, he was roughly five feet and eight inches with black hair with purple colored highlights. He was wearing a black shirt with a Gyrados tooth pattern on it made out of a light material, blue cargo jeans, black fingerless gloves, and a backpack with one strap that came across his chest and down his torso. On the strap of the backpack was one pokeball, a pokeball that Ichibu reached for.
"C'mon out Bones!" He called out as the pokeball enlarged itself and released a small brown dinosaur looking pokemon that stood on two legs. The pokemon had a skull that it used for a helmet as well as a bone that it used for both a club and a boomerang. It stood at about one foot and four inches. "Cubooone!" he cried as he stretched a bit and looked around nervously. Though at one point this particular Cubone was distrusting of humans because it was treated like a soccer ball, it seemed to trust Ichibu with its life as it stayed close to him. Ichibu smiled and began walking "Don't worry Bones, I'll make sure that you'll stay safe." He said with a smile that quickly faded "Now which way was Proffessor Oak's again..." he mumbled though he got a clonk on the head from his Cubone as it jumped up and hit him to gain his attention before pointing to another human. The other human seemed to be in his own little world as he walked by himself in the opposite direction. He was skinny and slightly muscular as his hoodie was unzipped and revealed his uncovered chest and stomach. He was slightly shorter than Ichibu was and had brown eyes and black hair.
"Excuse me!" Ichibu called as he ran to catch up with the other man "Do you know which way is the way to Proffessor Oak's?" He asked as he caught up with Bones riding on his shoulders like a toddler.
The other human nodded "Yeah, I'm actually headed that way myself so feel free to tag along." He said with a smile as he looked up at the cubone "We don't see many Cubones this way, mostly just Pidgey and Rattata." He said as he started to walk again.
Ichibu smiled up at his Cubone "Yeah well we're from Lavender Town." He said keeping pace with his new friend "I'm Ichibu by the way."
The other man smiled "Shintarou" he said as they walked "But you can call me Shin if it's easier." He said as a grey alien like pokemon floated onto his shoulder. It looked very much so like an alien although it did have a somewhat rocky shape to it. It had large button-like eyes and three fingers each a different color, there was one red, one green, and one yellow. 'And I'm Zero' it projected into the minds of the two teenagers and the Cubone with telepethy.
Ichibu was at a loss for words, he didn't even know what kind of pokemon it was. It was only four inches taller than his own Cubone. "What kind of pokemon is that?" he asked astonished
"Zero here is an Elgyem, all the way from Unova. My mom travels the world as a pokemon contest judge. On her travels she caught this little guy and sent him to me as a good luck charm." He said with a smile, causing Zero's fingers to light up with happiness 'I couldn't have found a nicer human myself.' Zero projected to them all
Within a few minutes they found the Proffessor's lab and quickly barged inside. Already waiting for them was the Proffessor with his untidy hair and lab coat and a young man clearly in his early twenties. His skin was tan and he had deep brown eyes filled with experience. He was wearing a red vulpix label jacket with white pants. His hair was short and black and his smiled though filled with kindness seemed impatient.
"Finally you're all here." Proffessor Oak said with a laugh and smile as he had then line up in front of him, the three of them standing side by side. "Now I'll need to program your information into your pokedexes." He said looking at Ichibu "I need your name, age, and hometown."
Ichibu nodded "I'm Ichibu Okuwa, I'm seventeen, and I'm from Lavender town." He said with a smile
"Shintarou Inuzuka, seventeen also, and I'm from Viridian City." Shin said quite exicitedly.
Finally it came to the man who had been waiting for them "Kazuma Yamashita, twenty two, and I'm from Lavaridge Town." he said cooly
Ichibu was shocked "B-but isn't Lavaridge town in the Hoenn region?" He asked though it got a laugh out of the Proffessor
"Kazuma here actually isn't starting a journey today, he's just re-registering here and starting over with a starter pokemon from Kanto." The proffessor said walking over to a table with three pokeballs. "Now please choose between between these three pokemon."