K-495 chapter 4

Story by Yote on SoFurry

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#4 of K-495 The Devils Boat

Chapter 4

In the twilight of the early morning a lone submarine appeared out from the fog, prowled on the surface waters about 30 miles off of the cost of New York City. The slender sub rolled easily in the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The occasional wave crashing across the bow, rocking the old boat roughly. The ship looked almost like a relic of a by gone era, looking like it belonged more in world war two, then 1968. True the hull was based on that of a Nazi U-boat, but in its extended sail sat three nuclear missiles, ready, waiting. I awoke to the loud buzzing of the battle alarm, about my cabin; other furs were scrambling to get dressed.

"What the fuck is going on Gustav?!?" I asked him, as I quickly got dressed.

"I don't know, Uri, I haven't a clue." he said, pulling on his shirt. "It's the battle station alarm, so, we got to go!" he said, ducking out the hatch, heading to his position. I finished getting dressed, tucking the colt 45 Into my belt, where it couldn't be seen. I ran out of the cabin, towards the missile chamber.

Boris was already there, when I got there.

"What took you so fucking long?!?" Boris asked, as I came into the room.

"Hey, I couldn't find my shirt." I panted, as I got to my station, sitting ready to act if ordered. "What is this? A drill?" I asked Boris.

"I don't know, Uri, I really don't" he replied sitting at the ready, by the intercom that lead to the control room. The battle station alarm still rang, over the loudspeakers came the voice of the admiral,

"This is not a Drill, prepare the missiles for immediate launch at the united states." the admiral said, calmly, but distant, almost hollow.

"Not a drill?!?" I asked Boris.

"WHAT?!" Boris yelled over the intercom to the control room, "but we haven't been given the orders from Moscow!" I was confused, what was going on, I thought.

"Fuck Moscow! There all cowards!" a voice over the intercom replied, "We need to destroy the enemy while we can!"

"Oh god! Boris! The admiral has gone rouge! We need to stop him!" I said to Boris as I started towards the hatch.

"I fucking KNOW THAT!" Boris almost yelled. "I'm gona call Vostok over the intercom, and tell him radio a warning to Moscow!"

And with that, Boris started to yell over the intercom. I pushed open the forward hatch; out in the bow gunshots could be heard.

Civil war erupted on the K-495; this was it, the beginning of the end. Vostok got his call out to Moscow, who in turn warned the USA. In 30 minutes US aircrafts would attack the sub.

I opened the hatch leading from out of the missile compartment into the control room, it was open just a crack, but I could see a fur, one supporting the admiral, ready with an AK-47 squatting in the passageway. His ears were back, tail limp, face grim, eyes dark. I opened the hatch a bit more, and he fired. The gunshots echoed off the steal hull, the sound amplifying to almost deafening in the close space. I slammed the hatch shut, shaken, but ok, the bullets just bouncing off the hatch.

"You ok?" Boris asked, a handgun in his paws, his ears back, his body shaking.

"Yeah... I'm fine" I said, catching my breath, and then wiping my face. "Let's see if we can get on deck, I know the engine compartment is held by Dmitriy. He's with us, not the admiral." I said, shaking at my close call.

"Good idea, lock that hatch and let's go, I have gotten most of the missiles sabotaged, I ripped out all electrical wirings. Only tube three will fire, I just can't get that tube to not work, fucker is always giving us problems, and when we need one, it won't happen, the hatch to the wiring is frozen shut" he said, still shaking. I did as he said, nodding fast, panting hard, and locked the forward hatch, before jamming a wench in between the latch and the wall, keeping the hatch shut in the event they got the lock open. He opened the one on the other side of the compartment, and stepped through it.

Compartment 5 was calmer then the missile chamber, most of the furs that supported us were in there. Except Gustav and Vostok, they were stuck in the control compartment; I prayed to my self that they were ok, but... I didn't know, last I heard, Vostok had locked him self into the radio room, and, as for Gustav, I just didn't know. We made our way through compartment 5, a few bodies of furs that supported the admiral laid on the ground. There blood staining the deck, flowing forth, crimson, reflecting the stark light of the bare bulbs. There was a fur holding his intestines in with his paws, he looked at me, into my eyes, blood dripped from his open mouth, his arms and shirt covered in it.

"The ... The traitors got me..." he whispered, a bubble of blood forming in his mouth.

I nodded as I walked past him, "you did well, comrade, you're a hero of Russia." he nodded weakly, as Boris and I walked pasted, into the engine compartment.

In the engine compartment was Dmitriy, holding an AK-47, "Comrades! Good to see your well!" he said, as we entered the compartment.

"Good to be here" I panted, still shaken up. "Were going to try to get on deck and into the forward compartments through the bow hatch" I told him. He shook his head, and handed me an AK-47.

"That's going to be hell, the deck around the conning tower is crawling with furs supporting the admiral, there well armed." he said. "They have Aks, a Sa-7 anti aircraft rocket, and 2 RPGs," he said, walking over to the ladder that let to the hatch.

