K-495 The Devils Boat (proluge and Chapter 1)

Story by Yote on SoFurry

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#1 of K-495 The Devils Boat

K-495 "The devils boat"



It was quiet, and still, all that the divers of he Poseidon VIII mini sub could see out side there porthole was the murky depth of the deep ocean. Three miles above them, on the oceans surface, the water was getting choppy, the skies getting dark, but the furs aboard oil drilling platform Neptune 12 were working hard, preparing to anchor the platform to the sea floor. The commander of the platform, a large strong wolf, shirtless and in dirty blue pants, sat at his office, with his hind paws up on the desk. He yawned and stretched, scratching the back of his head, as he listened to the crackling static that came over the radios speaker. Suddenly a faint voice came over the radio

"Poseidon VIII to Neptune 12, do you read me Neptune 12?"

the wolf yawned and sat up; blinking groggily as he picked up the microphone,

"This is Neptune 12, what's up, Jake?" the wolf spoke.

"We got something weird down here, Ace, something big," Jake responded from over the radio. "It hasn't come into the Poseidon VIII range yet, but according to the sonar, it's big and in the way".

Ace chuckled and responded "so? what's it shaped like, there's not much out here on this part of the sea floor?".

"Hold on, Ace" Jake responded, "its coming into view now.... Let me turn on the lights". Jake flipped a switch, and the lights out side the little sub flickered and came to life, illuminating the inky darkness. At the port hole, Jake watched, he watched as the thing came into view, like a great dead whale it sat there, rusting in peace.

"I think it's a sub." Jake spoke into his microphone. "but our charts say there no wrecks out here" he said.

"Does it look old?" Ace responded, now interested.

"Yeah, kind of rusty, lots of dents and a few holes... But looks to be intact" Jake said, studying the wreck, as the Poseidon VIII passed over its bow. He signaled to the pilot of the mini sub to turn around for another pass. Into view of the mini subs porthole came the conning tower of the wreck, still visible on the side was the faded number "K-495".

"Ace, ever hear of the K-495?" he spoke into his microphone.

"Vaguely, I thought it was a myth" replied Ace, over the radio.

"It anit no myth Ace, it's sitting right here in front of me, but..." Jake released the talk button on the microphone, "How did it get here?" spoke Jake to him self.

"I lost you Jake, you broke off."

Jake ignored this message, studding the wreck, and thinking to him self. The wreck was rusting, old, and dirty, sea life had made the wreck home. A fish darted out here, another there. But besides that, there was nothing else there. The sub sat alone on the sea floor, with just a few fish and a paw full of rocks littered here and there.

"Poseidon VIII!?! Do you read me?!?" came over the radio.

"Sorry Ace," Jake said "but... I'm just thinking," he shook his head; he had a job to do. Turning to the pilot he said "alright, continue to the drill site" and with that, the Poseidon VIII slowly crossed the "K-495" leaving it to rust in the darkness again. To be forgotten, or maybe ignored, the K-495 had a reason to be ignored, she wasn't known as "the devils boat" for nothing.

Chapter 1


It was a warm April morning in the Baltic ocean, I yawned and rubbed my eyes, I could hear the usual chatter of the all Siberian husky crew, I turned away from the wall and sat up, and looking about the tight close cabin in witch I shared with 15 other sailor furs. They were there usual selves, rowdy and loud, very loud. I wondered how on earth we could hide from the American subs, hell I thought; they could probably hear us all the way in New York.

"Morning Uri" one of the huskies said to me.

"Hey there Gustav" I said, scratching my crotch. "Where are my pants?" I muttered, then stretched and yawned, making my self a perfect target, and got hit in the face with my pants.

"Thanks" I said, standing up and pulling them on, other huskies that were still asleep, where now getting up. We were all excited; this was going to be our first tour of duty on our brand new Golf II class missile sub. I chuckled, watching some of the furs joking about, as I pulled on my shirt, and yawned again.

Now dressed and hungry, I retreated out of the cabin, with my best friend Gustav close behind me.

"Damn, comrade" I said to him, chuckling, as we stepped out into the main passage way. "Looks like we got out of there just in time." I said, as a yell of anger and laughs came out of our cabin. We headed down the length of the passageway, towards the galley, peeking into a few of the other cramped cabins, in one, more furs were waking up, in a second there was corporal Vostok, our radio fur, sitting at his desk, the earphones on his head. He was busy talking to Moscow, receiving and writing down our orders. Tuning the radio, and talking into his microphone.

"When the hell does he wake up?" I asked Gustav, he just laughed, and kept walking. I stopped in front of the hatch on the left side of the passageway labeled 'galley'.

"Gustav" I said, ribbing him jokingly with my elbow, "looks like we made it here before the morning rush." I said opened the hatch, and stepped into the galley. He chuckled, and shook his head.

"Yep , Uri," Gustav said, picking up a tray from the stack, next to the hatch, and walking into the breakfast line, "looks like we did" he said, smiling, picking up picking up four plates of pancakes. I shook my head, Gustav was a big fur, about 6 foot and a paw full of inches in high , and very beefy, I'm still surprised at how such a big guy managed to get into the navy, and even more surprised to that he got on-board a sub. I wasn't sure what he did before the navy, I hadn't asked, I should one day, I thought.

