Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 5: It's Time

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#5 of Season of the Black Rose Series

Chapter Five is here ladies and gentlemen, its a doozy!

Springtide of the Black Rose:

Chapter 5

It's Time

By Rhyne Hentzel

The Clock struck 6:00 PM, as the sun was slowly setting towards the west over the mountains wrapped in an emerald blanket of forest. The Girls had taken to Zoya's bedroom an hour earlier for a game of truth or dare using an empty Soda glass soda bottle, spinning it around and round on end so far after watching an old-school science-fiction film. Rociel was moderately interested in the dated past time by daring everyone to strip their clothes off, just to alleviate the boredom that was the equivalent of screeching chalkboard in her mind. They all didn't seem to mind the absence of their clothing, though the Hyena herself was still half-dressed.

Celestine sat next to her big sister, acting a barrier between the crossbreed hyena and the wolf, hindering their romantic trysts. The lavender rabbit was enthralled by the fact it was her turn to spin, utilizing the strength in her wrists to twist the transparent container as fast as she could, until it landed on Ms. Zoya Markov herself "Aww fuck!..." the Husky hissed. Celestine giggled at the exaggerated reaction, "Alright, Truth or dare?" she questioned, hoping to learn about her canine adversary in this game of chance. Zoya wasn't the one to tell the truth but already forced to undergo several dares prior so she resorted to answering "Truth" which wasn't her favorite topic.

Celestine, now tasked with figuring out what she wanted ask her, began examining the room for anything out of the ordinary except for the Matryoshka dolls that had characters painted on them wielding violins. She hummed for a couple seconds "Hey do you play any instruments?" she queried, motivated by her own speech earlier in the week. Zoya was indifferent towards the rabbit's question "Violin. I haven't played it in ages..." she answered, feeling a little uncomfortable with the memories it brought back.

"Why don't you play it anymore, I'd love to hear..." Celestine said before rudely interrupted by the husky's cold stare. A tear ran down Zoya's cheek with lips quivering and snarling, showing her teeth at the lapine, "I don't want to fucking talk about it so shut the fuck up!" she barked loudly in response. Rociel was already wit's end with this party, she launched herself from her spot on the floor, tackling their distempered host, "Don't you dare talk to anyone like that!" the Hyena scolded before dragging her into the husky's walk-in closet, closing the door behind them.

Erika and Linn were stunned at the appalling sight, with the Fox shocked more than anything, looking at Celestine "Is she always that short-fused?" she asked, bearing a hint of tension in her voice. Cell blushed, feeling embarrassed by the fact that her eldest was probably disciplining their host "She gets it from her mom..." she explained, recalling the times that she misbehaved. Hearing a series of whimpers from the small-enclosed space, "Should we stop her or something? I know she is bit of bitch but I wouldn't go to the extent of treating her like that..." Erika asked as a sense of fear loomed over her.

Siria, kneeling on the floor, chimed at this point, "It would better not to interfere with the process at hand. She has a tendency to... break things and put them back together." The white-haired wolf ominously spoke from experience with a glint of dependency in her eyes. Erika was more concerned about her friend's well-being "So she's "Momming" her right now? That's so fucked up..." she iterated, feeling awkward with the situation at hand. Celestine giggled at something her father told her earlier "Well... Best case scenario is that sissy will tear into her psyche and leave an imprint on her." She hesitantly replied, somewhat regretting bringing her older sibling along for the ride.

Erika thought it would be best stay out of the scenario considering Linn was hiding behind her, hugging for protection "...So... How do you like High School so far? Meet anyone interesting aside from Akira's pathetic excuse for a boyfriend?" She said. Celestine smiled at the change of topic, "It's pretty boring I guess, I thought it be more like what you see in all the anime shows and the Shonen Manga. I did meet a guy I like...." She happily professed. The Fox was somewhat more comfortable now the whimpering in the wardrobe room had stopped, replaced by whispers "That's understandable, so who caught your attention?" she said, trying to make small talk.

