The soft-science-fiction version of Ripmaw

He was able to make out two figures there - though at first he didn't pay much attention. that was until the much much taller person walked over to him. "you must be our pet colonist." he said. peter looked up.

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Facility- Chapter 10

I probably don't have too much time left and with bob in the state she's in i'm not sure how much help she'll end up being in getting me the cure. and i don't know for certain how much time i'll have left once she's come back to her senses.

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Carrier Wolves - Chapter 3: Pirates

That first jump had left him rather shaken, and as much as carlos had apologised for it, there was only so much that an apology can do.

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Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 2)

There was still much i needed to know, and much more i wanted to understand about him before i would even consider the prospect. that i was sure of. "how far away is your home?" _you mean 'our' home. and it isn't much further.

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Surface (Chapter 7)

- the point is that i have exactly as much as i need, no less but no more. - you don't have to rub it in quite as much, you know?

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 72

It hurts so much, emmy. it's on those days i falter. it's on those days i think i can't keep such a big promise all by myself. the kids miss you just as much as i do.

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Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.

The character is chosen in much the same way. scenes after will be much the same, but weigh more heavily on traits, and cause and effect.

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The Story Of A Hero. 1.

Well, maybe so, but this missing part of me was much worse, much much worse than not knowing what parental love is like. i would cry so much, charolette would say "whats wrong!? whats wrong!?".

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 32

There was too much of you in there, too much of your laugh, too much of your smile, too much of your art, too much of your stories, just too much! there's too much of you even here!

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Wish You Were Here

Your eyes showed so much glee, so much happiness, so much love, care, kindness, thankfulness and i'd feel so, so important, so cared for, so mattering to someone, even if it was one person, it was just the person that i wanted my whole life, there, in my arms

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He had really overdone it, and still had so much more... even with the feeling of having eaten far too much filling every ounce of his being, there was still a need to eat more in his mind.

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Hero, Chapter 11 - Hostage!

Legs could easily give way if used too much before their muscles were built back up.

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