Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.

Story by RalysEtnedra on SoFurry

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#1 of CYOA: Steel Quest

I thought I might just upload this and see if people seeing the intro will spur some interest where there was none before. If you want to play, please read this over and post a comment describing a character concept according to the requirements of the world. The act of playing actually takes no commitment on the players part. It just takes the occasional input of choices and creativity. Who can ask for less in an experience like this?

Anyhow, I was dubious about the title: Steel Quest. I think it's a mite corny. Since this exercise thrives (no: lives and dies) on participation, I wouldn't think it would be too much to ask if anyone thought of another title.NEW CONTENT ADDED. LOOK FOR THE "NEW" DOWN TOWARDS THE BOTTOM

In this chose your own adventure series, I will be using an approach similar to some casual roleplaying scenarios. While I'm not using a system of measurement of success or failure, as that would be counterproductive to the goal, I am using a trait system to flesh out the main character, and determine what they are good at and what they are not. This is on a 0, 1, 2, scale. In other words: Bad, okay, good. It's as simple as that, although these are hidden stats that aren't necessarily as much of a reference as a simple outline of the characters abilities. It's more of an abstract idea than a true stat. Scenes are written with the traits in mind. The character may not be able to overcome an obstacle in a certain way due to their traits, but choices they make, or alternative approaches may yield a successful result none the less.

The first scene will be written after a character is decided, and be left at a cliffhanger, and a choice left open for debate. Once a certain amount of response has been heard, a consensus of likes should be held, or else I will simply chose the one I like most. The character is chosen in much the same way. Scenes after will be much the same, but weigh more heavily on traits, and cause and effect. The loss and gain of characters the main character meets, as well as items obtained have a large weight on how well things go for our character.

The character is created by reading though the first section, and following the simple steps. No math needed, just imagination. Character concepts and questions should be submitted for consideration. As the writer, I reserve the right to say yes or no to any new concept submitted. Should they get in, that hopefully improves the story. Should they not, it's nothing personal. I'm sure we are all aware of how these things go. I didn't say no because I hate your ideas, I said no because I didn't think that particular idea would cause the story to grow in a productive way. The character chosen either by likes or my own choice will be the main character of the story. Much more participation is required after character creation then before it, so if you didn't get the character you wanted, you can still have fun submitting ideas and choices in the story. In fact, it might be more fun if it's not your character on the line, huh?

The setting: This is a fantasy world with sci-fi elements, as is my want and custom. It is a world inhabited by Humans, Elves, and Anthros. Their society went though a steam punk phase where steam power was the best out there, and all machines used it. However, in the last few decades, they have developed better technology such as harnessing the power of energy such as the invention of the laser, and the nuclear fusion engine. Anyone who knows their stuff knows Nuclear Fusion is a big step forward. They still aren't as advanced as we are in most ways. Their computers run a basic DOS and serve only utility purposes.

There are magic and psychic powers in the world. Magic is an old and archaic technique, and is not trusted by the masses. People who use it are called: "Pagans" and it's true that they find their roots in cultists of the older world. They require many eccentric gestures, and materials for their art, often earning them a bad reputation. Psychics are newly come, only existing for several hundred years. Even so, it is more trusted than magic. Both arts have limited use as we have come to know them. No calling down meteors, or teleporting people into pocket dimensions. It's uses are more limited to basic effects such as the creation and negation of small amounts of energy, the creation of emotion in others, mind reading, Spiritual communication, and transformation.

War brews in many corners of the world. Technology is making war an even more dangerous proposition, as chivalry and glory in battle is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Most warriors don't earn a gallant death anymore, and death tolls are high. In fact, war has torn though civilization so much, that population is noticeably falling. The environment is actually profiting from it in the long run, as cities are abandoned to clear the war front. The Jungle has grown up around several cities. Some remote parts of the world has gone unexplored as society has had little time or interest to do so with millennia of on and off conflict. Ancient structures from past civilizations dot these landscapes, swallowed by the jungle. Many Pagans try to get to these places, as it is said they contain great magic. Historians do because many dead languages and even tech can be found there. In sharp contrast, there are towering cities left still. Much devoted to great factories, but the grander cities offer spires of glory where tens of thousands live comfortably on the technology and plenty of the new age, complete with electricity, and running water. These cities used to be city states, but in the last few hundred years, some level of unity has been established in the form of Unions.