"If your going out on deck, I'm going first" he said cold and stern, this was his moment in the sun, and he knew it, completely un-armed he climbed up the ladder, throwing open the hatch with bravery. He quickly climbed up, trying to get out, but didn't get far. Gunfire could be heard on deck, and suddenly a torrent of blood gushed down from the opening of the hatch, Dmitriy went limp, then fell back into the sub, blood pored from his shot up face, his jugular spraying blood allover the compartment. His face was gone, teeth littered the ground. I stared at Dmitriy in horror; he had been one of the best furs I know; now he lay there, dead, a bullet hole even in his ear. I looked up at the hatch, a cold feeling going through my body. Blood oozed down from the hatch, dripping down, and coating the ladder.

"Oh...god..." Boris said. faintly, just murmuring the words.

I shook, I was scared, and Dmitriy was the one fur I thought would be able to stop the up-rising. Now he laid there, in a puddle of blood and brain matter, shot down by a coward, a traitor to the Soviet Union.

"Boris, we have to do something..." I said... My eyes locked on the open hatch, "But Uri, what about Dmitriy, I don't want to end up like him" he said, his tail between his legs.

"You won't, Boris," I said, stepping onto the ladder, I started to climb. I stopped inches away from the opening, I took a deep breath and peeked out, and saw them. There were ten furs crouched by the conning tower, one saw me and fired, I ducked quickly, the bullets bounced and hit the open hatch. I shook, and held my breath. Balancing my self with my legs, I thrust up The AK 47 and sprayed the group, before ducking down. I didn't hit anyone, but something had caught my eye, in the distance.

The jets, the jets were coming, the American jets were coming, and they'd stop this revolt. I peeked out again, and saw the first jet come over. The furs on deck stood and fired at the jet, but the jet fired back. There bullets caused a torrent to arise in the waters off the sub, huge splashes rose up as the first of the 20mm bullets hit the water. The bullets hit the sub, cracking loud as they bounced off. Then they found the furs, the bullets ripping into them, shattering the guns, clumps of fur flew into the air, huge drops of blood spattered all over the conning tower, on the deck. The furs flopped about, being tossed and dismembered, the bullets ripping into them, tearing them apart, there innards flopping out, arms and legs being blown off. There blood running off the sub, turning the water off the conning tower red, as if the sub it self was bleeding.

Then it was over the jet flew past, the second jet started its run. It came in lower, slower then the first; I wasn't sure what it was doing, before I heard it. The noise was a horrible ear splitting scream, and the multiple rockets shot towards the sub. Plums of white smoke following them, some hit the sub, exploding, or going through the hull. The explosions rocked and tossed the sub. One rocket passed through the hull, into the engine compartment where we were standing, it exploded, throwing the right engine across the compartment, the Boris was thrown forward, slamming into the ladder. The force knocked me down, I fell off the ladder, onto the body of Dmitriy, and my ears were ringing. Thick smoke enveloped the compartment, I couldn't see much, or hear at all.

"BORIS" I yelled," BORIS, ARE YOU OK?!"

"N-no..." he gasped, I blinked and sat up, peering through the smoke I could see Boris laying there, trembling, covered in blood. I crawled over to him, and saw that his legs were gone, completely blown off.

"Oh god... Boris... You're hurt..." I said, holding him, hugging him.

"you're... Your hit too Uri..." he said, and I was. I was cut in many places, my chest felt heavy, I tore off my shirt, there was a large gash across my chest, it wasn't deep, and I couldn't feel it. I didn't know why, but right now I was worried about Boris.

His legs, there were gone, I could see that, through the smoke, his paws were shaking, ears twitching, I was covered in blood, holding him there, leaning his up against the body of Dmitriy, laying in a puddle of blood, our blood. At first Boris looked at me, tried to smile, but I could see he was in horrible pain, covered in blood. I looked up, and quickly looked about the room, I noticed a odd large white light coming through the smoke. I knew it was no lamp, I realized what it was, it was sunlight, coming through the huge hole in the hull.

"Uri..." he said, panting, "Get help, and try to get into compartment 5" he said, faintly. I nodded, and ran to the closed hatch, twisting the lever to open it, but it wouldn't budge, I banged into the hatch, with my shoulder, trying to force the hatch open, no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't open.

"It won't open, Boris" I said, running back to him.

"Then," he said, "lets get into the stern torpedo room."

"Alright," I said, picking him up, and caring me to the rear hatch, I pounded on the hatch, Kicking it, and it opened.

"Good GOD!" the fur who opened, the hatch said, as I helped Boris into the compartment. "What happened in there?!"

"Rocket... It came through the hull..." I panted, this compartment the one we were heading into was the electric motor room. It was almost full of about 20 furs; they helped me, helped get Boris in, and laid him against the wall. One of them started to wrap his stubs of legs with a torn up shirt.

"Gaa...comrade..." he winced.

"Oh man..." I started to pant, as I started to feel the pain in my chest, one of the furs ran over to me, and started to wrap my chest up. I looked over at Boris, he was going into shock. The sub started to list, and creak, one of the furs shut and locked the hatch leading into the engine compartment, and the furs took Boris aft, into the stern torpedo compartment, where he died. They loaded Boris's limp mangled body into the one stern torpedo tube; I left the compartment as they started to do this, not wanting to watch. I heard the whoosh, and felt the shudder of the sub. They fired his body out one tube, we need all the free space we could get, Boris was a hero, though he didn't get the burial he deserved, he would always be a hero.