Celestine's face turned cherry red, biting her lower lip, pretending to be shy "They say silence is golden..." she cryptically replied, hoping that they wouldn't catch on. Erika laughed hysterically "Ave to thy Caesar!" she joked since Caesar was the only mute in the entire School system, eliminating down the list of eligible bachelors to one. The adolescent rabbit curled up into a ball, "I didn't think it was obvious!?" she stated in a fluster, excited by the vulpine's answer. The violet fox was amused by Cell's reaction "At least you have good taste in men unlike 'her'..." she jeered at herself in a way.

Celestine didn't look forward to chatting about the Fox's complex love life, "Err... I know he may seem kind of a meanie but he is good person under the right influence. I can't say much for what you, Akira, and Kenny do in the bedroom though except for raping him back..." she said, offering solution to her problem. Siria and Linn decided to make use of their Hostess's television and her last-generation game console while allowing Cell and Erika to continue their conversation. The vulpine pondered the bunny's odd statement of she should get revenge "So you're saying I should rape him?" she replied.

Lavender Rabbit could only shrug her shoulders, unsure if her cohort should go through with it, "My parents rape each other all the time. My moms will carry dad off to their bedroom then there stay in there for a while." She said. Her mind replaying the conversation that she had with Jacklyn about nightmare she had when she accidentally saw a hardcore erotic film on Rociel's Aerotek Laptop. Confusion plagued Erika's mind, trying to makes heads or tails of what she just said, "Wait, what? How can you have more than one mother?" she questioned. The Rabbit chuckled at the bewilderment "Sissy and I are Half-Siblings!" she cheered proudly.

A thought ran across Erika's mind like the nudist run through the streets of San Francisco, "Okay, so essentially he has two girlfriends? Which are you and your sister's mothers..." she said. "So what are you saying?" Celestine replied, somewhat baffled as to what conclusion the Fox was attempting to arrive at. The one of the key differences between Akira and Erika was their sexual preferences, namely the fact that Erika's included the female gender, "Well they say your choice of partners in bed is genetic..." she hinted, discreetly flirting with the rabbit.

Celestine's ears perked up, her heart was beating more rapidly, her breath felt heavy, catching onto the nature of what her new friend was saying, blushing fervently "You think I am attractive?" she said, complimented by the idea. Erika licked her upper lip, teasing the bunny while swaying her tail horizontally "You know there is always an empty closet with a futon downstairs..." she propositioned, revealing her flirty yet pursuant nature. Cell pouted her lips, tempted by her offer "Well... I don't want to seem too eager but when in Rome I suppose!" she said.

Erika grabbed Celestine by her hand, leading her out of the room "Don't worry I am clean... or else I have to go murder someone in their sleep." She said. They snuck out of the room before creeping down the stairs past Alexander's room, then slipping into the downstairs closet where the vulpine kept a spare mat for whenever she slept over, rolling it out for them. Celestine kneeled down on the futon mattress, waiting for the Fox to join her, wiggling her hips anxiously and her puffy bunny tail wiggling. "Don't worry I'll be gen..." Erika said before the rabbit pounced on top of her, knocking her over on her back, locking her lips with one another, "Oh my!..." the vulpine moaned.

Back upstairs in Zoya's Room, Rociel lead her hostess out of the closet dripping in tears and red marks on her thighs, as she held the husky in tight embrace, "Shush, now I promise your mother will come back some day...soon." The hyena said, trying to comfort her. Zoya was a throbbing mess "...but why isn't she back yet?" she questioned, trying to cope with the absence of her mother was far away in Russia paying off her father's debt by working as maid for a major player in the White Star brotherhood. The canine soon broke away from the hug "I need to go clean up... I'm a mess." She said, leaving the room for a moment.

Rociel took notice to the absence of two of the sleepover's guests, namely her little sister and Erika, staring at Siria with a raised left brow "Hey Siri, where is Celestine and that other chic?" she asked. The Wolf's ears perked as she played against the squishy panda girl "She is downstairs banging the fox's brains out, why?" she retorted. The young crossbreed deadpanned at the mere concept of it, "Heh?" she uttered, in an effort to wrap her head around it. Siri sighed, pausing the video game and faced towards her companion "Place your ear against the floor..." she stated.