There are two major Unions:

Union of the Steel Eye: A country dedicated to the defense of its remaining people. They are wealthy, and spend much of their wealth on new ways to repel invaders, even preemptively. It is home to many inventors and scientists. They are inward looking, and fearful of outside influence. They trade little, and negotiations consist of threats to stay off their territory. Efforts are being made to charge these policies from within, but for now, it remains the same. Who can blame it in a world so harsh? Their people do enjoy security that no other Union does.

Selenia: A Union formed from the remnants of a country of old. That ancient country fell to brutal onslaught, and internal power struggles. The new age has brought it back into power, and much different than it was before. After an internal revolution, their cities enjoyed individual freedoms, and artistic expression. Their military is small and dedicated, but many live in fear of attack. Raids are not uncommon, and are known to succeed. One advantage they have is that they rule the Sea. No other Union possesses their advantage on the waves. They are always willing to talk things over, but if things don't go their way, there can be trouble.

As for the smaller ones:

Irasti: A group of towns on the edge of the great jungle. Their tech is newly come, and their military is small. However, they embrace Pagans and psychics alike, and enjoy unity and internal harmony. Many Pagans travel there to study, and escape persecution. Their tech is integrated with magic. This they use for study, and to make life easier. However, in recent years, the stronger Unions have encroached on their territory to build military bases. This has forced them to develop magic tech for combat. They will fight to defend their unity, if nothing else. Selenia says that they just need the base to fight The Steel Eye. The Steel Eye has given them no word whatsoever.

Union Scarlet: An upstart Union who grew from scattered steppe tribes. They now pose a great threat in the skies, as their airships are fast and small, reaching speeds others though impossible. They are quickly copying the tech of its neighbors and designing it better; although their resources are not as great, and territory is smaller. They believe in personal advancement, and good relations with its neighbors. In fact, they trade more than any other Union. They are fiercely patriotic, and truly believe their country is great and strong, and worth defending at all costs. Most countries would claim this, but The Scarlet live it in all they do, to the annoyance of those in contact with them.

As you can see, there isn't really a good or evil. They all have major flaws, and perks. With that, I think we are ready to create some characters.


I see you... Shifting in the formless mass of the void. Speak thy name.

1: Name

Ah. I see with the utterance of your name, thou begins't to take shape. You take the form of a human? Ah... thou hast not decided quite yet, only that you wish the humanoid form? This is good, but pray, decide what manner of creature you are.

2: Species

Human: Intelligent, and strong willed. They won't accept defeat, and always strive for more. Their short lifespan is only an asset to their spirit and productivity. Automatically gain an extra Tech Trait at no cost.

Eldar: The Firstborn. Tall, fair, and pointy eared; this is a race whose time has passed. They hold on to this world, if only in remembrance of the days long past. They live comfortably though eight, nine, or more human life spans. This makes them capable of wisdom, grace, and practiced skill that no human can hope to reach. However, their sorrow often slows their progress, and their forms are fragile. Automatically gain a Soul Trait and a Mental trait at no cost, but must take the Fragile form disadvantage for no extra points.

Beastmen: Taking many forms, large and small. Beastmen have not been around as long as the Eldar, but predate human existence. Their number are varied and diverse. While taking many animal traits physically and even mentally, they bare much resemblance to humans. Some take after wolves, foxes, Skunks or Badgers, while others are smaller, resembling rabbits, mice, or rats. Automatically gain a physical trait at no cost.

