S2 Ep10 Trouble is brewing pt2

The next goal is to get rid of their prince and brother problem which meant that they were going to develop a plan to get rid of them and get to their goal.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 12 the participants

He laughed as he moved the ball towards the front of the goal. "that is what you are supposed to do, i am the goal keeper remember" he sneered as he put the ball in front of him. "now are you going to go to your side or what?"

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Introduction To The WarZone

Well, that was the written goal anyway, but judging by the heavy machine guns and assault rifles the fully armored agents carried, one could see that they would settle for a dead one.

Chapter 6 - Secrets Revealed (Part 2)

John received the ball and hammered it at the goals, curling it into the top left corner. dante's head ached even worse than it had when he woke from his unconsciousness as the crowd cheered from john's superb goal.

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Diamond Run Forever

Hooves flashing out, he extends one rear leg slightly more, putting spin on the ball as it curves toward the goal. eyes closed, diamond run doesn't need to look to know he scored the goal, the home-crowd's voices, their hooves, tell him. "you did it!"

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Crumbs

The aim to escape notwithstanding, his goal is to learn how he kept his sanity into his bull form.

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Choose your own adventure (CYOA), Steel Quest: Intro.

Other goals: it is encouraged that you mix and match, or make your own goals. the situations that you may find yourself in have been left mostly unknown, so specific goals should be made on the fly.

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EftML: Appendix 1:

It has been the goal of the hunters since the founding of the order. another goal of theirs was to protect the secret of the existence of lycanthropes. then the lycanthropes revealed themselves. now the job of the hunters to protect the humans.)

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Mission to Live

Vision unclouded, single objective, a "life goal" roads are made, maps drawn. not one error. errors perceived as steps, to reach the final floor to reach the level of achievement-to be remembered.

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Writing Advice: What Makes You Write?

goals are more achievable when you break large ones down into smaller ones, and the same is about your motivation to write. break it down further - what is your objective to write about this story? that scene?

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"for a dream, a goal can seem, easy to find... for a goal to be achieved with a dream, we need to try to keep them ever in mind...

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