Out of sheer curiosity opposed to her better instinct, Rociel laid sideways on the carpet, pressing her right ear on ground, listening in on the faint noise, mainly gasps of breath coming from the Fox and a distinctive "Oooooo!" of interest accompanied by a gleeful giggle coming from Celestine's lips. The Hyena immediately raised herself upright, stunned from hearing those sounds "Damn.... I can't tell if I am proud of her or extremely confuzzled." she stated, feeling a cocktail of emotions that she was unable to make heads or tails of initially. Siria nodded her head from side to side, sighing, "You should at least consider her first homoerotic experience won't be disappointing especially with the amount of resources that you have available at your disposal." She explained, envisioning a bookshelf within her partner's room that had several manuals and a College-level Sexuality textbook that was two decades out of date but still credible.

Zoya returned from her washing off her face after regaining her composure, "I am sorry...wait, where is the rabbit?" she said to apologize but realizing that two of her guest were absent. Rociel snickered, covering her mouth trying not to spoil the surprise "Pardon me Zoey but could you fetch me a T-shirt, I forgot to pack an extra for tomorrow morning." She asked. The crossbreed knew fully well that she would have to venture downstairs to find something to accommodate her size. The Husky was surprised at the fact that someone so 'disciplined' would forget something simple as a shirt "Uhm... I think there are some hand-me-downs from cousins in the first floor closet. Let me go get them for you..." She answered, considering her relatives reached around an average of six feet in height.

Zoya walked out of the room once again, quietly pattering down the stairwell to the closet. The Moment she opened the door to catch Erika and Celestine in the act of their recreational tryst with the rabbit immediately addressing the issue with a prompt "Shut the damn door!" she snapped. "Sorry! can either of you grab the white box above the rack with the blouses on it?" The Husky said, leaning against the doorframe with heart nearly jumping up into her throat. Cell was courteous enough to hand the woman of the house what she required before locking the door to continue her romp with Erika.

Upstairs, Rociel was busting a gut listening to the event that unfolded downstairs, her rancid giggle oozing into the hallway. Zoya stormed in her bedroom, fuming with embarrassment, tossing the box on her bedroom then sitting down on the floor in tantrum of silent rage "You knew what they were doing, weren't you?" she said, her accent showing through in her haste. She had never been so infuriated in her life; normally accustomed to having everything done her way, "You come in my house and ruin my fun I had planned! You end up screwing on my couch with your girlfriend, you embarrassed me to no extent, spanked me in my own closet like a child and your little sister is violating my best friend! How dare you treat me this way!" she hissed, tears starting to form once again, apparently frustrated over the lack of control she had over the situation.

Laughter filled the room, Rociel had her hostess figured out from the beginning "Oh perfect! Now you're upset because you couldn't figure out any secrets that my little sister and I had through that little truth or dare game that you could use against us to make yourself seem all that awesome to everyone at school. Well here's a secret for yah'!" she taunted, cracking grin that'd send the devil a packing, untying her sleeves that were knotted around her waist. The Hyena's ebony dyed undergarment fell to the floor as Zoya's eyes widened in astonishment at her guest's 'anatomy', "Oh my god! Is that... is that your?.." the Siberian husky stuttered, aghast due to her lack of knowledge in regards to Hyenic Morphology. Lynnette couldn't help to turn her head away from the television screen she and the wolf were fixated on, experiencing a mixture of jealously and silent curiosity, now fixated on the conversation at hand.

