K-495 chapter 4

Chapter 4 In the twilight of the early morning a lone submarine appeared out from the fog, prowled on the surface waters about 30 miles off of the cost of New York City. The slender sub rolled easily in the rough waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The...

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K-495 chapter 3

Chapter 3 Days passed since my conversation with Dmitriy, the rumor we talked about spread like wildfire aboard the sub, each fur taking his sides, some were for the admiral, some, like me, were against him, but he didn't know.? Today was going to...


K-495 (chapter 2)

Chapter 2 It was 8:40, and every man was out on deck, the wind wiping through our fur, piercing out thin uniforms. We stood upright, at attention, as the admiral walked up and down the deck, before taking a stand in front of the middle of the...

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K-495 The Devils Boat (proluge and Chapter 1)

K-495 "The devils boat" Prologue 2006. It was quiet, and still, all that the divers of he Poseidon VIII mini sub could see out side there porthole was the murky depth of the deep ocean. Three miles above them, on the oceans surface, the...

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Daniel Yote made a funny face as his boot squished down in a good four inches of mud. _I just bought these._ He muttered to himself. The mud wasn't the worst part though, a constant rain drizzled from the heavens above, soaking the Gore-Tex jacket he...

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A Fox and his Yeena

Chapter 5: Broken and Used Well. I'm here. Stuck in the middle of a lonely stretch of road. Nowhere to go and nobody to help me. My lover is back into his bar life. Back to philandering with other guys. I sit on the hood of my car regretting the...

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I'll Be Ok

The coyote awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, sweat beading off his brow. Breathing heavily, he took a look at his surroundings. After his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he saw that he was in his bedroom. His eyes darted about, his...

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A Fox and His Yeena

Chapter 4: Broken Memories Love. It's something you feel. Something shared with your beloved. Only with your beloved. So when the bond is broken there's nothing to do but lie down and cry. "Drake ? Why have you betrayed me ?!" I ask myself. In a...

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Character Data: Daniel D. Yote

COMMONWEALTH OF INDEPENDENT CANINE STATES DIRECTORATE FOR INTERNAL AND DOMESTIC SECURITY CITIZEN DATA Name: Daniel D. Yote Species: Mountain Coyote (canis latrans lestes) Ethnicity: Latranian Profession: Military contractor Age: 32 Zodiac Sign:...

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A Labor of Love

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. As such, it may contain material some of you might find objectionable. Thankfully, this isn't the usual type of fiction I do, so there isn't much objectionable unless you find ghosts not to your...

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City of Heroes Pt I

The sun had set hours ago; bathing the city in darkness, save for the artificial glow from the many streetlights that dotted the urban landscape. A majority of Anejo's residents had gone to sleep hours ago, but there were a few who used the darkness...

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A Fox and His Yeena

Chapter 2: This Is The Life Well as I lay in bed I realize that what I did... felt right but how I got in the situation was... wrong. I tend to forget this though when I'm around Drake. He's such a good boy. He takes me out to dinner, treats me to...

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