changeing fast: chapter 4
this is where it realy starts to get good. again enjoy.
Chapter 4- into battle
I looked behind my shoulder as I skipped from shadow to shadow down a dark alley. I was on my way to yet another arms raid. Over the past 3 months the situation had drastically went from hard to all out war. I yet again was forced back into my power armor and back into the line of fire. I hadn't changed my equipment much except now I had my long black trench coat back on. This time I had a wide brimmed floppy hat on to cover my black helmeted helm. When I was forced to get back on another busy street I started walking again. I tried as best as I could to blend in but after awhile I noticed a large group of men following me well armed. I turned around and faced them using the shadow of the hat to cover my armored face.
"What do you men want?" I said calmly.
"We know who you are, fur!" one of the larger ones yelled at me.
"Well do you know witch fur in particular you're dealing with right now?" I said menacingly.
"Does it make a difference all of you are alike, bottom feeding freaks of nature!" he spat at me.
"You'll remember who this fur is after he's done with you" I said as I looked up allowing the harsh light of the street lamp hit my armored face.
"Wait it's you! You're the leader! What are you doing here!" the one that talked to me whined pitifully.
"Ill make you pay for what you said." I said almost evilly. I ran up to him as fast as I could and stopped right in front of him. I then picked him up by his shoulder and raised him over my head and flung him down the road. He flew yelling a good 40 feet before hitting a wall and falling down into a dumpster.
"Who's next?" I said. When I said this, the group scattered in every direction yelling. I just continued on my way running to make up for the time I had lost.
When I finally got to the meeting point I was actually the first one there. I walked across the street and into the small diner. I took a seat down near the end of the rows of seats. A waitress came up to me and took order. I sat there and looked out of the window waiting for signs that my team would be at the small apartment building across the street. I switched my vision to heat and looked over the building. There was people all over the building but none in the room where we where to meet. The same waitress walked up and placed my food on the table and then walked back off to take some other persons order. I looked down at my food and wondered how I was going to eat it. I finally decided to just take my helmet off and set it beside me and put my hat back on. Reached up and hit the button on the back of my neck to release my helmet. I felt the grip around my neck cease. I brought both of my hands to my temple and pulled off my helmet. I sighed at being able to taste fresh air. That was the biggest mistake I could have made just then. One of the people at the bar heard the hiss of my helmet releasing its air and then me sigh and looked over. He glanced at me then turned back, and then he sat up straight and turned around slowly. I then realized that he wasn't just a normal person he was a cop. I just sat there holding my helmet above my head.
"Hey its you!" he yelled shocked. "You've got a huge bounty on you!" I looked at him for another moment thinking about how the government even knew about me. I looked around the room; almost every one was starring at me. I then looked back at the cop. I dropped my helmet and quickly reached down and yanked my trusted plasma gun out of its holster. I raised the gun and aimed it at the cop faster than he could have taken a breath. He just jumped a little when I pulled it out.
"Hey put that down." He said weakly.
"Why should I put it down? I have everything in control here. And can you tell my why the government even knows about me?" I asked calmly.
"I'm not sure there is just a poster with your picture in the cop's office." He said.
"Ok I need you to do something for me. I want you to get on your knees and toss me your hand cuffs." As he got on his knees I kept my gun trained on him. He reached his hand down and took off his hand cuffs and tossed them to me. I grabbed them with my free hand and slowly got up and walked over to him. I told him to put his hands behind his back. He did, and then I took his hand and wrapped one end of the cuffs around his hand then around the other. I then got up and sat back down.
"Ok now stay put while I eat. The rest of you continue with your business. But no one leave or make any calls." I looked down and tore into my food with my free hand. I was done in about three minuets. I then replaced my helmet and got up and walked out. After I got out of there I replaced my hat and walked over to the meeting site. I walked up the stairs of the all but deserted apartment and came to the door to apartment 22. I took out the key I have been given for it and opened the door and stepped in I closed the door and heard it lock behind me.
Instantly I knew something was wrong. I looked all around me but there where no lights on. I brought up the heat vision. I saw a large group of heat in one corner of the room and I was surrounded by about 5 other blobs of heat. I turned it off and turned on the spot lights on my shoulders. As the harsh light came on I looked around me I saw all my teammates in the corner and the 5 other masses of heat where all dressed in black. I noticed only one carried what looked like a gun. The rest had bats and knives. The one with the gun pointed it at me and pulled the trigger. Before I could react everything went dark. My body crumpled on the ground as if under some mighty weight. I could still feel my body it was just as if I was frozen in place. I stayed like that for a short period of time before my breathing got harder and harder. I then realized what had happened. The 'gun' must have been a EMP and turned my suit off. I desperately tried to lift my arm and take my helmet off. I pulled with my arm with a mighty force and managed to get my arm off the ground and in the air. I quickly dropped it behind my head and fumbled around for the button. I heard a click then hiss of the bad air going out and good sweet air flowing in. I didn't bother to take my helmet completely off but kept it on. I then started to hear voices.