Rociel began circling around Zoya, ticked off by her sheer arrogance "Now I can assume you do this every year to any new comers to the school just so you have someone to make miserable in order to compensate for your short-comings and lack of self-control. You know what? You are insane! Me, I am not perfectly right in the head either 'cause the fact my entire body is seeping in chemical slurry of Testosterone and Estrogen which is driving my brain to act instinctive impulses but at least I know how to differentiate from right and wrong. Why? Because I am a complete fucking psychopath, my parents know it, my sister knows it, and I know it, hey it doesn't stop me from doing what I think is right since karmically I'll be rewarded." She lectured, feeling particularly honest without anything hiding her body language. The Red panda was reluctant to chime into the rant, afraid of how the hyena would react "Umm... yeah, she's right... you really gotta' grow up. We are not little kids in grade school anymore and you can't always have everything you want by guilt tripping your dad over your mom. it's not his fault what happened. Your mom is doing her best to take care of you and him by keeping you guys out of trouble with those commie gangsters..." she said, overcoming her shyness to confront Zoya's tyrannical behavior. The Hyena was impressed, crouching down in front of Linn before giving her a peck on the cheek, staring into her eyes "See! We need more smart people like you in the world!... and might I ask who those gangsters are my little dumpling?" she praised in the midst her rant. Lynette perked up, flattered by the compliment while glancing down for a brief moment then focusing on crossbreed's eyes "Zoey told they were the White Star Brotherhood or something... hehe." She answered truthfully, enraptured in moment.

Rociel paused for a minute before groaning in disdain "Ooooh! Those fucks! A bunch of big rich people who put the little people down, See, I absolutely hate that because I am a big person who likes making the little people feel big, confident and important like my little sister who is having the time of her life downstairs banging someone's brains out of their skull. Why do you think I am comfortable with this? It's because it makes her feel confident and important, along with the fact that she is experiencing the world for what it is and I am doing the right thing by encouraging her to take the initiative to come out from under my shadow of protection." She continued her tirade with two-thirds of her audience captivated by her impassionedly inspired. Zoya was trapped in silence, feeling back into a proverbial corner without any escape or any ammunition to fire back at her, "...I am not a little person!" she barked, trying to muster a response. The Hyena laughed at the husky's naivety, belting out a hearty giggle that boomed from her chest "Face it, you're a little person trying to play a big person's game which you haven't a bloody clue how to play... but I'll make a deal with you." She said, preparing to make an irresistible offer to her hostess.

Zoya knew she had lost in her effort to secure another victim to torment and blackmail, a sinking sensation could be felt in her chest akin to a battleship being lost at sea, "What kind of deal?..." she asked. Rociel's movements changed, prowling slowly around the room "I'll put something into effect to get your mother back in exchange for what I want. First, I want you to be my little sister's friend... Secondly, I want you to close your eyes then imagine a blank dark room. Imagine... Imagine the person you want to be... the person that you dream of in your deepest dreams. Think of that person! Make that person your goal to achieve!" she said softly, believing to have finally captured the husky's attention. Zoya did as instructed, taking a deep breath while sealing her eyes and envisioned the dark room, conjuring up a stage with a proud, healthy smiling women wielding a violin with the spotlight on her, voices cheering for an encore with flowers falling upon the laminated platform. She saw herself in that moment, taking a graceful bow before her audience and fans, bathing in the limelight of a Broadway theater, before she exhaled her breath.

Lynnette followed suit, utilizing her imagination to develop an image of a fit, athletic woman running on a track with others who suffered from being overweight, cheering them onto become better, stronger individuals even with her boyfriend Seth aiding her in the process. Rociel noticed that she had another participating in her exercise, realizing that she might have inherited her father's talent for Psychology, "Well, even I amaze with myself sometimes" she boasted proudly. Zoya opened her eyes, feeling a flower blooming inside her chest, breathing heavily as her heart started beating faster "This feels strange... why do I feel strange yet a little happy inside?" she pondered, her brain's synapses going a mile a minute in response to the stimulation of the creative portions of the mind.

A brooding energy could be felt in the room that Rociel reveled in, soaking in the power of it "That's because you're not confused as to who you are now, you know which road in life that you wish to take." She explained. The excitement in the husky's bedroom grew, Zoya went into her closet to pull out leather-bound case, revealing her Violin that shined in the electric light, tuning it before applying the saw to the silvery cords. The Hyena took a seat next to the other guests, awaiting a performance from their hostess. The instrument slowly sang its powerful song of "Kalinka" with its maestro commanding it with all her strength.

