mercenaries short 2 - an unprofessional diagnosis
#3 of Mercenaries
some swearing and minor violence
after the mysterious events surrounding Sooty, Mable gives her thoughts on the situation
second attempt at writing, first attempt at humour and banter
feedback welcome as I'd like to try bigger written projects
Mercenaries series short 2: an unprofessional diagnosis
Written by SootyLion
Characters portrayed belong to SootyLion
Agatha made her way down to the basement of the house the second the text came through. She knew it was Mable, no doubt finally finished testing on her patient. She couldn't wrap her own head around it, the lion somehow rising from the dead without any sign of fatal injury. Then again, wouldn't be the first time "Mable' Office" would be the epicentre of a zombie outbreak. The equine gave a light chuckle. Not even fire could clean that room entirely.
The muscular horse arrived at the reinforced door of the medical bay and knocked. A moment of silence was broken by the familiar Welsh accent of her wife through the microphone telling her to enter. The door slid open and she stepped inside. Sooty was sitting on the examination table wearing nothing but a pair of disposable dignity pants. He seemed to look up and the shrink into his shoulders as his mentor arrived but Mable broke the silence.
"Take a seat, Aggs," the Collie gestured to the tattered old swivel chair.
"I'll stand, thank you," the equine refused, almost grimacing at the state of the bloodstained leather.
"suit ya self, hun"
The medic put her feet on the worn mahogany desk and pushed herself across to the lion causing him pull a leg away before she could crush it.
"HEY! Mind where you rolling" Sooty snapped giving a startled look.
The canine looked behind her at the impact zone and gave a wink "nowhere near ya, love"
She turned her attention back to a stoic Agatha, seemingly oblivious to the dog's quirks.
"Right, now, I've finished rough testing on Soots and I've come to a rough conclusion.....or at least for now" she swivelled in her chair to face the feline, her smile not fading.
"Wait, rough?" Agatha seemed to have a hint of surprise in her voice. "I thought this was the full test"
The collie shrugged. "We're dealing with resurrection. how far can I go without killing him?"
"Wouldn't be the first time," Sooty chimed in flatly. "you bludgeoned that one bloke for no reason"
"not my fault he turned zombie"
"you nearly lost your medical license if I recall"
"what the officials don't know can't hurt them!"
A stamp of a well-toned hoof on the floor brought the two to silence, the team leader clearly not in the mood for shenanigans.
"FOCUS!" she snorted, leaning against the door frame.
"Right, sorry, sweetheart," Mable readjusted herself in the chair and sat cross legged, turning to face her two companions.
"There's very little I can really say. All bloods are fine, some scaring, scabbing cuts and such are in the same state as before....whatever it was happened. Yet if you observe this X-ray" she tapped her earpiece and the projection of a lion skull was produced. "His skull is completely intact and there's absolutely no sign of injury from his fatal wound, which in itself is completely absent"
" is that possible?"
"I don't Know, I'm not a priest or necromancer"
"or a qualified doctor" mumbled Sooty, looking up at Agatha with a smirk. She stifled a laugh and shushed him.
"maybe so. But all I can truly say is this" the medic shut off the hologram projection and sat forwards, a serious tone in her words. "Sooty. You did die, yet here you are, walking among us. Talking to us"
"can you remember what happened?" The Equine spoke up, intrigued.
Sooty shuffled uncomfortably. He gave a light flick to his mane curls dangling in front of his eyes and sighed.
"I remember we we're running out from the station above Venus, things...went a bit wrong" He huffed, clearly embarrassed about something. "Then, we got pinned and something must have struck me out cold. Woke up in the body storage freezer"
"And you felt no pain when it happened?" The Clydesdale was clearly in thought as she quizzed Sooty further.
"Oh, he can feel pain!" Mable said with near beaming glee. She took a scalpel covered in unknown matter and unceremoniously rammed it into the lion' knee.
"GAHHH!" he shouted and leaped off the table, but as he landed on his feet the pain in his leg caused him to stumble, leaning back to grip the sheeted rubber for support. "YOU STUPID, QUITE LITERAL, BITCH!"
"see?" the canine smiled at her wife "his body is still registering pain"
"Well, fucking, observed!" came the grit toothed reply from her patient.
Mable Laughed. "oh, don't be such a wimp, have some of Medic Mable's Miracle Medicine." She pulled a small tub of cream from her pocket, her alliterate title scrawled over the label in marker, and unscrewed the top. A small dose was applied to the feline new found wound. He winced as the small wound seemed to start healing rapidly.
Agatha saw it may be time to discharge the poor lion before any more malpractice could be performed.
"Well, when you two are ready, i'd like you both to get some rest. I've taken PRIDE off radar for the time being, as usual for, um, grieving period," Agatha rubbed her neck, clearly still not clear in her own mind.
"Of course. Prince, you can go get dressed in your quarters," Mable nodded to her patient, rising out her seat.
"Right Oh," Replied the chubby lion. He limped out, still feeling his scalpel stab and made his way up the corridor. Once out of earshot, Agatha closed the door.
"was that 'demonstration' really needed," she sighed, clearly unsurprised that the boarder collie even attempted to maim a patient.
The shorter collie leaned against her desk with one hand.
"well he was sitting down, otherwise I would have demonstrated with a much-needed spike up the arse" she smirked, wagging the scalpel between her fingers almost as fast as her wagging tail.