changeing fast: chapter 3
If this was going to be used by any one but some one in this 'power armor' it would be mounted on a trailer and pulled behind something.
Break, or How I Became A Superhero
So it was an immense surprise to see camelot -a relatively new hero who wore powered armor and operated out in spika, germany, having allied himself with the resident hero erhaben- standing in the courtyard encircled by police cars, occasionally firing smoking
Protectors Of Aeron City(Flash Story Series)
Unlike pretty much everyone i'd seen in my admittedly short time here, she wasn't wearing futuristic power armor; rather, she wore something more akin to a business suit.
Knight Adrift
What timmy saw was sergeant thalos clad in what remained of his powered armor. he was on hand and knee.
FTL - Prologue
It was basically a suit of lightweight, environmentally contained, power-armor. there was actually very little recognizable metal involved. the entire suit was some kind of metal fabric, with thousands of nano-servos embedded in it.
Para-Imperium Technology
powered armor reduced the weight issue, but was expensive and still inflexible. one solution that gained some measure of popularity was sheer-thickening fluids.
Matters of Discipline
One armoured hand came to rest on drevin's shoulder, giving what was, for the power-armoured marine, a surprisingly gentle squeeze. the ferret looked down at his desk, at the discarded wedge of plastic.
A Reason to Live part 1
The man was an imposing figure; seven feet tall, and encased from head to toe in matte black suit of powered armor. he held a mouse by the neck. the fur's eyes bulged slightly from his head as he struggled to breathe, let alone answer.
changeing fast: chapter 4
I yet again was forced back into my power armor and back into the line of fire. i hadn't changed my equipment much except now i had my long black trench coat back on. this time i had a wide brimmed floppy hat on to cover my black helmeted helm.
Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 13-The Immune
"metal", the kid said, "which i had some x5, the closest i've come to power armor was an old frame with some rusted pieces of f105." "f-105 is great armor", i said.
Responsibility to Protect
"in my powered armor, i apparently resemble a mythic hero called 'nin.' it cheered them up a lot to see me--or, rather, see me again?
Deep Space - Chapter 1, The Infinatum
It's a lot like laser tag, except you have to wear military grade power armor that's been hooked up to a sensory system. if the suit says you're dead, it locks up until the game's over and you're pulled a safe distance from the game.