: 910 m/s
fire options: semiautomatic, three round burst, five round burst
fire rate: 700 rounds/min
**asmar-av assault rifle**
manufacturer: gws
cartridge: 5.56x45mm
feed system: 30 round detachable box or other sim
configuration: conventional
Guns, Military, Story Information, Weapons
**ben [fullness: 58%]**
**fred [fullness: 29%]**
**alex [fullness: 30%]**
before this round began, zach spoke up, "every three rounds, meaning round 3 and round 6, we'll be having a _chug-a-thon_!
Bear, Contest, Cute, Fat, Fatfur, Feeding, Food, Raccoon, Reptile, Series, Stay for the Party, Stay for the Party: Season 2, Story Progression, Story Series, ThatOneNetwork, Wolf
This round was so much worse for the dragons than the first round, in an instant, winter, who had thought he had handled the first round fairly well, was roaring sheer agony, he could not take another moment of this!
Electric Fence, Humor, Ouch, Wings of fire, game show, pee
He'd gladly step in the ring with the others and go a few rounds, but itami was an exception.
the lizard focused his attention on daivat again. "anyway, you're doing great so far! i'm sure this next round will be fun for ya!"
Bandit Ringtail, Bull, Daivat, Raccoon, Ricky Paszek, Spar, Story, Tiger, Trade, boxing, sparring
He shouted, and his loader responded instantly, opening the breach of the 120mm cannon and pulling out the sabot round and reaching for one of the five staff rounds, a self guided, self correcting high explosive round which could be locked onto a target and
Dragon, Violence
It uses either his standard 17 round glock magazines or extended 33 round magazines. chambered in the same 9mm as his pistol and thus making it a 'perfect pair.'
Atohi, Bio, Hraefn, Kedge, characters, info, ref
Finally done the round fell away, and he loaded another round into the chamber. quickly taking aim again he fired another round, this one hitting the neck on the other side. by this time the creature had noticed him and turned to face him.
Bad Language, Death, Digimon, Intro, Story Series
Him directly into the next round which then put him at the cross section for her other two rounds which burst into a fireball upon combining with each other's flames.
Doberman, Leopard, Lion, Magic, Panther