changeing fast: chapter 3

Story by Blinkdog on SoFurry

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this is where the story starts to get intristing in my oppinoin and yes i did use some ideas from other things.

Chapter 3- on the island

It was about a week later when the ship returned. By that time we had about 3/4th of the island cleared of forest. The only part that remained lush was and outside ring of jungle. That kept ships from seeing us. We already had some fields sewed and had dug a few caves into the small mountain off centered on the island. When the ships arrived with literally tons of cement mix steel and lumber along with assorted other items like chemicals used by the scientists. Well anyways soon enough we had many ply-wood frames filled with cement around the island. How it was going to be built was with a large dorm where every one would sleep and live. Then another large portion was farming. And a slightly smaller one but still huge plot of land for the scientist lab and firing range. Frankly I couldn't wait to get my hands on some new experimental weapon,

And I didn't have to wait long it was only about a month after all the buildings where set up I got my chance. One of the first things that the scientists decided to make was high-tech armor. The armor was made with a high impact cremactic material. The suit covered every inch of the body. The suit had a high power plasma reactor in a kind of a backpack on the back of it. The suit came with life support and a few different vision readouts including normal, thermal, and sound (that ones weird). I actually was the first one to test it out.

"So how do I move in this thing? Will it make my moves slowly because it's heavy?" I asked eagerly.

"No there are built in motors linked up with a kind of nervous system that links to your helmet into your head", Said the scientist.

"Oh well how much of a beating can this take?" I said.

"Obscene amounts of damage sir, you could be shot at by a full squad of marines with the standard carbine and not suffer at all." She said happily as she strapped on the final shoulder pad.

"Great well let's go to the firing range." I said as I ran off. I realized that what she said about it having motors was true. When I ran the suit didn't slow me down a bit it might have even made me faster. As I ran I did a few of the new tricks I had learned with my new agile body. I did a few handsprings into a flip and kept running, it didn't even phase me! I then tried to do a high jump into a flip and come down with a hammer kick to the ground. I put on an extra burst of speed and jumped and flipped two times! Before I realized I was almost 30 feet off the ground! When I hit the ground with my heel I made a dull thump sound and sank my foot in a good foot. Man was I strong! I then headed to the firing range witch was very close (considering the mile and a half I had just run in about a minute and a half). I walked in to the amazement of the staff on duty. They just stared at me and when I showed them my id card they snapped back to work as if nothing had happened. I walked over to the weapon room and looked around for the heavy weapons. Normally I wouldn't be able to wield one of them alone but I figured why not I'm a lot stronger. I walked over and selected a huge plasma cannon witch I think was there just for me. One of the reasons I suspected this was that it had hand holds and a heavy duty strap. If this was going to be used by any one but some one in this 'power armor' it would be mounted on a trailer and pulled behind something. I picked it up and realized that it felt like it weighed almost nothing when in fact I knew it was about 150 lbs. of high grade steel and plasma generators. I walked over to the firing range and aimed. I found it extremely easy as when I put on the strap I noticed something clicked into my suit. And when I aimed there was a cross-air on my tinted field of vision through my helmet. I thought 'zoom in' the target seemed to grow larger until it was all I could see. I pushed the fire button with my thumb and the lethal weapon shot out a harsh ball of light. The ball of blue light traveled fast over the 300 feet distance and collided with the center of the target. On impact the target was completely blown up and a few others about 10 feet away on each side went with it. I was completely awed at this. I flicked the safety switch and headed out back to the weapon room. When I got there the scientist that fitted me was standing there panting. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Dam your fast, you realize you reached 60 miles per hour when running here." She said still panting.

"Actually I didn't until now. Anyways I tried out this. It feels like nothing in my hands." I said walking over to the weapon rack and putting the device in its proper place, and selecting a normal plasma gun that was right next to it. This one was almost the same thing but a lot smaller I grabbed a holster for it and strapped it on my leg. I then walked over to close combat weapons and selected a long sword. An English style one

It was a very long broad sword. It must have weighed almost 50 pounds but it felt like a knife in my hands. I strapped the sheath to my back and put it away. I then walked over to the heavy wepons rack again and picked up a heavy 50 cal. Semi auto rifle. The clip only held 10 rounds but it was worth it for the strength. I walked over and grabbed my most trained with wepons twin dessert eagles and strapped them to my waist. I then grabbed extra ammo for them all and turned back to the scientist.

