krystal's story, chapter 1
#1 of krystal's story
*Edit: fixed the problem with the gun types*
"Krystal Get Down" Luke yelled right as he was hit by a thunderbolt from the team rocket's pikachu.
"Luke! NO!" I screamed and ran to him.
"*cough* Krys, run away *cough* before they get you" Luke whispered when I got to him.
"Luke, I am not leaving you to die or get captured here, I'm staying." I told him as I stood up and drew my
pistol. (Desert Eagle .50 AE for you gun nuts. I'll describe it a bit more later.)
Before I continue I should tell a little bit about my past and how me and Lucario (Luke) ended up together.
From what Luke's told me my village was destroyed in the poke-wars and Luke had found me crouching under a
large beam of professor oak's lab. (Oak didn't die, although he was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his
life) I was only three at the time and my family had been killed in the battle. Luke raised me from that point
forward. We were travelers and more than once Luke had to fight off child services so I wouldn't be separated from
him. As I grew up Luke taught me how to control the natural energies around me, and I became able to use some dark
element attacks such as dark pulse and dark void. (I didn't make these up like some writers do, feel free to check.)
When I turned 10 black bands appeared on my wrists and ankles, and the strength of my attacks increased. Luke
said it was a form of evolution. That scared me; I thought I was turning into a pokemon! Anyhow, when I was 15 team
rocket started coming after us, and on my sixteenth birthday Luke gave me my Desert Eagle. I remember him saying
'you have to be able to protect yourself, and while your attacks are powerful, you tire to fast if you use them.
Use this instead.'
I am 17 now and we had just left Saffron City and we were heading north for Cerulean City when we were ambushed.
That is were we left off earlier.
I noticed the pikachu charging another thunderbolt so I fired at its trainer, hitting him in the arm. The pikachu
ran back to it's trainer to help the man. I heard a noise behind me and whipped around, a nidarino was charging for me.
I jumped out of the way, turned and fired. I hit the pokemon in the right hind leg and it dropped to the ground.
A loud screech above me caused me to duck. I just dodged a pidgey's fly attack, but the bird was zooming around
to fast to shoot. I summoned some dark energy and launched a dark void, the pidgy instantly going out cold. I decided
now was a good time to leave so I picked up Luke (14 years in the bush keeps you fit) and ran.
Later at the pokecenter...
"Wow, your Lucario is lucky to be alive after getting hit with that thunderbolt. What happened?" asked nurse joy
as I walked into the room where Luke was.
"First off, he's not my Lucario, he's wild. As for what happened, team rocket attacked us again, but this time they
planned an ambush. There may be a few pokemon and trainers coming in with gunshot wounds...." I said.
"Wait, he's wild, but why do you care for him so much? And what do you mean gunshot wounds?" Joy enquired, with a
shocked look on her face.
"Well, Luke raised me since I was 3; my village was destroyed in the poke-wars. About the gun wounds, unfortunately,
with Luke out cold I had to use this." I said as I showed Nurse Joy the Desert Eagle.
A little more about my gun for those of you who want to know. Luke had it specially designed for me so it would not
have as much recoil, but it keeps all of its power. The outside it black with a gold vine pattern spiderwebed across it.
The grip is made of Mother of Pearl. On the slide there are five flowers each with an emerald in the center. All in all it
is a beautiful and deadly weapon.
"While I normally would confiscate any weapon and give it to the police, I can tell that you treasure that, and it
is probably very expensive, a Desert Eagle .50 caliber AE, with minimum recoil as well. A truly beautiful gun, where did you
get it?" Joy asked. I could tell that she was impressed.
"Luke gave it to me, I don't know where he got the money though. We're travelers, and we just got back from the
Kanto region. Cerulean city is amazing."
"Wait! I recognize you two. You were on the news as suspects in the bombing of the Sliph co. tower."
"Heh, Heh, guilty as charged. I'll let you know that was a rather important base of team rocket."
"WHAT! But where did you get the explosives, one pokemon could never bring down that tower alone."
"Who said that Luke was the only one who could use dark energies and aura?" I said, much to the surprise of Nurse
"What do you mean..." she asked, still puzzled.
"I mean that through training I can use some basic dark type attacks. I can also, like Luke, sense aura."
"I have heard rumors about a human with pokemon abilities, this is interesting. Would you mind if I take a blood
sample, I want to check if there is an abnormality in your DNA?"
"Yeah, so you can clone me, Black Tulip."
"What!! How did you know?"
"Sure, Nurse Joy is smart, but she would never know about my Desert Eagle's caliber or the minimum recoil at first
glance. Nurse Joy wouldn't be able to tell what attack hit Luke, she may be a doctor, but she isn't that accurate. Plus,
you have been giving off a nasty aura this whole time. I just wanted to make sure you were the real Black Tulip, not just
a pissed off Nurse Joy, before I showed any sign of seeing through your disguise."
"You will give me a DNA sample, or the Lucario gets it." Black Tulip said as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at
"I have heightened senses as well, and I can tell that that is a fake, I don't smell gun oil. Also, you're smarter
that to carry around a cocked gun in your pocket and I didn't hear a slide being pulled. Now this," I said, and in one smooth
motion cocked and leveled my D.E. at her, "this is the real deal. If I pull the trigger, you'll look like a human doughnut.
