Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 6
#7 of Half-wolf Pokemon Adventure
Lumiose City
(Junior's POV)
"Don't you dare Lucario." I growled threateningly. The aura pokemon rose his spiked paws into the air in a 'I won't do anything' gesture. While going through Route 4, We decided to stop by a large fountain, known as Perle Fountain. On the sides of the fountain, were two Horsea statues shooting out water that intertwined. There was a Clamperl monument in-between the Horsea statues that the water came through. The entire fountain was dark green with golden rings surrounding its base and the water was a clear light blue. The statues seemed to be made of golden marble. It was a beautiful fountain, but I didn't want to be near it. Since a certain aura pokemon threw me in the Santalune city Roselia fountain.
Lucario set his paw on my shoulder. He made a small smile as he looked at me.
"I'm sorry Junior, but that was only one time! I promise I won't do it again, unless I need to." He said. I could feel myself calm down slightly knowing now that he won't throw me in.
I stared at the statue with a kindly smile. I looked over to my left to see Blaziken staring at the gorgeous fountain. His eyes sparkled from the amazing sight. I chuckled from the blaze pokemon's reaction. Blaziken really enjoyed the sights at Johto. He took it out of his time to enjoy the scenery at any time possible. He may be strong, aggressive, and powerful, but at times he's kind and considerate (and even a bit ignorant) when he wants to be. And lately, he's been really protective of me, which I don't understand why.
I closed my eyes as I focused on the fresh water smell. That combined with the elegant flowers around us and the soft chirps of Fletchling made the area very peaceful. A part of me wanted to run freely through the flowers and roll around in them, but I stopped myself. I didn't want to embarrass myself since I'm not an actual dog! It was actually nice to relax. Since my transformation awhile ago, I hadn't stopped to enjoy what is around me. I could feel my aura calming as the peaceful seconds go by.
"Junior...will I be able to battle the next gym leader?" Lucario asked, breaking the peaceful silence. I opened my eyes to look at the jackal. I actually haven't given that much of a thought. It actually would help since I heard Clemont had Electric/Steel types. Lucario would be the correct choice. I thought about it for a second until Lucario suddenly hugged me. Accidentally, poking me with his chest spike. I flinched from the iron spike.
"Thank you! When we battle, I won't let you down!" He exclaimed happily. I was baffled. I didn't say anything, but somehow he knew what I decided. Then I remembered, Lucario can read minds. I pushed away from him and I looked at Lucario completely annoyed.
"Did you read my mind!?" I yelled threateningly, causing Blaziken to glance at us. Lucario's cheeks became red from embarrassment as he glanced at his feet. I can sense his uneasiness.
"W-Well...yeah. I wanted to know my answer. I'm sorry. I know shouldn't do that." He apologized. I sighed. I decided to let it slide, as I walked ahead of the two pokemon and motioned for them to follow. They looked at each other and hesitated, before following me past the Perle fountain. We continued down the path, walking straight by lime green hedges, red and yellow flower patches, trainers, and wild Flabebe.
I stopped in front of an entrance to wait for Lucario and Blaziken. They were a couple feet behind me, so I didn't need to wait long. Once they caught up, we faced the large entrance.
"Here we go." I muttered under my breath as we entered the entrance that led to Lumiose city.
Immediately, I was dazed from the noise of cars. I hadn't been in a large city in awhile so the loud noise surprised me. Plus, my canine ears pick up lots of loud sounds. The first thing I saw was the enormous buildings and the different designs and colors. I heard distinct conversations from every human walking on the sidewalks and roads. Pokemon from different regions were here as well. I heard the sounds of Skitty, Zigzagoon, Rattata, and Pidove attempting to communicate with their trainers.
I smiled as I started to walk through the enormous city. Lucario and Blaziken were looking around, enjoying the bright city. The two gazed at the taxis, trainers riding large goat-like Pokemon, and of course the bunches of humans. Out of the 4 Pokemon, these two are amused by every city and town the most. Their reactions to everything makes my bad days better.
We continued to walk for two minutes, until I heard someone yelling.
