New Feelings: Chapter 7: Are you in, or are you OUT?
**new feelings: chapter 7: are you in, or are you out?** **_so, journal......let me first apologize for the excruciatingly long absence of writing. i'm not gonna lie, life has just been crazy!
New Feelings Chapter 8: A Hero's Journey
**new feelings chapter 8: a hero's journey** my stomach was doing back flips; the butterflies had turned to wasps, stinging me over and over again.
New Feelings: Chapter 7: Are you in, or are you OUT? Part 2.
**new feelings: chapter 7: are you in, or are you out? part 2.** _(from "new feelings: chapter 7: are you in, or are you out?)_ _"not long after our brief conversation he's asleep and breathing deeply and steadily.
New Feelings: Entry 5: Road Trip!
**_Hey journal,_** **_ MAN!! It feels so good to be writing again. I'm finally going back to school after like, a week or so. Now, I just gotta try to explain what happened to me to my friends without outing me and/or Elliott. This may get, well,...
New Feelings: Entry #2: Oh life, why hath thou forsaken me?
**_Hey there, me again. Uhmm....I'm not really sure what to write today, I mean, I've actually let a day pass before writing this...That's worth something,right? I think it is. Mainly because now I don't have to worry about Elliott seeing my entries...
New Feelings Entry #4: Probably NOT the right thing to say.
Entry #4: Probably not the right things to say. _ **Hey journal,** _ _ ** Its, uh, been a while. I forgot to write this whole break, last week....
New Feelings
\*\*The following is a fictional story. Any revelance to the characters, events, or anything else in this story is completely coincidental. **_Heh, I, uhmm, don't really know how to start one of these things, seeing as its my first journal. So, i...
Entry# 4: Probably not the right things to say—part 2
Entry# 4: Probably not the right things to say--part 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up the next morning, well "woke up", as in I was scared shitless the night before so I just...
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 9-ish: Everything's Going To Change.
Lucius still didn't notice them, he was engulfed in this great new feeling as he had to bend down to kiss her now, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. time stood still until they stopped, about ten seconds later.
When Lilacs Bloom
Sorry i haven't been writing for a while, life's been kinda....tough....anyways, until i finish and post the next segment of new feelings, with a hot and steamy bed scene, enjoy this crappy poem that i wrote a while back...
Chapter 1) The Hatch Date; Wyrmlings Come Forth
It zest, the new feeling of my lungs inflating and deflating, invigorated me as much as the rich dose of oxygen to my bloodstream.
Snow's Journal (Entry Four)
He welcomes this new unknown emotion, to be honest. we now sit in a decently sized cave, carved into the mountain side by kynareth, a small fire keeping us warm. urjora keeps looking over at khajiit; pensive and yearning.