The House filled with the sweet sound of music. Alexander in his room awoke briefly to the happiest tune he has heard in a long time "My little Radost' is happy again... I had a feeling today was going to be a good day." He muttered to himself, lullabied to his slumber once again. Zoya in her room was breaking a sweat, her hands moving rapidly to the intensity of the notes before hitting the final one without flaw, panting once she had finished. Her audience clapped for the display of acoustical prowess, Rociel was enthralled by her success with Violin itself "See, that's the person who you are, a musician that captivates audiences everywhere!" she cheered, enlivened by the experience to have a private presentation.

Zoya soon noticed she managed to excite her guest in more ways than one, "Erm... Rociel, your... 'Accessory' is..." she said, pointing out one of her guest's unique 'aspect'. The Hyena had notice her 'feature' giving a standing ovation, "Oh. I need to use restroom, hehe!" She said, excusing herself from the room to satiate her basic bodily functions. The Auburn-haired Husky sat down to rest "So... I don't want to seem nosy but what is the story is between you and her?" she asked the alabaster-haired wolf. Siria cringed at the thought of explaining the complexities her relations with her close friend "It's more sexual than anything, and my parents are supportive of my... life choices since my father didn't exactly intend to have me in the first place." She said.

Linn and Zoya, perplexed by the concept "I thought most parents would want to have grandkids..." the husky commented, learning that eccentricities followed Rociel around wherever she went. Siria wasn't comfortable left alone in the room with them "My father has Schizophrenia, he never wanted his bloodline to continue in the first place but I was fortunate to inherit my Mother's Wunderlind syndrome instead. He really does encourage me to other things aside from having child, like pursuing a career or focusing on school." She explained, her anxiety rising as the minutes passed by. The pudgy red panda understood where the canine was coming from "So your dad likes the fact that you and her are really 'close'? I mean, do you want to have a kid some day?" Lynnette questioned, probing the ideology behind the notion.

"Certainly not since it would be financially and socially irresponsible for me to raise a child myself, it isn't guaranteed I will be with Rociel forever. We both knowingly understand that she has her own aspirations..." Siria stated, having thought well-ahead into the future to prepare for the day she would be by her lonesome. Zoya was shocked, completely appalled "Wow... I thought I was a stone cold bitch sometimes..." she reflected, causing Linn to turn her head in reaction to the husky's statement. The Ailurian adolescent hugged the canine, "Don't feel bad about it, she is probably just waiting for the right guy to come along then make one big happy love triangle!" unaware of the obvious protest of Siria struggling to escape whose face reddened at the thought of her bond with Rociel turning into a three-way relationship.

Meanwhile outside, Iramei and Kenashi had been waiting outside for the past five minutes underneath the bathroom window, biding their time for whoever was occupying the restroom to leave. Rociel was washing up her hands in sink, rinsing out her hair to clean out any natural oils before tuning in onto the pair voices whispering near the sill, immediately recognizing ken's voice but not the other. The hyena walked to the door, opening then shutting the door to ensure she made a sound to trick them into enacting their plan.

Ken was crouching down with hands clasped together, ready to help his associate slip into the house as the feline started sprinting towards him. The fox lifted him up into the air though the Iramei didn't hesitate to utilize his friend's shoulder to further gain height, intentionally bruising it with a swift kick. The Jaguar climbed through the window, somersaulting on the bathroom floor, coming to a kneeling stop with his head coincidentally at the height Rociel's thighs, staring directly at her groin. The Hyena looked down at the blonde-haired panther, "I see this could go one of three ways: A, I could tell the Old ticker with a hangover in the room next door; B, I could always beat you up like I did your friend; C, Blow me then let's see what happens afterward, Blondie." She carefully explained his options.

Iramei's eyes were intently focused on Rociel's 'anatomy', practically slack-jawed at the precarious spot he was in, "Umm... well, that is a beautiful clitoris you have ma'am" he said trying to talk his way out of it. The crossbreed bit down on her lower lip with a devious grin, "C it is then..." she said, letting out her gut-wrenching giggle. Ken heard the distinctive laughter while coddling his left arm, "He is so fucked! Hehe!" he thought to himself, anticipating him to fly out the window at any moment.

