The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 1

The sounds of fighting continued, though the gunshots quickly vanished. there was a continuous repetition of discordant music throughout until every sound was drowned out by chief bogo's siren.

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3:20 Hell Hath No Fury

Although it seemed like a strange place to recover from a gunshot wound, this underground rave scene was a perfect place to drop below radar.

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Hot Shot

Sharp froze as he heard a gunshot nearby to his right, but didn't feel a hit. there was no sound of a near-miss either.

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Chapter 4: Sudo

"who is i-" jake said, but was cut off by a gunshot in his left arm. jake clutched his arm in pain, he quickly used his right hand to hit enter on the keyboard before the next gunshot hit his head.

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Draven and Ramiro Badminton Story Rewrite

The scrawny pied raven had never heard a gunshot before, but he was convinced that it must have sounded like this. the sweet sound began to grace his ears after he had convinced his best friend, ramiro, to join the badminton club.

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K-495 chapter 4

The gunshots echoed off the steal hull, the sound amplifying to almost deafening in the close space. i slammed the hatch shut, shaken, but ok, the bullets just bouncing off the hatch. "you ok?"

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krystal's story, chapter 1

There may be a few pokemon and trainers coming in with gunshot wounds...." i said. "wait, he's wild, but why do you care for him so much? and what do you mean gunshot wounds?" joy enquired, with a shocked look on her face.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

gunshots tore through the night, but the lack of audible ricochet ambiance showed that the weapons fire was not in kalevar's area. likely a panic effect, causing some poor fool to shoot into the shadows at something he thought he saw.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 1- Marooned

Some of them looked like they'd fought meat grinders and won, while others merely had one small gunshot wound or stab wound in them and some of them were missing tails, arms and a few of them were even crawling.

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Unstable Future - Chapter 7

Sure i had encountered hostile primitive tribes on my travels, but they could normal be scared off with a few gunshots.

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Course Corrected (Act1, Book2, Chapter18)

A gunshot sounded in the distance. donovan saw the firefighters duck down and put their hands up over their heads. another gunshot pierced the air from back in the direction of the field, on the other side of the tree line.

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losing hope/first steps ch12.

#8 of losing hope i look over alex's body for a long time inspecting the large gunshot wound in his head, * * * i start to poke at it, it feels fleashy and sticky flies buzz around me i swat them but they don't go away i take out my phone and call a local

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