"Stop those Pokemon!" A man yelled. I turned to my right to see three small Pokemon running through the streets, forcing cars to stop so they don't accidentally hurt them. They also ran straight into pedestrians. The three pokemon ran through the city without a care in the world. I focused on the three Pokemon and I recognized what they were. It was the Kanto trio which consisted of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. They were running happily as a man in a white lab coat chased them. The troublesome trio ran toward me, but instead of causing trouble, they abruptly stopped. The three stared at me with questionable looks. The Bulbasaur and Squirtle seemed shocked. This made me uneasy since I never had people nor pokemon just stare at me for no reason.
They stared at me for a good while until the Squirtle was turned into red beam of light. Charmander and Bulbasaur ran in opposite directions, but wound up like Squirtle. The man who was chasing the trio sighed from relief.
"Damn. These three caused me lots of trouble. Thank you...Um..what's your name?" His voice as somewhat deep, but serene and he was quite taller than I was. He wore a blue shirt underneath his white lab coat. He had black pants with a yellow belt and his shoes were brown with white laces. The man had a freshly shaved beard. His eyes were grey while his hair was a dark blue. He placed the three pokeballs on his belt while awaiting my response.
I looked at Lucario and Blaziken in worry. I really wasn't fond of being too close to people sometimes. There could've been a chance of him knowing I'm a wolf. Talk Junior. Don't go all shy Now. You're never going to get anywhere if you don't talk! Lucario encouraged telepathically. Sighing, I decided to trust the jackal. What could go wrong?
"My n-name is Junior. I hail from the Johto region and this is Lucario," I motioned toward my left as Lucario stretched out his paw and spoke. "Hello." He said. The man smiled and shook his paw. "Nice to meet you, Lucario." The man said.
"And this is Blaziken." I motioned to my right and Blaziken waved slightly. He didn't seem interested of the man in the slightest. The grey eyed man waved back at the blaze pokemon. He looked at me and smiled.
"My name is Sycamore, Augustine Sycamore and I'm a Pokemon Professor. My lab is a little ways away if you want to visit." He pointed to my left at a wide building that had two pokeball statues. "And by the way, Thanks for helping. I don't know what you did, but you stopped them. These three would've driven me mad chasing them." Sycamore said thankful. He waved good bye as he walked away toward his lab. I stared at the building until Blaziken tapped my shoulder. I jumped from surprise. I turned to face the blaze pokemon, who smiled.
"What is it Blaziken?"
"Shouldn't we...explore this place? It seems very large." I placed my gloved paw on my chin as I thought. I thought it over for a moment until I decided.
"........Fine. I guess we can explore a bit, but where do we start?" I asked. Both Pokemon looked around, trying to decide which direction and area to explore first. I couldn't check my Pokegear since Typhlosion scared me, causing me to break it (but I guess we 'worked it out'). We all stood silent for a minute trying to decide where to explore. Until a random voice appeared.
"How about you check the Juice Shoppe?" I turned around slowly to be face-to-face with a familiar person. His green eyes were focused on me as his Rhyperior stood next to him. He had his right hand on his waist with a slight smirk. His golden hair flowed with the wind. I instantly remembered the boy. It was Axel.
(Blaziken's POV)
When I turned around, I saw a boy who I've seen before. I didn't know his name, but I remembered him. It was that kid from Santalune forest. The one that used that Rhyperior in our battle.
I lightly tapped on Junior's shoulder and he turned to face me.
"Um...Junior? What's his name again?" He didn't answer as he walked up to the boy and shook his hand. They both smiled.
"Hello again, Axel. Nice to see you." Junior said. The green eyed boy nodded his head in agreement.
"Same here." Axel replied. "By the way, Rhyperior say Hello." The ground type looked at Junior then at Lucario and he stopped at me. He seemed to be very angry.
"Why Hello chicken." Rhyperior growled threateningly. I wasn't fazed by his terrible insult, but Junior glanced at the pokemon with a questionable look.
"H-Hello Rhyperior." Junior greeted uneasily. The Drill pokemon walked toward him and glared down at Junior, who took a step back. "You can go fuck yourself pipsqueak." Ok, that was it. I marched right in front of the douche and I pushed him away from Junior. He staggered backwards.