"So how do I look?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Your look over-prepared." she shook her head and walked out laughing. I then decided to go pay a visit to my closest friends on the island Lyra and dean. I walked out of the weapons room back past the staff (receiving more looks of confusion). I started sprinting back towards the labs where Lyra and Dean would be. After walking up to the doors I hit the comm button and said "hey anyone in there let me in its Will." That got the door opened up and I walked in. I walked past the secretary (another look) and into the hallway. I headed for major ops knowing they would be there arguing over something important. I rounded the final corner and came to the door marked 'major ops' I slid my id card through the scanner and walked in. At first when I walked in no one looked at me and just kept working. I walked past and into the main office. I took a breath trying not to laugh as I though of their reaction to me walking in. I finally opened up the door and walked in closing it behind me. As I guessed they where arguing about some papers on the desk. I walked over and tapped each on the shoulder at the same time. They both looked at me at the same time and stared for what seemed like five minutes. Then Lyra said.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!" she screamed at me. I couldn't help it right there I just started laughing, I couldn't stop I laughed and laughed while they sat there starring at me. I finally stopped and looked up at both of them.

"What you don't recognize your fellow leader Will?" I said trying not to start laughing again.

"You're Will?" said dean bewildered.

"Yes I am this is that new armor the scientists came up with. It's amazing it has increased my physical abilities maybe 200% I can get up to 60 mph. and to my knowledge can jump 30 feet. And I can wield a plasma cannon alone." There was then one of those long awkward pauses that every one hates.

"Holey shit!" said Lyra finally. "That's amazing really you got up to 60?"

"yeah then jumped 30 feet flipped 2 times and sunk my foot in the dirt about a foot." I said still trying not to laugh.

"Is there any problems with it?" Dean asked.

"Yeah a big one, the price." I said seriously. "I think there will only be a few people wearing these suits, me you and Lyra probably. It also provides great protection." Just about then I heard a siren go off. The three of us took off outside (I unhinged the door on my way out). We took off down the hallways towards the outer door. As I ran I grabbed the plasma gun off of my left calf. I flicked off the safety before I collided with the outer door knocking it out of the wall. I kept running for a few feet and stopped. Above me the sky was dark with winged shapes. I zoomed in on one of the shapes and focused the picture. The objects where none other than giant birds. They where probably victims of the same fate we suffered ourselves. I thought 'loud' and yelled "send a leader down to talk to me" the voice that came out of my mechanically improved body wasn't just loud it was deafening. All of the birds screed and I saw one rocketing down in my direction. After a few seconds the bird spread his wings and lighted on the ground five feet in front of me. Before me stood a proud looking peregrine falcon his yellow chest thrown out proudly. He must have been at least part human as he was as tall as me if not taller, otherwise he looked like a giant bird.

"Uhh hello whatever you are, my name is Keifer. I am lord of the sky tribe." He said staring at me unblinking. I thought 'quiet' and said.

"My name is Will I am a co-founder of The Haven. And I am a fox, kind of, what brings you to our island?" I stated proudly. I replaced my gun in my holster.

"I am looking for a safe place to land and settle, am I welcome here?" he asked.

"Yes you will be much appreciated." I said and shoved out my armored hand. He reached out with a razor sharp talon and shook my hand. The birds above all screeeeeeed and flew down to the ground. As they all landed I looked back behind me and say dean and Lyra running down the hall after me. I thought to my self 'Hmm I need to make a note to wait for people to keep up with me'. When they got to the door they looked at it and walked outside. They stared at me and Keifer for a minute then the hundreds of birds around them. Then Dean walked up and said to me.

"Who are they?"

I replied "they are the sky tribe. They have come to stay at haven. I was thinking we could use the faster ones as messengers to get the word out to helpless furrs out there." Lyra walked up on my other side and said.

"Welcome to haven Keifer. I'm sure your will enjoy it here." She smiled.

"I'm sure we will." He said happily. I'm sure he would have smiled if birds could.

well hope you enjoyed reading that as much as i did writing it and again thancks to lone wolfie.

changeing fast: chapter 4

this is where it realy starts to get good. again enjoy. Chapter 4- into battle I looked behind my shoulder as I skipped from shadow to shadow down a dark alley. I was on my way to yet another arms raid. Over the past 3 months the situation...

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changeing fast: chapter 2

yeah i know this one is alot shorter than the last one but i hope people enjoy it. and please all constructive emails are very welcome and i will reply asap. Chapter 2- retreat and regroup "What brings you to the mall?" the tall otter...

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changeing fast: chapter 1

Chapter 1- waking up "Beep beep beep..." the alarm clock went off. I rolled over and felt around for the off button. I hit it and slowly moved to a sitting position. I got out of bed and walked over to my bathroom and took off my shirt and boxers....

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