Thou hath chosen. I see your ideal, primordial form setting in. Thou art no longer a shapeless soul floating free with me in the vastness. You have the unique opportunity to shape your all. What physical traits wilt thou give thineself?

3: Physical Traits. Appearance, details.

Thine form is complete. Your soul is infused with flesh. Your mind, however, will twist your soul's desires, pervious learning, and reactions to stimulus. This is what some call: Personality.

4: Personality, Character traits.

Feel that? It is the mortal mind. Let it rest upon you for some time. It can cloud the soul's eldritch wisdom, but there is naught for it. Pray, look upon yourself. Thine eyes are closed, arms spread wide to either side. You hover here in the white nothing with me. No, do not look upon me. You cannot comprehend my countenance. We would not want to break your mortal mind before it even enters the world. Speaking of this, your final task is to choose to whom you are born. Know firstly, that while thou hast free will to forge your destiny. However, this does not mean you are above cause and effect. This will often seem like fate to your mortal mind, but your will is your own, and can create cause and effect itself.

5: Parentage, Social Class, and Union of birth.

Steel Eye, Selenia, Irasti, Scarlet.

One last choice is to be made. Thine persona will undoubtedly shape your skills, but some possess uncanny abilities in certain areas that surpass simple skill. This will seem an unexplained knack that you and some others will possess. Thou can't be skilled in all areas, but some are open to you.

6: Skill Traits. Choose 4. Taking a disadvantage gives one more choice. Can take a Max of 3 disadvantages. Note: an advantage means you are uncommonly good at something. Not picking anything in a certain area simply means you have some idea about it, and depending on your personality, may be slightly better or worse at it. Also note: When taking Traits, it is highly recommended to take advantages and disadvantages that correspond with your original character concept. Disadvantages can develop a character far more than an advantage can.

Tech traits:

Engineer: You can fix things up, and even tinker with your own creations. Technology and hardware can be molded to many tasks with the right know how. Why is that pipe leaking? you know why, and could fix it with the proper tools.

Energy Theorist: The mysteries of the Quantum and the waves of energy are no mystery to you. This is all still in development, but you've got a good grasp on how energy of many forms behave, and how they interact with Tech. Why is this power core dangerous? You know why and how to avoid it.

Alchemist: Nature has its own science. The mystical can be achieved, even with no magical power on part of the user. Healing salves, Corrosive concoctions, deadly poisons, and even more magical brews could be created. What does that plant do? You know, and have probably used it before.

Pilot: It takes some skill to pilot an Airship, or drive a Steam Mech. You've got the coordination between man and machine to pilot several heavy crafts. How do you make this thing go? You're already on it.

Programmer: Some machines can talk back, in their own little way. The creation of life need not be in the hands of the Gods alone. Man's computers can think for us when we don't want to, doing things automatically. With the right know how, computers are our servants, not masters. How do you unlock this door with a broken terminal? Elementary.

Smith: Metals make the world go round. From framework to firearms, most effective and sturdy tools are forged from a solid piece of steel. You can pound out many a useful item with the proper lab, as well as knowledge of metallurgy. Will that beam buckle? Of course it will.

Cyberneticist: The bodies we are given sometimes don't do the job well enough. To make things easier, we can combine man and machine together. You know how this process works, and how to fix up and apply cybernetic implants. Can you re attach my arm? Sure thing.

(Cyber phobia): Some aren't comfortable with the idea for implants. Who can blame them? You know nothing of them and don't want to. In fact, you're pretty sure you'd rather die than get one yourself.

(Uncoordinated Cooperation): You don't have your license for a good reason. You'd probably just crash the thing anyway. Pilots must be wizards.

(Not Handy): You don't know how to fix it. Isn't that the engineer's job? Look at that. Too many parts, too many tubes and wires. It makes no sense at all.

Mental Traits:

Psychic Potential: Your third eye is opened, at least to some degree. You can use parts of your mind in ways that others can't dream of. You can even manifest your thought into the physical world to a small degree, lifting small objects, projecting emotion, reading willing minds, and even controlling heart rate and blood pressure at will.

