The Wolves of Gryning: A Vixen's Tale Pt. III

The other foods caught her eye as they walked the length of the main tunnel--grilled eels, enormous dried fishes, bowls of rice; she saw soup full of mushrooms and a kind of brittle seaweed that grew in the hatskav; she saw the same seaweed sold, on its own

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Born Anew

I thought as i'd just finished up another meal of seaweed and slurped up the last piece of seaweed like a wet noodle that seemed very eager to slap me on either side of my beak while being eaten.

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 17.

It rose up and jared could see, even from up high, that the wolf had disguised itself with seaweed and dirt. able to blend into the foliage almost perfectly.

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995 A Dart Made Of Black Paper

Black paper is the cheapest kind, made from seaweed beaten flat, edible if you want to want to wrap food inside it.

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Chapter Eleven

Curious, those surrounding stepped closer to the turtle, looking at the pile of seaweed that almost appeared to be woven together like a crude mat.

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The Girl And The Sea - Orca TF Short Story

She sat at the edge of the water and opened the silver box given to her by the woman of the woods, holding up the length of seaweed to examine it.

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Dark Growlithe - Chapter 8

Vaporeon then took a bite from a piece of seaweed lying near the fire. "stops burning," she explained as she also smeared it over her face. she then took a mouthful of the burning liquid and came back to dark growlithe.

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Mermaid Love

Shifting sand, dancing foam setting sun upon the water the wind twirling through my hair on your face i ponder lips like cupid's bow nose of a roman locks of dark silken strands seaweed bearing roses waves crashing over me love unrequited

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The Tower

Move like seaweed in a growing tide. we can see the every particle of salt that dissociates in this eternal flood. cans on string, you cannot hear what passes between minds that sparkle on these silken threads. they cut like steel and shine like silver.

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Retractile Dysfunction

Dried seaweed? it doesn't even sound like food. who even likes to eat all that?" she grumbled. also on the counter top, atlas trotted up beside her. "_i_ like to eat seaweed," he commented. jarzyl pushed one jar over towards her friend.

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Conversions: Gravitas

Gliding between the massive fronds of kelp and wavering strands of seaweed the dragon kept his head down, watching the ground and all the myriad plants and creatures living down here.

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A Date With Rookie

"yeah, we'll have the three-fish spicy seaweed pizza." "oh, good choice!" terrence said, jotting it down on his notepad. "that one's quite popular here. would you like anything to drink with that?"

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