A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter One)

Story by Skye Meteors on SoFurry

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#8 of Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness

I did have her say she would find a new trainer one day way back then. If you remembered, good job! I also named that bulbasaur for a reason. I was going to bring him back eventually, I found a way. Let's name some more people. <- Fara dislikes doing this. Big knocker here, new trainer understands what pokemon say. I quote from Kyler's series; "There are other people with the same talent." Haha, Kyler, Man you give some good stuff for me to work with. Thanks to my not-so-furry friend Jimmy for helping me continue to write out a couple things in this editted version.


Fara sulked around Jubilife. She didn't care what Kyler and Petal were doing anymore. There was no way she could be found by looking at a silly picture from three years ago of her eevee form. And nobody would expect a pokemon who ran away from its trainer to be an espeon. Tears continued to roll down her face, and the people who walked by showed signs of sympathy for her. A person reached down to pet her, and she hissed. She didn't want to be touched.

She didn't want to see the next morning. But she did. And the next, and the next. Kyler and his group were long gone by now. There was no way she could track them down at this point. The only thing she could do now was wander around. And so she wandered.

Something hit her. Something solid. Something round. Something that felt like... plastic? A pokeball...? She was encased in it, and for a few seconds she was distracted by memories of Georgia. After that moment of distraction, she broke her way free of the pokeball. She hissed and continued to walk on.

"A wild espeon, huh? I didn't expect that, it's a good thing I tested." The trainer sent out his first pokemon.

A venusaur.

"Use vine whip!" The trainer shouted. When the trainer shouted what the enemy will do, it made it easier on her to trip them up and dodge their attacks.

Fara cut around the vine whip and nailed them with a zen headbutt. That hurt it badly. He grunted...

She fired a confusion attack. She watched closely for what the venusaur would do next.

"Razor leaf!" Called the trainer. Fara tried to dodge but she didn't react fast enough. She got cut on her hind leg, and it showed.

"Ngh... Bastard," Fara muttered.

She chose to use a dig.

Fara felt vines wrap around her leg and pull her out. The cut on her hind leg was screaming at her.

She thought quickly and reacted with a bite attack to chew away the vines.

"Razor leaf!" Again, the trainer gives her a heads up on what's coming. She dances to the side.

Staying our distance, are we? I can do the same! She fired a confusion attack at the venusaur.

Her hind leg finally gave in. She fell.

The venusaur also dropped.

The trainer ran up to the venusaur. "Bubba, are you okay!?"

"Bub...ba?" Fara asked, still feeling the pain from her back end.

"Is that you, Fara?"

"You... remember?"

"Of course I remember... I suggested that you... run away if your trainer was bad, and.... the next day, there was posters up everywhere about a lost eevee. I didn't think you would really do it," he explained. "She must have been... one bad trainer," he added.

"Hmph....How many pokemon are in your team?" Fara asked. She wouldn't mind joining, but she definitely didn't want to be sitting on a ranch for the rest of her life, waiting for the one day that the trainer calls for her through the PC. She would repeat the process of running away all over again.

"There's three," he answered.

Only three?

"Quite a small team. the three of you must be trained really well, then. I've been travelling alone. All by myself... yeah... haha...," she said.

"You haven't really been all by yourself, have you?" Bubba asked. He saw through her lie, although she made it a little obvious.

"...I'll go," she said.

"What? Where are you going?" Bubba was confused

"With you. Capture me," she said.

"Really?" Bubba was excited.

When the trainer threw the pokeball, she waited still, until the time she was called back out.


She was called out very soon after she let herself be captured. The trainer, whom had captured her the other day, was actually a girl. She never looked at her before in trainer school. She was blonde, and her hair curled at the ends.

"I'm Lucretia. Lucky for short," she said. She waited, expecting Fara to say something back.

Fara tilted her head to one side, and asked Bubba, who was sitting next to her, what she paused for.

"Um... am I supposed to say something?" She whispered to Bubba.

"Yeah, she understands us," He said. That kind of freaked Fara out. She never talked to a trainer with them talking back to her, understanding what she said. She's only seen it... And heard it... But never experienced it for herself.

"Well, then. Hello Lucky, I'm Fara. I just want to have you know I hate being picked up, and i hate being imprisoned in those wretched pokeballs. I was friends with your pokemon here way back in trainer school. Granted, it was more of a one-way relationship." She smirked and looked back and Bubba. "Speaking of pokemon, where are the other two?"

"They're off doing their business. They're mates, so when they go off together, I don't follow for a reason."

"Oh," Fara said. The word mate really bothers her now. Ever since her experience back a few days ago, the word struck her and made her posture sag a little.

"Is there something wrong, Fara?" Lucky asked.

"No, it's... nothing," she lied. She picked herself up again.

"Whenever you're ready to tell me, you can tell me. I won't rush you," Lucky said.

Bubba looked curiously at her. He wanted to know so badly that it was digging in his soul.

"Don't count on me ever telling you," Fara said.

Fara was quite happy now. She was able to start over now. She would never forget, but she wouldn't turn back. She likes it better this way.


Fara felt the soft carpet beneath her feet. It's been a long time from feeling the soft, fuzzy flooring, compared to cold hard dirt. She remembered the first time she touched carpet.


"I'm back from my trip to Johto," Georgia's father said.

Georgia energetically hopped towards her father. "Did you bring me back a souvenir from Goldenrod? Did you? Did you!?" She hopped up and down impatiently.

"Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't go anywhere without bringing a little something back for my beautiful daughter," He said.

He pulled out a pokeball and handed it to her. "Take very good care of her. She's a living thing, too, just like us. You're ten now, and I thought it was time to let you have you first pokemon." Out popped Fara, whom the father had named.

~Ring,.... Ring...~

He turned to the side to pick up his cell. "Already? But I just got back to see my family again, can't you send someone else?" He turned a little more to the side, and that revealed a patch with a G on it on the shirt under his jacket.