Archeologist: Ruins of the old world fascinate you. You just have to explore them, and uncover their secrets. You've studied a fair amount, and know much about their architecture, ways of life, and customs. You can dig in the dirt like a pro too. Why was this temple built? You know.

Historian: Going in a more academic direction, the historian knows much of the timeline of history, ancient and present. Dead languages are hard to decipher, but not impossible to a historian. Lore, and legend are music to your ears, but you've probably heard that one before. What where the customs of these ancient people, and why did they do the things they did? It's all a matter of cause and effect, and of course, demographic shifts and cultural tensions.

Woodsman: The jungles and forests can be a menacing, unforgiving place to the untrained. That isn't a problem for you though. You can track prey, and tell how long ago the signs were made. You know how to gather small amounts of food, and hunt, as well as moving without leaving too many signs yourself. Is that storm going to be a problem? Certainly, you've already thought about what kind of shelter you'll make.

Cartographer: Territory is only uncharted until someone charts it. You have a steady hand, and a mathematical mind for large and small scale. Exploration serves to fill in the great map, and you know you're landmarks well. Navigation is key. Where the hell are we? Right here, of course.

Medical Doctor: You are studied in anatomy, and organized medicine. In practice, you can set a bone, stitch a wound, prescribe proper medicine, and tell chemicals apart for medicinal use, and other hands on uses. You gain the title of Doctor, and will have the right to examine patients and prescribe medicine. All this comes with a working grasp of chemistry, and surgical techniques.

Sharp Wit: You've got a comeback for anything, and a smooth tongue for diplomacy. The reasonable approach is always best. Talking is so much cleaner than fighting. Can you make them stop pointing their guns at us? You'll give it a go.

Eidetic Memory: If something is important to you, you will not forget it, no matter how much stress you're under. If you study something, it's in your head for life. It's not perfect, but people say it is. What's that password that you saw three months ago for a split second? No problem, in fact, it was 87 degrees out that day.

Natural Leader: Things get easier if everyone works together. They need someone to show them how it's done, and keep them in line so that things can move along swiftly. That's why you're here. You can obtain higher positions of authority, and command respect from groups and individual alike. Ser, the men... Let me have a word with them.

(Forgetful): Your mind isn't a sieve per se, but you do enter rooms and not know what you went in for. Things that don't have much of an impact on you, you tend to forget. Sometimes, you forget important things, and kick yourself for it later. Or perhaps you're just too busy and focused to be bothered.

(Urbanite): The Woods are a scary place. And the Jungles are a death trap. You wouldn't go there unless you had to, because you're used to city life. Those berries might be poisonous. That lizard is not going to just let you eat it. No vending machines out here.

(Slow of Wit): You've never been described as all that bright. It's not that you're dumb, it's just you take time to process things that other people take for granted. This can be frustrating at times when things happen quickly, but you've grown up with it, so sometimes, you don't even notice that it took you thirty minutes longer to muddle out that puzzle.

(Natural Follower): You work best when you know exactly what you're doing, and your boss isn't a jerk. You'd be uncomfortable in front of crowds, and don't really know how to inspire people to action.

Physical Traits:

Melee Skill: A techblade, a great hammer, a pointy stick, and that office chair: All Melee weapons. While you may be trained in the use of one or two types of arms, you have a basic grasp of the intricacies of melee combat in general, and know how to approach your opponent with skill, grace, and efficiency.

Martial Artist: Your body is your weapon. You have trained hard to fight with speed and poise, disarming and incapacitating your opponents without the use of weapons. This takes mental fortitude as well as physical prowess.

Primitive Ranged Weapon Skill: Bows, Crossbows, blowguns, and throwing weapons. You don't need a firearm to be deadly at mid-range. While not as sophisticated, some models do exist that improve on these ancient and time tested designs. You never know when you'll be caught without your Steam Rifle.