"Ok what the FUCK is your problem? Junior didn't do anything to you, you worthless piece of shit! I will fucking end you if you talk to him like that!" I yelled protectively. Rhyperior glared at me as if he were ready to fight. My blood began to boil as I stared back at the bastard. I balled my claws, ready to beat the shit out of Rhyperior.
Then, I felt something pull me back abruptly. I quickly glanced behind me to see Junior pulling my arm. He shook his head disapprovingly. I sighed as my anger slowly minimized.
"Don't Blaziken." Junior said coldly. "If you fight, I'll resort to the pokeball and we both know I'd rather not have to." I flinched against what he said. I'm really afraid of that damn ball. Junior was always kind enough to let us stay out of them, but he uses them against us to scare us into behaving.
I decided to ignore Rhyperior (for now) as I rose my claws to Junior's chin, making him look into my eyes. He stared at my yellow eyes, shocked by my sudden movement.
"Fine, but only because I promised I won't." I said. I felt confused eyes on us as I realized that we were in front of three Pokemon and a human. Junior quickly backed away from me as he began to mutter something inaudible. He cleared his throat before he began.
"....s-so.. the Juice Shoppe, r-right?" Axel nodded his head. He made a 'follow me' gesture as he and Rhyperior began to walk in the same direction Sycamore did.
Junior and Lucario walked together and talked about a battle strategy while I stayed at the back of the group, watching the area. This place was really fucking huge.
We walked right past the building that Sycamore guy went in. I didn't give it much of a glance since I really couldn't care less about what was in there.
"The Juice Shoppe is near North Boulevard, so it will take a few minutes to get there." Axel stated. He pointed ahead at a white sign a little more than Junior's height (which was kinda sad). "Those tell you what Boulevard you're in, what shops are around, and which Avenue is nearby. The Avenues hold most of Lumiose's shops. The one that holds the Juice Shoppe is Autumnal Avenue." Junior and Lucario nodded toward Axel in understandment.
We continued down the road until we reached North Boulevard. Lucario and Junior were still talking about battling strategies and Kalos. Junior had his arms behind his head in a relaxed fashion while he talked to the aura Pokemon. Lucario looked like he was enjoying the conversation since he hasn't had a normal talk with Junior since his transformation. Just thinking about that day still gives me shivers. I really hated myself for almost ending Junior's life. Besides that, It was a peaceful walk, until something too familiar happened.
Junior suddenly stopped walking, which caused me to bump into him. I decided to walk around him to find out what happened. He was staring at the floor as if he were in some kind of trance. I didn't understand what was happening, until I saw his eyes.
His brown irises were suddenly a bright, clear, see through white. His pupils were a darker shade of white. I waved my hand in front of his eyes, but nothing happened. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly. Still Nothing! I didn't want to hurt him since I don't want to risk his death again. I was worried since I couldn't do anything to snap him out of his trance. Then, I remembered something.
I reached for Junior's belt and grabbed a pokeball. I hesitated for a second, but I needed the help. I threw the ball onto the ground, summoning my least favorite companion.
The fire type looked at me full of confusion. He hadn't noticed Junior's state.
"Blaziken? Why did you take me out of my pokeball?" He asked half annoyed. I glanced at Junior lightly since I was afraid for him. Typhlosion glimpsed at Junior and gasped. He immediately rushed to his side. Typhlosion grabbed Junior's shoulders as he shook him.
"Junior, Hey Junior! Can you hear me?" The volcano pokemon asked. No response. Junior just stood there, still staring at the floor. I began to feel anxious. There must've been a reason why this happened. Something must be triggering it. It isn't a coincidence!
I could feel Typhlosion's fear beginning to quickly grow from his failed attempts. He stared at Junior's clear eyes as he slowly muttered something. At this point, Lucario appeared next to me. He didn't seem to know what was happening either, but he looked sad as well. The three of us stood there, unable to help our beloved friend.
Suddenly, Junior began to slowly tremble before falling backwards. Typhlosion and I quickly stopped him from hitting his head against the concrete road by grabbing his arms. We glanced at his eyes. Junior's eyes reverted back to their natural brown color, out of nowhere. The half wolf looked at the three of us in confusion.
