Death Kiss 2

Story by fallenangel123 on SoFurry

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#2 of Death Kiss

Chapter. 2

I can't believe he said that to me like seriously. I really wish he would of kissed me, he finally lets go of my hand, I slowly very slowly get out of HIS bed. He always stares at me with gentle eyes and some other emotion, if only he knew how I felt about him but I just met him, I'll get to know him more. He holds his hand out to me so he can help me move my stiff body. Our hands meet ad he holds it firmly and with his strong arm pulls me right out of the bed. What do you think happens next? I trip ad land into his arms then I mutter under my breath "crap". I slowly look up and I see he's looking down with amusement in his eyes and I scramble out of his arms blushing like crazy yet my eyes sparkle with affection. I hold onto the stair railing firmly until my knuckles are white and using my stiff legs I half walk half fall down the stairs with my hero behind me. I get to the living room ad I ask in a shy voice "Um excuse me but may I ask what your name is"? He stops at the bottom of the stairs and blinks slowly than says "really are you kidding me, I haven't told you yet"? The he laughs and stares at me amusement in his eyes the he says "it's Kyle, what's yours"? I blink starting to get embarrassed that I didn't tell him. "It's Lexy "I say quietly. He stares blinking like I'm not there, "Um Lexy? Hmmmm you went to Spring Falls High School right? Just graduated from grade.10?" Then he looks down I swear I saw some blushing happening I smile just a small one not one that reaches my eyes though "Uh yeah I did" than I giggle as I see his shocked expression. He steps towards me then asks "Don't you remember me?" My smile slowly fades then I slowly process the words that he just said "Ummmm r-remember?" I stutter. He frowns then comes closer to me "We were in the same class." He whispers then he checks out my naked yet bandaged body then he smiles, boy I love his smile. "You have changed so much Lexy; I mean what happened to your red hair? I'm not saying it looks bad just I didn't recognize you" He laughs. I swear I could drown in his laughter. He stops his face inches from mine once again I hold my breath, his fingers brush my cheek. His fingers are so gentle and soft like feathers; my face is probably as red as a tomato. "I missed you Lexy "he whispers gently. Then both his hands grab my face and he brings his lips inches from mince he looks up at my face to see if I will let him. My heart does a major jump start then my shoulder and thigh starts to stinging and I drop to the floor in the living room. The room starts to spin as I bring my knees up to chest gasping for air. My spine arches and I scream as I feel my body's bones move and shift. I shriek and I feel something growing out from my tail bone. "PLEASE MAKE IT STOP" I scream and my back arches again and I feel like two pieces of my skull are ripping out of my head and I realize that there are ears, and the thing growing from my tail bone is a tail. I shriek as my nose and mouth make a muzzle and my bones in my legs shift into hind legs then my back arches again and all my bandages fall off as my spine ripples and starts to go more flexible. One last scream and I realize that I'm not on my two feet I'm on four legs and there's fur all over my body. I lay there frightened and gasping for air. I look up at Kyle my eyes blurry from the transformation. He steps forward his hand outstretched then I feel his gentle and comforting touch his hand trailing down my spine. He stares at my furry back than he slowly goes to his knees and stares at my wolf face "I know Lexy is in there and I won't run away I'm not scared I'll help get through this" he whispers sadness for me still in his eyes. Than his head rests on my shoulder blade and his arms wrap around my neck. I feel waves of emotion coming from his body and he squeezes my neck. My heart dose another jump start and I blink and I'm back my human form but I still have the ears and tail of my wolf form. Kyle slowly lets go of my neck and stares into my icy blue eyes then he sighs in relief as he sees that I'm ok. I smile and I lean my naked body into him WAIT I thought I had bandages covering my body. Hmmmm so even if I'm wearing clothes and I transform I end up naked. OH GOD! He smiles and his strong arms wrap around my tired body and he kisses my head and whispers "What happened to make you like this? When I found you, you didn't have any marks that were from an animal." I breathe in a big breath then I let it out. "You really want to know?" I ask, Kyle pauses for a moment then he says "yes."