Death Kiss 6
#6 of Death Kiss
I wake up with Kyle's strong arms wrapped neatly around my stomach; my hand finds his and gently ever so gently intertwines his fingers with mine. Than a small electrical current goes down my arm than goes into his. I feel his body twitch than he bolts up right and I see his eyes are yellow like a shocking sunset yellow.
I notice I don't have to strain my ears to hear his shallow breath. I curl up into his chest wrapping my right leg around his hip. I take a deep breath, breathing in his luscious scent. I shiver from the aroma, my ears and tail come out and I mutter under my breath "Not again." I hear Kyle moan from waking up to early and he rolls over causing him to roll on top of me than fall off the bed.
I snicker as I poke my head off the bed looking down on him, "Are you okay?" I whisper still trying not to burst out laughing. I hear Kyle groan then he gets on his hands and knees and glares up at me. I smile my innocent smile. "What did I do?" I say in my whiney voice. I see the side of his lips start to pull up in a boyish smile. Then he bursts out laughing "How can I stay mad at you?
And no you didn't do anything, your being yourself and me like that." His eyes bore into mine then he gets up his hand grasping mine, I jump a little "Your hands are cold you know, mind letting go?" His eyes turn cold then he lets go his perfect lips going into a frown. "Fine, but I would like to do something." He says his voice faint. He leans into me his lips inches from mine. "I'm going to kiss you Lexy."
Then his lips press passionately against mine, his hands go to my head and his fingers tangle in my hair. He brings me slowly down on the bed lying next to me our lips still pressed together. His hand slides down my leg then grasps my thigh bringing my leg up to his hips. His lips start to kiss my jaw bone.
I feel his tongue flick out tasting my skin. I lay very still the only thing moving are my fingers clenching into fists. My blue eyes are still open and I think to myself "Why is he kissing me so passionately? I knew he liked me but just not this much." His lips move to mine, than he slides his hands up my shirt and under my bra cupping my breasts. His tongue slides into my mouth, intertwining with mine trying not to prick one of my fangs.
He removes his lips from mine panting; I laugh in my head then say aloud by accident "I take his breath away." He chuckles "You take my breath away eh?" I smile "I totally do." I laugh as I see him start to blush. My finger tips lightly brush where he is blushing. His eyes start to sparkle as he slowly brings his head up looking me in the eyes. "You know that I'm 17 and one more year I'm 18 and we could totally live with each other."
Kyle says as he still is looking me in the eyes. "I need to go have a shower than I'm going to a baseball game." Kyle mutters still not taking his eyes away from mine. Kyle slowly yet in a graceful movement gets off the bed and walks over to the dresser to get clothes. Kyle pulls on his boxers then puts on a muscle shirt and pants then puts deodorant on making my tail and ears come out once again although I just put them back in from the smell.
The smell starts to float around the room making my werewolf senses go sharper. What is that stuff? Werewolf hormones? My tail starts to twitch and my ears prick up as I start to see his veins and I can hear his heart beating. My eyes turn black. What is happening to me? Why do I feel this ....... this hunger?
The urge for hunting starts up my adrenalin. My tail lashes viciously as my spine arches. I hear a ripping sound than my clothes fall to the ground tared apart. My ears lie flat against my head and my lips go above mu gums and I low snarl comes out from the back of my throat. My bones of my legs crack and they turn into the strong legs of a hunter. My teeth turn to fangs and my eyes shift from normal regular eyes to silted hunters eyes.
Than I'm on four paws, and my lips are pulled back showing my white pointed teeth. My eyes dart around, looking for any moving life from my hunt instincts kicking in. I growl and Kyle spins around sensing my hunger. He growls and transforms quickly walking towards me ears flat against his head. Then a small voice say in my head "Lexy calm, breathe deeply cut out my scent calm." My tail lashes again "Shut up!!" I snarl.