Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 98: Searching For A Perfect World We Will Never Find (The Dawn Of Civilization Part V)
It started moving toward the glacier where the nomadic colony had been hiding. "everyone take cover! it is coming this way!" song shouted as the group was enveloped in the fat yellow beam of light.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)
Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 97: Some Must Be Sacrificed If All Are To Be Saved (The Dawn Of Civilization Part IV)** Day 200 Continued (1:30 PM The eating place.) "So Celestine and Augustin missed a noon meeting with you...
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 3: It follows
Counter Earth Chronicles: Dual Realities **Chapter 3: It follows ** February 16th YOE 35 12:01 PM World One (Counter Earth) It was the start of my third week of my reconditioning therapy. I actually call it my reprogramming therapy...
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Three
With each small creak the house made he would jump out of his own fur in fright, only to squeeze himself tighter to his hiding place.
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter One
The area that surrounded the two was densely wooded, hiding them from any kind of wandering eye. they had found this spot years before all this had happened.
Melancholy Hearts: Chapter Two
Melancholy Hearts Chapter Two Taj shifted slightly in her padded seat to stretch her legs, trying to fight off the pins and needles forming in her toes. "Sitting in one place for four straight hours... yeah, I can see why you guys are getting...
Interview: Delylah Beni #1
_Sometime during the second month of the first Semester, The Vice Principal and various members of staff were to undergo psychological evaluation by an outside psychologist temporarily employed by the school to interview the School staff. Delylah Beni...
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)
Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities **Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)** October 5th YOE 35 07:22 AM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (Exeter Station's Bazaar) "You know you make a great...
Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 5: It's Time
She lectured, feeling particularly honest without anything hiding her body language. the red panda was reluctant to chime into the rant, afraid of how the hyena would react "umm... yeah, she's right... you really gotta' grow up.
In The Forest
To hide my face; maybe i'll hide in a boscage. (chorus) so why can't you leave me, oh, can't you just see that? you have gone a bit mad, i guess i'll have to hide. (exit) maybe i'll hide in a boscage. so let me, hide, in a boscage. (a boscage.)
Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Twelfth of Revival
hide's gruff voice says. i lift my coughing head up from my prone position and see hide pointing at me. "your turn." hide walks back into the workshop without even waiting for me.
Ninja Wolf: Chapter 1: Prologue
You're probably wondering where we are hiding. well, we hide in jasper park, canada, and may i say what a beautiful place it is. not to mention there is plenty of food to go around. there are many places to hide and so little people out here.