"B-Blaziken? Typhlosion? Lucario? What's going on? W-Why are you both holding me?" Typhlosion and I accidentally dropped him from surprise causing Junior to hit his head on the floor. A thud was heard from the impact.
"OW!" He yelled. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!" We backed away from him as Junior slowly got back on his feet. He rubbed his head, trying to calm the pain. He bared his white fangs at us trying to be threatening. Typhlosion and I exchanged glances as we reverted our attention back at our trainer.
"Junior?" I asked. The half wolf looked at me, clearly still angry. "What?" He growled. Typhlosion stepped toward him and he set his paw on Junior's shoulder. The fire type stared at his now brown eyes.
"Calm down buddy. It isn't our fault we dropped you. You surprised us. But now-"
"Now what?" Junior interrupted. Typhlosion gazed at him, slightly annoyed by his interruption. "Answer me this, why did your eyes turn White this time? What exactly happened?" Junior immediately stared at the floor. The feeling of fear filled the air. He opened his mouth to talk, but for some unknown reason he couldn't tell us. He awkwardly tapped his right foot against his left foot.
"I-I....L-Later." He stuttered. He decided to ignore us as he continued onward to catch up to Axel. But, not before glancing up at a building. Curiosity overwhelmed me as I glanced at the building Junior looked at. Nothing was different. The windows were clear, the texture was alright, the people standing on top the building were normal...wait. I stared up at the rooftop in shock to see two figures. They were glaring down on us, but mostly at Junior. I rubbed my eyes to find out they weren't there. Am I seeing things, or were there two people just on that roof? I thought. I argued with myself for a minute before I dismissed it as nothing and rejoined Junior and the others.
(Lucario's POV)
After about two minutes of walking, we stumbled upon a little blue building with a tiny white sign. It had a black cup as its logo. It was what Axel called The Juice Shoppe.
Before I can head inside, Junior pulled me back abruptly.
"Lucario, you know why I can't let you three go into the shop. Remember last time?" He asked. _But, I wanna go inside! Please Junior, I won't do anything! _ I begged telepathically, but he didn't respond. I grumbled softly. I hated how he always uses our mistakes against us. Just because we accidentally fought inside a shop doesn't mean we'll do it again! But then again, I couldn't say the same for Typhlosion and Blaziken. Those two always ruin all the fun stuff.
I sighed as I realized Junior's choice will remain. I heard the others groan since they weren't allowed to enter as well. Not even Axel let Rhyperior go into the shop. We all sat down near a small tree as the human and half wolf entered the shop, leaving the four of us outside.
We all quickly grew bored. Typhlosion, Blaziken and I talked about random subjects, while Rhyperior glared at us angrily. Once I noticed him, he looked away. I took note of his anger as I ignored him for the time being. After exactly 16 minutes (Yes I counted the minutes. I was bored ok?), the two trainers appeared out of the shop. Axel was holding three small containers, while Junior carried five small containers in his arms. A powerful smell of berries surrounded the air.
Axel handed Rhyperior his container while Junior gave each of us ours. I noticed that Typhlosion had a deep red liquid in his cup. I gazed into my cup to see a vivid pink liquid. I detected a sweet aroma from the crushed Pecha berry.
I didn't hesitate as I drank all the Berry Juice I was given in one gulp. A powerful taste of sweetness flooded my mouth as I drank the Pink Juice. A huge smile formed on my face from delight. A Pecha berry might be good to snack on, but juice made from it...is wonderful!
In my hurry to gulp all the Pecha juice, I gazed into my now empty cup. The smile I had became a sad expression. I tapped on Junior's shoulder to get his attention.
"Um...Junior?" He looked at me with a tilt of his head. He glanced at my paw to see the Berry Juiceless cup.
"You already finished it?" He asked full of shock. I nodded slowly as I realized we were supposed to NOT drink it all yet. I set my paw behind my head as I stared at my feet. I blushed from embarrassment.
I heard the lupine sigh as he slowly scratched his head with his paw.
"I guess I really can't control you, but you should know that I'm not buying anymore berry Juice until tomorrow. " Junior said. I smiled halfheartedly since we would get more tomorrow, but until tomorrow I'll be berryless.