Back away from Luke and leave the blood sample you took from him on the table. Don't try anything; I even scare Luke with my
skill with this thing." Black Tulip complied. "Good girl, now you have five minuets to clear this pokecenter of all team rocket
members and release nurse joy, or you all will be either killed or tortured to death mentally." Black Tulip left, and complied.
The real Nurse Joy came running in and inspected Luke, but the news was not good.
"I'm afraid even if he recovers, he will never be able to use his attacks again. That electric attack did some
serious damage to his nervous system. It could even be possible that the energy normally used for attacking could build up
then all release suddenly. I've seen it happen. The blast is like a nuke, and it usually kills the pokemon. If only Professor
Azura was still around, he could probably help him."
"Who is Prof. Azura?"
"He is a scientist specializing in pokemon like Lucario and Riolu, aura pokemon to be exact. If anyone can save Luke
it's him. One problem though, he was running a genetic experiment a few years ago, and the experimental cells spilled on him,
causing him to become a half pokemon. You can't tell he isn't human until you see his eyes; they are like a Lucario's. You
can use aura right; your pupils are like a Lucario's, not to mention the bands on your arms."
"I can use aura to a point, so that should help. Where would be a good place to look for Azura?"
"Head north, to Bill's sea cottage; he should be able to help you more. Give him this letter; he will understand your
problem." Joy said as she handed me a sealed envelope. "Don't open that envelope, there is a seal on the inside that breaks
when it's opened, and without the right chemical the letter burns up."
"Okay, what about Luke though, he's in no condition to travel?" I asked.
"We will take care of him. We have an underground containment facility for pokemon who can't use attacks. He will be
safe in there. Oh shit, he's going to blow!" nurse joy said as Luke started to glow a bright white. I ran over to him, and
recognizing the fault in Luke's aura, I quickly absorbed the excess energy and blacked out.
"Oh good she's awake, you tell her..." I heard a voice that I didn't recognize.
"Krystal, are you feeling alright?" I heard nurse joy ask.
"I'm feeling fine, why?" I replied still puzzled.
"I don't know how to say this, but I think you turned into a legendary pokemon."
"Wait, did you just say... oh... well no wonder it feels like I'm sitting on my arm, arms?!?!" I say as I notice I have
nine tails. "Okay, before I open my eyes, what am I, and how is Luke?"
"Well you're taking this better than expected. First off, you're most likely the kyubi. As for Luke, he is stable,
and should be fine for another few years, although, he de-evolved back to a Riolu." Nurse Joy says as I stand up and look
at myself in a mirror.
I had grown fluffy black fur all over my body, and as I said before, nine tails as well. My face hade elongated,
giving it a more cainineish look. I had green eyes, unlike my previously orange ones. When I took a good look at my hands
I noticed I had claws, and like a fox, my canines (eyeteeth I believe) had grown sharper and longer.
"Well, this explains how the legendaries hide their young. The young take on a human form until they reach a certain
age, wow... oh wait, I won't be able to talk soon will I?"
"I believe you will be able to, but you will need to do it psychically. Otherwise no, you won't." nurse joy said.
"Ah well, this is going to be interesting. Hey Joy, you wouldn't happen to have a spare trench coat and hat lying
around, I have to get out of the city without causing a commotion, also 'can you hear this'"( parts in ' ' are psychic speech)
"Yes to both, although I was about to throw the thing away. You should watch out for team rocket, they are looking for
Luke. Speak of the devil..." nurse joy said a luke walked in.
"Krystal, that was a damn fool thing to do, you could have killed yourself. Ah well, I guess alls well that ends well.
Oh and about you being a pokemon, I knew all along. It's about time I told you what actually happened that night."
*this next part is all Luke speaking, so ignore the lack of quotation marks*
Before I found you, I was a high ranked elite black ops agent on the pokemon's side, I was sent to take out a major
threat to us, the atomizer. The atomizer was a high energy laser cannon that could vaporize anything within 10000 nautical
miles. When I arrived, I saw that they were using your mother, Elise, as a power source. I quickly dispatched the guards,
but when I detached her from the machine, she was already dying. She told me about you, well your egg at least, and where they
were keeping you. After telling me about you being in a human form for fourteen years she died. I immediately grabbed your egg,
and then reported back to HQ. The faculty was destroyed by HO-OH himself, so we can be sure that no other atomizers can be built.
I decided to raise you, so after the war I watched over you, all the while keeping you safe from team rocket and other factions
who would want to hurt you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but if you knew, you would have probably killed yourself, right?
*end section*
"Luke, I wouldn't have killed myself. I was just a little immature when I was 10. Oh and by the way, you are a really
cute little Riolu. I'm guessing nurse joy made you wash your fur, you're all puffy!" I joked, and everyone burst into laughter."
"Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in ages, well, if I'm going to have to see this Azura fellow, I better go with you.
I may not look it, but this fluff ball can still do damage. Along with attacks, we learned hand to hand combat. While we travel,
I'll help you learn pokemon attacks, as well as hand to hand. Lets go, and bring your gun, you'll need it."