Death Kiss 5

Story by fallenangel123 on SoFurry

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#5 of Death Kiss

Chapter. 5

I awake with Kyle's arms wrapped around me and I look at the clock and I sigh thinking to myself "seriously its only 5 in the morning. I groan and my hand goes to my neck and I feel the nicely fresh fang wounds in my neck. I wince at the sudden pain that goes through my body and I look at Kyle, his eyes are closed showing no emotion on his face. He yawns and holds me closer so his lips are pressed gently on my neck and I can feel his warm breath wash over it. I cringe away from Kyle, breaking his light grasp from my body and landing on the floor with a "thud". I mutter under my breath "I hope that did not wake him up." I crawl away from the bed shivering. "Why am I scared of Kyle he's the same as me, I guess it's just because I got my blood drank from my body." I peak from under my eyelashes my eyes sparkling with fear at Kyle. "I hope he doesn't move." I whisper ad I slowly go on my hands and knees. Kyle's eyes fly open and he grunts than sits up in the bed. His head turns towards where i am crouching "I see you awake." He says in a husky voice. He rubs his eyes, than I see something move in the bed and he reveals his tail. He smiles as he catches me staring at it "Like it? You bring the beast out of me." He says smiling showing his fangs, I cringe but move towards him his charm drawing me closer to him. His charm rolling off his in huge waves drawing my naked body towards his, making me want to do things I didn't think I knew how to do. My hands pull me on the bed and I feel Kyle's majorly strong arms embracing me and slowly bringing my frozen body to his, my neck almost to his lips. "I can't move my body; I have no control of it." I say with panic in my mind. His lips brush my neck, his hands trailing down my body leaving goose dumps. "I'm going to drink your blood again." Kyle says in a mind controling voice. "I still don't have control of my body." I say in my head. My breathing becomes shallow and my heart pumps my blood faster as it beats quicker from the fear. I feel his lips part, his warm breath surround my neck and body. I close my eyes wishing for him to do more. I feel two sharp pains and shock because this time I know i am awake. My body goes cold and my eyes are still closed as my hands move to his head and push his fangs in deeper. "Hey I can move but why are my hands doing this?" I say in my mind. My legs wrap around his hips, bringing his naked hips down on mine. Kyle drinks bigger gulps as his hands start to slowly taking off my shirt. My breathing comes in gasps and my eyes widen as I feel his tail brush my shoulders. I shiver and I hear my skirt hits the floor and Kyle drinks more and I hear his thoughts, a small moan that wasn't mine. I open my mouth to say something, I feel his fangs come out from my neck than he licks his bloody perfectly shaped lips, and lightly kisses me on the lips slipping his tongue in and intertwining it with my own. His hand goes to my face and lightly moves my blonde hair to reveal my eyes. I feel his tongue prick one of my fangs and than a sweet aroma fill my mouth. I couldn't help myself from swallowing the delious liquid. I can feel it, his blood flowing through my veins. Tightening his grip on my face he brings my face closer to his and I feel his tongue going deeper into my throat. The little prick from my fang is making his tongue bleed allot. The delious liquid goes on and on down my throat, until he retrieves it and takes away his lips. Although he still has a grip on my face so he can stare into my eyes. Then his tongue flicks out cleaning his lips of my blood and he brings his lips close to mine again, they part and his tongue flicks out cleaning my lips, as his lips gently press on mine.