Once everyone finished their Berry Juice, we walked back to South Boulevard. Blaziken and Typhlosion were cautiously watching Junior to ensure he didn't space out again. For some unknown reason, Junior kept glancing up at the building tops. His aura was highly troubled. Whatever he saw, it scared him pretty good.
We continued walking until we passed by a tall building with two pokeball statues. Augustine Sycamore stopped us as we passed by.
"Hey, Junior." The half wolf turned toward the tall man with a questionable look.
"Oh.... Professor Sycamore, what do you need?" Junior asked. "Would you if we talk? I need a favor to ask of you." The blue haired man walked toward Junior and Axel to hand them two pokeballs. The two teens examined the devices. I knew Junior was going to accept his favor. He always helps people in need.
"Two trainers are coming to pick up these Pokemon. I was supposed to do it, but I need to head out for a couple hours and my assistants are too busy caring for the other Pokemon. So, can you please help me?" He asked sincerely. Both of them nodded, accepting the task. Professor Sycamore smiled as he put a hand on Junior's shoulder.
"Tres bien! Now, I most certainly won't return today so, you both can find a room to sleep for the day. If you need any help, ask any of my assistants." And with that, he began to make his way through the center of Lumiose city. Axel and Junior watched him leave, pokeballs in hand.
"He sure does talk a lot." Axel stated. Junior nodded his head. "Well...atleast we can help him. We also get to stay here for awhile." The six of us faced the enormous building until we headed inside.
(Typhlosion's POV)
We entered the building to see a staircase covered in red carpet. There were two entrances on our sides with four bookcases near them. Glancing up, I saw a balcony with a couple wooden doors which led into bedrooms. A big smirk grew on my face as a thought appeared in my head.
"Which room do we stay in?" I asked gleefully. Before anyone can respond, a tall woman wearing a white labcoat entered the room from the left entrance. Her brown hair was tied into a small bun. She had blue pants along with teal colored shoes. Her skin tone was slightly darker than Axel's and her eyes were amber.
She advanced toward Junior, but stopped to look at me. A smile grew on her face.
"Oh my goodness, a Typhlosion!" She exclaimed. The woman ran toward and knelt down in front of me. She began to examine me while writing on a notepad. What I found odd was that Blaziken, Lucario, and Rhyperior were right beside me, but She only seems interested in..me? What is She doing? I thought. Actually, why am I letting her examine me? Junior coughed awkwardly which got the assistant's attention.
She rose up slowly and gazed at Junior and the others.
"My most sincere apologies. I let myself get too involved." Her voice was very gentle. She placed her hand on her chest and sighed. For some reason, Junior and I felt calm. "My name is Alisa and I study all kinds of Pokemon. Sadly, I've only researched Pokemon native to Kalos so I got excited seeing your Typhlosion since Pokemon from other regions are quite uncommon here." She saw the two pokeballs Axel and Junior were holding and she raised her eyebrow in question.
"Might I ask, but are those pokeballs from Professor Sycamore?"
"Y-Yes. He intrusted us to give these to the two trainers coming to pick them up." Junior replied. Alisa suddenly snapped her fingers causing everyone to jerk up. "So you must be Junior!" The hooded half wolf nodded slowly as Alisa gave him and Axel a small golden key. She gestured above the stairs at two rooms.
"You two can rest in those rooms but, may I study your Typhlosion for an hour or so?" She asked, gripping her notepad tightly. Junior looked at me, obviously thinking. I didn't want him to say she could. I didn't want anything to happen to Fluffy when I wasn't around!
"I-I guess no harm can be done? Typhlosion, would you please go with Alisa?" The wolf asked kindly. I glanced at him before they walked up the stairs while the woman and I went through a corridor. "I swear Junior, you fucking owe me next time we're alone!" I muttered.
"Did you seriously have to be a FUCKING dumbass and look over the edge? That Blaziken might be telling the damned mutt we're here!"
"Calm Down. Even if he does tell him, it won't change anything! His fate is sealed and nobody can change it!"
"True, but Junior can change it if he learns about it! As soon as possible, we kill him okay?"
"Fine and remember.....Aim for that Bastard's head!"