The voice of reason - Ch 19 - Believe in me...
#19 of the voice of reason one friday evening, when ceylan was spending the evening with her parents, and meagan went to see her grandmother for a week in san mantégua, which is a 2 day drive by the way, terry and me were the only ones left.
Wasteland Survivor – A Voice From Heaven - ch5
I was going to stop at a few pages but with the great responses i have gotten am going to take it as far as i can :) * * * "... her husky voice seduced me, my heart was in a mess.
Knowing the Path…
His voice was filled with doubt about her statement. she spoke again in that calm, sweet voice of hers, "sweetie, it is your destiny.
The voice of reason - Ch 18 - My dearest Ceylan...
#18 of the voice of reason that saturday afternoon, while i was on my laptop going through old conversations on msn because i was bored as hell and meagan was still asleep, i came across a conversation between terry and ceylan.
The voice of reason - Ch 13 - Digging up the past...
#13 of the voice of reason the next tuesday, i was preparing myself to see josephine again. made sure i had my sheet of paper with me. luckily, college wasn't starting in a few hours, so i could do whatever i wanted every tuesday morning.
The voice of reason - Ch 14 - Ferrari's, Lamborghini's and McLaren's...
#14 of the voice of reason before i knew it, it was friday again. terry had his birthday party that friday night. he became 23 years old. already got him a present and i'm sure he'd like that...
1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter X
Conviction coloring her voice, she began to relate the dream, emphasizing the destruction she had seen, and the unshakable feeling that this was something that would happen, one day.
1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter VII
It paused, color-shifting to green, and a higher-pitched, feminine sounding voice spoke. "... and guinevere." the text shifted back to black, and the voice returns to its original, filtered state. "you will find a disc in your system's drive.
1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter II
A voice whispered into her ear, said, "good evening, hun. i was concerned when you weren't here at the usual time."
The voice of reason - Ch 25 - What the heart once owned...
#25 of the voice of reason about a week later, on a rainy day, i was driving home. visibility was poor... weather conditions were bad. the streets were empty. every now and then, i saw someone running through the rain, looking for shelter.
The voice of reason - Ch 27 - And we all lived happily ever after...
#27 of the voice of reason oh, of course, there were other things we did. terry said he started to play videogames again. and this one time, he showed me this game called "recon-zulu 2: behind enemy lines". a great mmofps.
Monsters of Plantet
Ecf-5's voice is also capable of hypnotically luring in any creature capable of hearing it. ecf-5 uses it's alluring voice in the form of a melodious echoing hum, especially in ambient environments.