Firearms Skill: Steam guns, Energy weapons, Combustion guns, and automatic weaponry. These are man's most deadly toys for personal combat. While they have no equal in power, they take constant maintenance and care, as well as specialized ammunition. You know this well, and know to use your power to the best effect.

Uncommonly Strong: Your body is a powerhouse. While you may not look as fit as you are, you can lift weights with the best of them. A fallen beam will slow you down, but you're getting though it regardless. You can clamber up cliffs with ease, and pull yourself up form precarious positions. Don't forget about hitting hard, sometimes crushing though guards.

Withstand Pain: You know that when it really comes down to it, you just have to tough it out. You don't need a bullet to bite, because pain is in the mind. You feel every twinge of it, you just don't care.

Acrobat: Nimble, and quick. You can flip, and sail through the air, jumping a little higher, and longer. You use your environment to your advantage, moving around obstacles with ease.

Contortionist: Limber is an understatement. You've practiced your yoga enough to train with the great masters. You can put your body into positions that would make most men cringe. This is useful for getting out of tight situations, enclosed spaces, or even escaping bonds.

(Fragile Form): You aren't the hardiest around. In fact, you have learned to avoid danger for risk of injury, as you don't cope with it well. You get sick easier, and don't recover from injury as fast.

(Scrawny): Your build is akin to a bean pole. While this may make you attractive to some, it is also a liability when it comes to physical prowess. You can't lift very much weight, and long, forced labor will exhaust you quickly.

(Pacifist): You despise the act of combat. You're not good at it, and don't want to be. There are always other solutions, and if there isn't, other people can do the fighting, because you wouldn't know how to go about it in the first place.

(Uncoordinated): You aren't very limber, nor are you coordinated. Acrobatics is a distant dream for your abilities. You might just fall over if you tried to do a simple handstand.

Soul Traits:

Anti-Corruption: Your soul is strong, and it shuns foreign influence. Things attempting to infiltrate your very being will find it hard to do so. Of course, what about wanted infiltration? Friendly magic users and psychics will also find it hard to penetrate you, and there is little you can do about it.

Mystic Potential: Your soul is awakened to the flow of Magical energy. You can detect it in the air and the earth, and can control it to use for effects in the physical world, as well as the spiritual one. Creating small amounts of fire, ice, or electricity, projecting the senses short distances, reading the energy around you, decipher arcane scripts, infuse magic into objects, cause emotions, Transform yourself and others, and create fields of force and energy.

Old Soul: Your soul is old, an eldritch being made flesh in this world. This makes you wise beyond your years, and provides insight though past lives. These boons are fickle, and may not come when needed, or may show things that are not helpful, or even tormenting.

(Impressionable): Your soul is vulnerable to penetration. Friendly and unfriendly users alike will have little trouble causing emotion in you, and reading your thoughts, as well as affect your very being.

(Young Spirit): Your soul is newly come to this world. You tend to be rash, and innocent. You have high ideals that might not be founded in reality, and may be easily taken advantage of by wiser beings.

Extra Traits: You may add a new trait or disadvantage and submit it for approval. Should it be accepted, it becomes valid, and part of the character in full, as well as affecting the story as much as any other trait. If it is not, it will no longer be considered, and is not valid. Thusly, it will have no weight on the story.

Ah. You set a brave course for your life. One that will, I'm sure, prove useful for your enlightenment. When you return to me, I'm sure your soul will be stronger, and ready for greater challenge. Perhaps someday, you will ascend and live here forever, hm? For now though, you have much to learn, and much pleasure and pain left to feel.


I see though, that you will be a part of a large group. Many things could be attained with this much spirit behind it, but not everything they seek will come to pass. You will see a certain part of your adventure as more important than the others. Perhaps you can drive your group to greater heights with this fire in your mind.