Meanwhile in the first floor closet, Celestine was cuddling with Erika who was panting heavily after their fun. The rabbit started psychokinetically tapping into a vine that was creeping up the side of the house, sensing where the Dark Crimson-furred vulpine was laying on the ground. An idea popped up her head, "Hey Eri, you-know-who is outside the house?" she said, making her cohort aware that Ken was lurking about the premise. Erika's ears perked up, "Ooo! You thinking what I am thinking?" she said, having discussed a highly detailed plan about how she'd enact her revenge. Cell smiled, exhilarated by the camaraderie "Operation Pansy is a go!" she cheered.

Ken was still on the ground listening to the moans coming from the bathroom "I bet she was waterboarding his ass right now!" he jested in his own mind until he heard the sound of a purr as a flower began sprouting near his face. The Fox didn't notice it for now, distracted by the peculiar sound of feline happiness "Wait... she is molesting him...and he's liking it?!?" He thought, astonished that the Jaguar was possibly undergoing some exotic sensual torture. Kenashi finally acknowledge the presence of peculiarly colorful Lotus that was blooming, "What the hell..." he muttered before a cloud of spores jettisoned into his face, rendering him unconscious.

Inside the Closet, Cell nodded to her newfound friend, signaling that Ken was out cold in the dark of night, as Erika quickly dressed up in an elongated T-shirt to fetch him. By the time he awoke inside the House, his mouth thoroughly sealed with duct tape, his arms and legs bound together with industrial grade rope, making it impossible for him to move a centimeter. The closet light flickered with Erika standing valiantly over him, "Hello Kenny-boy, Now you're wondering what you're doing tied up? Remember all the times you woke me up and had me bound and gagged for you and Akira's sadistic amusement. This is payback and she isn't going to be spared from it with my Inamorata here to help me..." she explained to him with a particularly vicious tone.

Kenashi looked over to Celestine who was kneeling on a futon mat, casually waving hello at him as he was thoroughly surprised by the fact that she was involved, "Cell?" he said, mumbled. The lavender rabbit giggled, "Hello again! Sorry about this but she talked me into it and if it's any consolation, at least you get to watch us have fun!" she happily said, titillated by the concept of a victim forced to watch. Erika grasped his jaw, forcing him to look up at her "Let this be a lesson to you and Akira. You dare sleep with me without my explicit consent, you'll be left alone for the rest of your life while enjoy mine with my Inamorata and her lover. To be honest, the Silent type turns me on... maybe even have a baby or two with him then I can have a big happy family that I always wanted..." She said in a tone of vindication before gliding her index finger along his jawbone.

There wasn't any comparison to the fury and rage that Kenashi felt burning inside him, much less the idea that she would abandon him for one of his close friends. Tears ran down his cheeks, "No, please don't hurt her." He thought, considering his words were useless at this point to convey his distress. What hurt him inside the most was someone he thought was completely harmless was enacting this cruel, twisted deed of vengeance before his eyes.

Meanwhile, Iramei, half-dressed in his black denims, and Rociel walked out the bathroom door into the hallway, the jaguar bowed courteously to her in respect as the hyena peeled off a pair of latex gloves from her hands, similar to the ones you would find at a doctor's office. "Thank you Ma'am..." Ira said, grateful for the fact that she chose not to rat him out in exchange for her entertainment. The crossbreed smiled at him "I am glad we came to an understanding Mr. Kajiya. It was rather exciting to experience someone skilled at the oral arts as well as witness an individual so virile..." she complimented, disposing of the tools of the trade.

The 17-year old Jag-panther blushed, staring at her then looking away for a moment "It was novel... to be honest. I hope this doesn't mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend now..." he said, nervous that he may have fallen into jaws of dominatrix. Rociel laughed at the idea of it, "Don't worry, you're too small for my taste...." She replied, assuring him that she hadn't any interest in a romantic relationship with him. Iramei sighed with relief, counting his blessings before he was led into Zoya's bedroom.

