The Interviews - Wolfie Goldie
He opens his notepad and writes down brief notes. "ophelia lanence, captain of noire corp.'s guards. a werewolf who is actually aren's pet wolf wolfie from childhood. aren has no idea who she really is.
Evan and Riley's dinner date
The otter had a nice vest on, a bowtie around his neck, and a notepad in his paw. "good evening, my name is rich and i'll be your waiter for tonight." he dug around his pants pocket and produced a pencil, which he poised above his notepad.
Healing the Soul Chapter One
Zel blushed at how close his teacher was to him and just flipped his notebook back a few dozen pages to the start of his current work and handed it to his teacher. mr. rathman just chuckled as he accepted the notebook and started reading.
Arturo and Biro go to Camp - Chapter Three
Art pulled out his notebook... but it didn't look like a notebook anymore, it was covered with water and mud. "nooo!!!" cried arturo "what's wrong art?" asked jake. art showed jake the remains of his notebook.
The Interviews - Aren Goldie
He takes out a notepad and a recorder and presses the record button. "please state your name and occupation for noire corp." "okay, aren goldie. i guess lab rat is what i do around here. guinea pig if we're feeling generous."
Sheath x Felix PON Ch 7
She snaps, throwing her notepad down on his chest. felix gets to his feet, brushing out his fur, "sorry sweet thing." he murmurs, "didn't mean to rub you the wrong way."
I used to think
She is a skinny, well-dressed bat who's left paw seems glued to a notepad.
Waves By the Shore:Discover and Admit
"must be cool having rich parents and living on an island" makuyi said closing the notebook and placing it on his lap. "you would think, but my parents aren't really around, we move around a lot.
The Crush PART 1
He, however, just sat and drew in his purple spiral notebook, writing a comic he had only just started titled, 'live life long'.
Thanksgiving Sleepover
He smirked as he wrote in his notebook, the two pieces of furniture growing to full size suddenly.
The Same Heartbeats Chapter 1
Tara took the notepad and the broken drawing.
New Feelings
I tucked my notebook into my pack, and went off to class, tail swiching side to side, as i normaly have it do.