7: Character goal. This is not intended to drive your every action, as that would become tiresome. It's meant to direct the story though your actions. These choices are general on purpose so that you may expand upon them yourself, at creation, and though the course of the story. Keep in mind that starting items are not solely determined by this alone. These are bonus items. Starting gear is determined at the start. Any specific items for your character should be stated in your description. You cannot posses any items of great power, or more than two weapons.

Spy: Your purpose here is political. You seek to gain information, or assassinate a target for a higher power in the government. Perhaps you are being paid well for this service, or perhaps it's all part of the job. Perhaps you are being blackmailed into it, or doing it for personal convictions. In any case, you operate on a different agenda. (Begin with a sealed letter addressed to you, detailing your mission, and a set of thieves tools.)

Protect a Prisoner: Not all is what it seems in this group. You have been assigned by outside forces, internal ones, or your own convictions, to protect the prisoner they hold. She has convinced you of her innocence, and you will see her restored to freedom, eventually. Your goals with her may be dubious, or chivalrous. (Begin with a strange Psychic Matrix, and a small concealed weapon.)

Soldier: Weather by draft, volunteer work, or long service, you are here on military assignment. Your only goal is the well being of the group, and the success of the mission... whatever it may be. Your superiors have been vague of several points, leading you to believe that this may be a classified trip. However, as a soldier, your duty is not to question. However, if you have been drafted, or simply inexperienced, you may feel uncomfortable with your new position. Your loyalty may be in question. (Begin with body armor (Light, medium, or heavy) and a military issue weapon of your choice.)

Body Guard: You have been assigned, or taken it upon yourself, to protect one certain member of the group. No harm must come to them, by any means. Anyone trying to harm them will have to first face your wrath. Your charge could be unaware of your protection, or even have personally hired you, or perhaps you never intended on it, and they simply grew on your heart so much that you decided to protect them in particular. (Begin with a piece of militarily equipment, and automatic favor with one NPC.)

Scholar: The academic world has brought you many gifts of knowledge, but there is nothing quite like the field. Even if you are not learned, you still wish only to explore ancient ruins, uncover secrets, and lean new facts about the world, old cultures, artifacts, and even magic. Knowledge is key, and the mission, at least for you, is to search out as much of it as you can. (Begin with navigation tools, and a journal of your findings)

Acquisition: You may prefer the title of "Expert treasure hunter", or some may call you a simple thief. You're in it for the money. Anything big, shiny, magic, powerful, old, or advanced is worth snatching. They will fetch a fine price when this is over, and you'll sit pretty on your mountain of gold. (Begin with Thieves tools, and a guaranteed stash spot, no matter where you go.)

Magister: You seek arcane or Psychic power though knowledge, artifacts, and practice in the field. You may also be on a personal quest to protect your own kind form persecution. (Begin with one arcane or Psychic focus (A matrix, crystal, staff, rod, ring, ect.) and a pouch of materials for spell-casting and alchemy.)

Other Goals: It is encouraged that you mix and match, or make your own goals. The situations that you may find yourself in have been left mostly unknown, so specific goals should be made on the fly. However, over arching goals like these can be made from the start.

Your path will be difficult, but I can see that you will gain much wisdom along your way.


I feel that your mortal conception is near at hand. The time is almost come for you to descend, and become the fetus in your mother's womb. You will, of course, have no memory of these events, and your mortal mind will have control over much of your actions. But, you already knew this, this not being the first time you have completed a cycle. Did you remember that? Mmm. Well enough I suppose.

There! The time is come. Let yourself slip away. Your mortal mind will take several years to adapt to the body, so be patient. Farewell, fight hard, and seek enlightenment ever onward!

Your soul quiets, and sinks back into a dormant position within you, for you have become somehow more than a soul. You have grown a mind, and a body to match it. You rest in warm silence until one day, your mind takes over almost completely, and your body grows. Soon enough, you are born, and your life unfolds in accordance to the choices you made... for the most part.

Rift (Part 7)

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