Death Kiss 4

Story by fallenangel123 on SoFurry

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#4 of Death Kiss

Chapter. 4

I put the kettle on than I sit on a chair by the kitchen table my long legs out stretched underneath it. I sigh as I know I have to start working around the house than I smile as I hear the shower turn on. I look at the kettle and I realize it's done I go to one of the cabinets and I look inside, I say to myself "whoa what I lucky guess" as I got the right cabinet with the mugs in it.

I smile and I reach for one picking one that has a message in it for me "Lexy I was utterly surprised to find you in that condition also as well to find you in the forest close to my cabin, it was great to see you again and if you like you can stay here for as long as you want with lots of affection, Kyle". I finish reading it, hearing someone clear their throat I look up startled as I see Kyle there his short hair going into his eyes because it's wet. Although you can still see his deep brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

The corner of his full lips pull up into a gorgeous yet mysterious grin, which totally makes me want to shriek like a girl who just saw Taylor Lautner and faint. His big strong arms are folded across his chest and his legs are crossed at the ankles as he leans on the door way to the kitchen. He laughs and it rings through the house, then he says "Finally, I was starting to wonder when you were going to need a mug." He grins one of those I'm such a smart ass but you still like me kind of grins.

I totally can't help but just to grin back at him my eyes sparkle as I put the note in my bra then pour the water and add the tea bag. I walk over to the fridge grabbing the milk and the sugar is already on the table. Kyle goes to a chair and spins it around, sitting there slouching and staring at me as I sip my tea. OH GOD he's so gorgeous, he sends flames across my skin, and I'm surprised I don't suddenly burst into flames. I laugh to myself of the thought of me suddenly bursting into flames from blushing.

Kyle looks down at his fingers neatly intertwined on the table. He whisper but I can barely hear him "So Lexy, I am finding that you're doing well and you're healthy, so I'm going out with the guys tonight. Will that be okay?" he asks. I look up startled at the question but he's still not looking at me, I frown and say "Are you sure you want to lean me"? When he looks up startled I wink than smile and say "Sure silly it's fine go have fun."

I say than laugh. He smiles slightly and I see the gleam in his eyes that he actually doesn't like leaving me. I lay my hand on his enclosed fist and I say while looking into his saddened eyes "Everything is going to be fine I'm okay." I watch as Kyle leaves the kitchen and goes up stairs. I sigh and run a hand through my hair as I pick up a strand and twirl it around my pointer finger.

I hear Kyle rummaging through his clothes. Then I think of what is going to happen when he goes to the bar, he is single with good looks and a bewildering flashy smile. Theresa lot of single girls there with big breasts that mine will not even compare to.

I look down at my 34B cup breasts and sigh I murmur to myself "They also have nicer bodies than mine, i am no match." I look down saddened at my own body and frown. Than I think thoughtfully if he wants a girl with all that junk, than I guess i am going to change my wardrobe tonight. I put on a low tang top and a push up bra, than I slip my long legs into a thong and put on a mini skirt.

I grab some hair spray and style my hair making it have volume. I concentrate and my tail goes away. "Hey Kyle, i am going out." I yell, Kyle's head pops out and he sees me casually yet sexually slouching on the front door. His eyes go wide for a second than he quickly hides his surprise and walks down the stairs. His eyes trailing up and down my body as I lean away from the door.

I smile slightly to myself as I see the look on his face. He takes a step towards me, his hands slowly rising like he is going to embrace me at any moment. My eyes sparkle and I open up my arms and beckon towards Kyle with my fingers. He smiles but does not make a move towards me. I frown and turn around towards the door thinking nothing is going to happen.

Than it all went really fast, Kyle rushes behind me taking me up into his strong arms. Than we were in his room on the bed, Kyle kissing down my neck, his hand going up my shirt him bringing his body closer. I feel the passion go threw us. My legs wrap around his hips bringing his hips down on me more. His hands start to get rougher his hear quickening; his breathing gets quick as well as I feel his fangs rush my neck. Wait, fangs? I say to myself just before I feel two sharp stinging pains.

I feel my body go cold and my blood slowly draining from it. My legs go limp around his hips. Why is he biting me? He's not the werewolf that attacked me is he? But he said all that stuff to me in the beginning, so I wouldn't no couldn't think it was him. I don't know OH MY GOD HE IS. I faint but I do feel his fangs going out of my neck, also him putting a blanket over me.