Death Kiss 9
Kyle sighs "honey just come back in the bed there is nothing i can do to change you into a human inless you want to die and stay dead." i smile "i will be back darling don't wait up for me."
Death Kiss 2
#2 of death kiss chapter. 2 i can't believe he said that to me like seriously. i really wish he would of kissed me, he finally lets go of my hand, i slowly very slowly get out of his bed.
Death Kiss 6
#6 of death kiss chapter.6 i wake up with kyle's strong arms wrapped neatly around my stomach; my hand finds his and gently ever so gently intertwines his fingers with mine. than a small electrical current goes down my arm than goes into his.
Death Kiss 5
#5 of death kiss chapter. 5 i awake with kyle's arms wrapped around me and i look at the clock and i sigh thinking to myself "seriously its only 5 in the morning.
Death kiss 3
#3 of death kiss chapter. 3 i stare dazed as kyle dishes up our breakfast. i look down at my plate and i blink than i slowly take a bite and move my plate away."i um where is your shower?"
Death Kiss 4
#4 of death kiss chapter. 4 i put the kettle on than i sit on a chair by the kitchen table my long legs out stretched underneath it. i sigh as i know i have to start working around the house than i smile as i hear the shower turn on.
Poem: Death's Kiss
Grip they bleed themselves into your mouth you can't resist the smell death has now taken you be you slave or lover nothing can be changed you're theirs forever
Death Comes to Me
A tragedy awaits my eyes today, for death hath checked his schedule i hear. with scythe in hand, decends doth he to earth. collecting toll today i owe is why he now reveals his truest face for me.
"Death Song of the Ceruni"
"o dear goddess," did i cry, "have the heart to tell me why, when i have spent my days and nights, not quite dead, yet not alive, am i shrouded in your holy light?
Die A Thousand Deaths
Against the horror of having known how final death would have been back on earth, she'd never imagined a situation in which your last thoughts while falling to your death would have been 'someone will be so mad at me!' it was... unsettling.
Hunting Death-Collapse
The guilt of knowing this creature was killed on my behalf wouldn't sit well with me for a very long time, possibly even past my death point. i won't let it happen if i have a say.
Hunting Death- Ambushed
#21 of hunting death **ambushed** whether or not they fully understood the gravity of my condition i am not entirely sure. however, i am not so skilled as to make the fact that i am feeling a bit under the weather hidden from the lot of them.