Burdens - Chapter 118: Dry

Some of our patients do. the problem was that it was getting much too large and putting a lot of pressure on the rest of your brain." he sadly said, "some of our patients, not so lucky.

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Final days

What was it about this patient that struck her so deeply? after all she had seen countless patients with eating disorders. surely it couldn't merely be finding the last artifact from the heifer's lonely life.


Judy - Chapter 1

As the blonde nurse rushes her patient to surgery she can't help but wonder where the father is. she takes a quick glance at her patient. when she got the call she had no idea that the woman in question wasn't a woman at all.

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The Other Side Ch 1

That is all \*\*\* "well," said the pink-haired nurse as she gave her patient a cursory glance to make sure that everything was now proper.

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mercenaries short 2 - an unprofessional diagnosis

Came the grit toothed reply from her patient. mable laughed. "oh, don't be such a wimp, have some of medic mable's miracle medicine."

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The Real Reason

The doctors and nurses always did what they could when treating a patient, no matter how minor or major the condition was from the patient. there was one patient that was recovering but he wasn't looking very happy. "why, why, why." said the patient.

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She then moved to the other patient and lay beside him. the heartbeat monitor sounded static. the other patient's bed squeaked and they had sex. my heartbeat monitor formed the words "beware" and then a line replaced it and a long, never-ending beep.

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Vengance of the Swarm

"it's alright it's the patients blood....she didn't make it..."

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Tails of the Stars 3 - An Independent Assault

James noticed some patients remained very bed-ridden, seemingly in no condition to be moved.

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The wolf's story... Silver Bullet

Said the lion wiping his hands on a towel. " thats good, mack whats the patients condition?"


chapter three

.** variations 1x1 rp human patient x human volunteer human patient x anthro volunteer anthro patient x anthro volunteer anthro patient x human volunteer other genders can be played as well. ///-///-///-///-///-///-///
