The Story Of A Hero. 1.

Story by teachmehowtodebkeh on SoFurry

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#2 of The Story Of A Hero.

(I suggest reading the intro I wrote to this, I would call it inspirational. And that's what this story is about. To inspire you, the story isnt over, so dont start saying "How is this supposed to be inspiring?")

"Its true in this world, those who break the rules and regulations are called scum, but those who dont care about their friends are worse than scum!"

I never knew about my mom or my dad, I can live by myself without adults having to help me. I can cook, clean, take care of myself, and study. The place I lived was in a big family, but it still felt like the orphanage, there were many other kids. The one taking care of all of us is named Todd, and his wife Charolette. Todd was that responsable "father" type that always worried, as for my new mom, Charolette, she was sweet, but over protective.

The place they have me sleep was in that mansion of theirs, it may sound nice, but it gets old very fast and you would hate to have to walk around to get things. Its like a dorm room, everyone of my sisters and brother gets a dorm, filled with nothing but a bed and some sheets, we all eat together and talk at the lunch table, but after that everyone becomes a stranger, no one talks anymore and they go back to doing their chores.

I wish I could tell them whats missing, but they have sacrificed so much money for our house, clothing, books, and all sorts of aristocracy-stuff. And even until now, I dont know what I am missing, its almost funny, I want to tell them something is wrong but I dont know what is. At times I thought "I am missing real parental love". Well, maybe so, but this missing part of me was much worse, much much worse than not knowing what parental love is like. I would cry so much, Charolette would say "Whats wrong!? Whats wrong!?". And I would always reply to her "Nothing, I can handle it". and at the end she would say "I love you". She never looked worried at all, as if she didn't care. She treats that word as if its just a word, but she will never realize how much it can hurt her when she finds out that love between me and her never even existed.

The days to my misery, was opened with that moment, with that idea. The word "love" is treated as if its just a word, then why does it have to hurt so much when we realize it isnt there? I am not sure if I have to laugh about it, or feel sick. Words of forgiveness and love can come so easily, but friendship does not. I have never made friends in that house... in that life I had.

And I wanted revenge.

The Story Of A Hero. 2.

I wanted revenge, revenge on everything! I hate my real mom and dad! What parents would die right when they have a child to take care of! Why do I have to be alone in this world! Why doesn't anyone notice I exist! ... Why? Why don't my new parents have...

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Faith. The Story Of A Hero. Intro.

Life is crazy, it can be very sad, and very happy at times, you may lose everything, but for every loss there is a gain, and its up to you wether or not to name that gain a happy, or a sad thing. I say, dont let it be something sad, if you can build...

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How Do you Confront Hatred? Poem.

"How do you confront hatred?" Is the question I always think. Is it disctruction, to make this world sink? Is it love that can make the world bloom? ... I cant accept love, it buries you in a tomb. Love only brings sacrifice. Thats not the life...

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