"What is that thing? Do you think its one of the furries?" I heard one slightly youthful voice.
"Yeah he's one of them. He has to be he got in with the key. I just wonder how the boss knew how to stop it." Said a old gruff voice that sounded as if he had a smoking problem.
"Well how are we going to get him back to base I mean just try to lift his arm" Said the youthful voice. I heard foot steps come over to me and stop. I didn't feel anything as the men tried to lift my arm.
"Well I guess we will have to call in a lifter" said the older voice. "we will have to wait a good hour for it though"
"What if it wakes up? I mean from the look of it could tear us apart no problem"
"Just keep that EMP on it. It won't be able to get up even if it is awake. With the power down he can't move it." It was about then that I decided I was safe and tuned them out as I went over how I was going to escape these people. I spaced off for a while then snapped back to attention when I heard a loud thud...thud...thud... I figured it was the lifter to carry me to a different means of transportation. I felt it get closer and felt myself being slowly lifted. Noticing that the lifter strained to get me up. Then I felt the lifter bring me down the hall and stairs and I was deposited on some sort of truck and drove away.
I just spaced off thinking about the other part of the team when I was suddenly aware we where stopping by being slid forward a few inches making a long grating sound. I opened my eyes and was delighted to be able to see. Although it wasn't well as I had to look through inch think diamond lenses. I could see the lifter re picking me up and lifting me off the truck and into a large corporate looking building. It then got fairly dark as I was turned over and got a good view of the ground. When I got into the building I was taken down hall after hall after hall. I was extremely lost as I realized that the EMP wasn't on me any more. I whispered into the mini mike near my chin "activate plasma generator". I felt the generator start the long process of starting. As I was finally put in a lone room all painted white. I waited about half an hour for the generators to come back on. When they did I didn't move a muscle but turned on the new "sensory sensor" vision blanket. This allowed me to see if there where any machines of sensing in the room and where there where pointed. I looked around and was amazed that there was only one camera and it wasn't even pointed at me. I turned my vision back to normal and jumped up. I searched myself and found they had taken my more deadly and obvious weapons. But they did let me keep my sword (probably because they couldn't lift it). They also left my well hidden plasma gun surprisingly (probably because it was disguised as a leg pack). And my ever trusty dessert eagles with some spare ammo even. They had also left my hat and coat on me. I pressed down on my helm and heard the click that meant it was locked in. I headed for the door and grabbed the handle. I laughed as I felt it was locked. I noticed that the door was also a very good door when I punched it. It must have been made of solid steel or something. I just laughed and knocked on the wall next to it. Yep just as I suspected the walls where just concrete. I reached back and easily punched my way through the wall.
I realized that they would be missing me very soon. And I had to move quick. I jumped up and through the dropped ceiling. I stayed on the top of the concrete wall so I wouldn't fall through. I replaced the piece of particle board over the hole I made and crawled around the building. I turned up my hearing and put my vision on heat highlight. This was one of my favorite vision blankets. It allowed me to see where I was going with normal vision. But it also highlighted everything that was hot enough to be human or machine a bright orange. I looked around for a large mass of people and soon enough found my self above a large room many people in it.
"Guards would you go get the other one from his cell if he's still there" I heard floating up from the room. I then heard a "yes sir" and boots running off in the direction I had just come from. "ok I want this room constantly under lock with 10 guards in and out" I heard a superior voice state. This is when I decided to make my entrance I took out my sword and dessert eagle and jumped right down through the ceiling. The guards just happened to be returning at that very moment. They burst through the door and yelled "he's gone bos..." as I landed right on him. I heard all of the other guards groan and I looked down. I saw the broken EMP gun right under my foot. I looked up and laughed into the face of the boss man. He looked back still looking like he could beat any one ,any time, any where. "Ha if you think you still have the upper hand you are sadly mistaken" he said arrogantly. "We out number you 50 to one, and please don't say you could take 50 of my men. Even if they don't have the EMP"
"well I'm sorry if I am going to disappoint you because I can" I spat at him. I holstered my gun and picked up the nearest guard by his neck a good 2 feet off the ground. I threw him behind me over my shoulder sending him crashing into the large group of guards behind me.
The boss man yelled "get him" he still stood there within 4 feet of me smiling as if this would be over before he knew it. Well to tell you the truth it was. I was amongst the guards slicing and beating with the guard I held by the leg. I flailed around until all of the guards where either dead maimed or unconscious. The boss looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. "Uhh I didn't mean any of that. Its uhh was a joke." He whimpered at me. I walked over to him and carried over him over to a table. I kicked the table over upside down and threw him down flat on it. I put my foot on his chest lightly. And leaned over and tied him to it by bending the legs of the table around him. I then looked around the room for the first time. I noticed a large cage that held all my friends. I walked over and ripped the door off. At the loud noise of steel being bent and snapped all of the furrs before me started to stir and wake.
well i will try to have more within mabey 2 weeks so keep looking. and i hope you like my story so far. again all constructive email is most apprecaited and will be answered asap