The Crush PART 1

Story by ThatOneFurry770 on SoFurry

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THE CRUSH : A lucario named Ryan has his childhood and present adulthood life changed with the power on one crush on a lucario named Troy...

PART 1 of ?

It all started in middleschool. Ryan, a blue lucario, was born. He was born on Earth. He grew up, and found out things that broke his heart, but he liked his new hormones as he aged and kept them from others. His dreams came true somewhere in the 2nd trimester in the 7th grade during 7th period in his science class. Ryan walked into the classroom, listening to everyone chat about their 'girlfriends' or any kind of innapropriate joke. He, however, just sat and drew in his purple spiral notebook, writing a comic he had only just started titled, 'Live Life Long'. It was about a fox who gets his life turned around when he finds out he is the one who can save the world from a group called, 'The Crox'. He was only 5 pages into it, and he only had 70 remaining in the notebook. It was a Wednesday, December 4th 2011, and the teacher, Ms. Briggs was talking about a test and how it was due yesterday. Ryan raised his hand as Ms. Briggs pointed her pen at his paw, "Test? What test?" Ms. Briggs flipped through some pages on her clipboard and scratched a box out with a black pen, "Oops! Sorry about that! It was handed out yesterday and yesterday at the end of the period," she said, showing him the box now containing a red line in it with his name under it, "turns out you were absent that day. You were sick?" Ryan sighed, "Yep, sorry! I just had a pretty bad fever, but I'm fine now! Fit as a fiddle!" Ms. Briggs giggled, resting her foxy hand on her black wool jacket, leading to her silk black skirt hiding her knees, standing upon black heels and a happy pair of round glasses, she smiled, "Alright, doctor fiddle! Since I like you, I'll give you the answer key and let you copy them down in the hall! Take a seat and come back in once you are finished! Ryan nodded his head, listening to the class BOO giggly. Suddenly, he had the urge to turn around to see someone. Clinging onto his binder tightly, he tried to ignore his crush grinning at him as he followed Ryan into the hallway.

The Crush PART 2

His name was Troy. Ryan had a crush on Troy. Troy was a light blue lucario, known for his fast and athletic speeds and all around creativity. The only thing Ryan knew Troy for was a smooth, silky body, skiny fur coat, beautiful green eyes, and then...

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Unhappiness - Season 1 Episode 1

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Unhappiness - Season 1 Episode 1

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