Chuckling to my self, I grabbed I cup of coffee, and sat down at one of the tables. It was towards the back of the galley where the wall curving up at the top, following the contour of the subs hull. The seats were cold metal, so were the tables, walls and everything else, everything was painted a dull flat grey and green. There were pipes and wires strung out across the walls, some were for steam, water, and others, and I wasn't even sure. Some were cold and leaked, some were hot, and burned if you bumped into them, but I thought to my self, this is home. The officers were lucky, there cabins were furnished with wood paneling and had red carpets covering the floor; each officer had there own private cabins and were rather comfortable, even though small. Gustav sat down next to me, grinning; bits of pancakes were stuck to his teeth. I laughed, at his stupid expression, shaking my head.

"Wha?!?" he asked, covering his muzzle with his paw.

"You look like a fool, Gustav. There's enough pancake in your teeth to cover the Kremlin". I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

Gustav shot me a look that could kill, and then muttered "you're an ass hole, Uri" he said, rubbing his teeth clean with his finger. I shook my head, knowing that Gustav was a fanatic over his teeth. I took another sip of coffee, watching the galley fill up with other furs.

The sent of pancakes and bacon filled the air, and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath letting the sent of sweaty furs, diesel fuel, and bacon mixed together in cramped conditions fill my nose, I almost coughed, covering my mouth, clamping my muzzle shut.

"You ok, Uri?" Gustav asked, still stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Yeah..." I gasped "but I never realized how bad it stunk in here" I said, setting my coffee down on the table, and rubbed my temples and closed my eyes.

"Man, Uri, your right, it doesn't smell too good in hear," I heard Gustav say through a mouthful of pancakes. I shook my head, and looked up, the galley was full, and here came Vostok, the headphones around his neck, the wire tucked into his shirt.

"Morning comrades", he said, taking a sit next to me, and picking up my coffee, tacking a sip of it.

"Hey Vostok" I said, watching him drink my coffee. Gustav just waived, stuffing more pancakes into his muzzle.

"I just got off the radio with Moscow," Vostok said, leaning in. "Don't tell anyone this "he said, in a low voice, "but Moscow says were going to the arctic."

"The arctic?!?" I said, "why the hell are we going there?"

"SHH! I don't know that part of the message was classified." he said, finishing my coffee. "I got to go, and give the admiral our orders, remember... SHH!" he said, getting up. I took back my cup, and looked into it.

"Yeah... No problem, " I said, flatly, " thanks for drinking my coffee."

Vostok grinned, "your welcome comrade!" he said, giving me a sarcastic salute and walking out of the galley.

"Well Gustav, we should get to our posts" I said standing up, Gustav grabbed my tail, and pulled me down.

"Not now, Uri," he laughed "remember? We have to assemble on deck at 8:30," he said, chuckling and leaning back, rubbing his belly.

"Ah yes" I said "the admirals speech, great" I said, checking the clock, it read 7:36. "Well, Gustav" I said," what are we gona do between now and then?" I asked, looking around the galley.

"Let's go find Dmitriy" he said, standing up.

"Alright, Dmitriy probably is in the engine room" I said, leading the way out of the galley. Once in the main passage way we were free of the crowds.

"What a mob" I said to Gustav,

"no shit.." he said, flicking pancake off his shirt. "Bunch or rowdy fools" he said, as we walked down the passageway towards the stern.

Dmitriy, I wasn't sure if he was a retard or a genius, he had been in the soviet navy since before world war one. He was the fats laziest husky I have ever seen, but he was a good fur. He was the oldest fur on the sub, old enough to be any of our fathers, but a lot more fun. Gustav and I came across him right where we thought he would be, asleep against one of the throbbing, hammering, loud diesel engines.

"Dmitriy!" I yelled, kicking him in the side, he yawned, and muttered

"fuck you, Uri, cant ya see I'm working?" I shook my head, and looked to Gustav, chuckling.

"Alright, Gustav, get him!" Gustav cracked his knuckles, grinning evilly as he walked in front of Dmitriy. He bent forward, Dmitriys legs between his, I gave Gustav thumbs up, and he slapped Dmitriy so hard you could hear it over the pounding of the engines. Dmitriy yawned, and brought a leg up hard, smashing it into Gustav nuts,

"AH..............." Gustav let out a bit of a yelp; his knees buckled inward, the skin beneath his fur going pale. "Mother....fucker..." he whispered, falling over onto his side. Dmitriy just smiled, and I burst out laughing, reaching out and taking Dmitriy's paw, helping him get up off the floor.

"So, you to fools" he said to us, "what are you doing in this part of the sub?".

"Well..." I said. "Nothing else to do for the time being, the admirals speech is a half hour away. So... what's up?" I asked. Dmitriy muttered

"nothing at all" he said, walking over to the main engine control panel, stepping over Gustav. "Well, I'm going to go try to get some food" he said, after looking over the panel.