The husky immediately glared at Rociel, "What did you and the 'Monk' do in my bathroom? and why is here to begin with?" immediately assuming the worst of her guest right off the bat. The Hyena giggled, realizing what that moniker meant "I don't know, caught him crawling into the window and made him pay the 'toll fee' to get in." she said, laughing at her own actions. Zoya huffed, noting the time on her alarm clock had turned to after curfew "Whatever, it's not like he is interested in girls anyway... he can stay the night if he needs to." She snidely remarked.

Iraimei was irritated by the fact that everyone assumed he hadn't any interest in women whatsoever "Hey! I just haven't learned what I could do for the opposite gender... and they could for me...until recently. I also like to thank you for letting me stay the night" He said with a mixed reaction. Zoya wasn't exactly happy about his presence but her eyes kept trailing down to his abdomen, before shaking her head "So you're only interested in girls get you off in the bathroom? How pathetic!" she barked at him. Rociel interjected at this point, reveling in the chaos she created "Hey, he's good tongue on him so he earned a 'happy ending' with my delicate handiwork!" she explained, merely having used him to sate a personal curiosity.

Lynnette was excited by Ira's presence, considering she often had official true pairing fantasy for him and the Husky "I'll pay 30$ if you take off your pants, Kitty-kitty!" she teased, in an effort to exploit the fact that he was often strapped for cash. Rociel grabbed her knapsack, sitting down next to Siria who was somewhat cross with her, as she pulled out her crocodile-hide wallet, prying through to see how much money she had on hand before upping the ante "I'll offer 300$ in exchange that Ms. Markov here gets you for the night..." she stated. Zoya was shocked at the fact that the crossbreed kept that amount cash on her, much less the fact that they were trying to sway the 6'7 tall feline with bed with her.

Iraimei's ears perked at the offer but secretly knew he could probably get a better deal "Well... I am not sure if I am willing to stoop that low for money..." he reluctantly said. The 14-year husky hardly knew say, "Wait, I am not sure if I want to him or not? I mean it's not I like him or anything..." she professed, feeling somewhat pressured into the thought of liking him. Rociel had the urge to splurge her money on the husky regardless "Alright, 1357$, all the cash in my wallet as long as you take her on a date tomorrow to do whatever she wants." The Hyena replied, practically doing it out of her own sick sense of humor.

Zoya's thoughts soon turned what she may have need from the local mall "...though I do need new clothes and I might like to get a few personal things from that little shop in the corner." She admitted aloud, with her guests laughing at the similarities between her and the panther. Rociel couldn't help to point it out "See, you two make the perfect couple, you're both greedy as hell!" she stated, handing Iraimei the wad of cash who was currently creating his own shopping list. The Husky stared at him, making her intent clear through her eyes "You and me, sleep together then you take me on shopping spree, deal?" she fiercely iterated. The Jag-panther was in tango with her thoughts "Deal!" he answered.

Rociel, Siria and Lynnette were literally pushed out of the room, along with their clothes and backpacks that they had prepared for the occasion. The Red panda simply looked at the Hyena "Does anyone tell you how freakin' crazy you are 'cause so far it has been a super weird day." She said, wondering what the crossbreed's daily life was like. Rociel giggled at her own zaniness, "Yeah but it's never a boring day for me, even at home!" she laughed, finally entertained by her antics.

The motley crew that was ejected from Zoya's bedroom now made the living room their sanctuary for now as Siria's mind started to question how their uninvited guest get in through second floor bathroom. "Rociel, did he have anyone help him get in the house?" she asked her consort, curious if there was anyone else in the house aside from Ira. Rociel soon paused for minute, "Yeah, Kenashi was with him...wait a minute." She said, detecting his phone nearby, namely in the first floor closet.

She walked over from the couch to knock on door, giving a warning in advance that she was opening it before cracking it open slowly to see Celestine and Erika covering themselves up with Ken as an unwilling witness to their affair. Rociel simply looked then waved to him as he mumbled for her to help him, "Hi Kenashi. I'll let you kids go back to what you were doing" said and slowly closed the door, not particularly caring to know what was going on. Kenashi simply looked down to the ground, "Fuck my life!..." he thought, still upset at Erika's act of revenge that he was taking part of against his will, accompanied by the fact that Rociel ignored his plea for freedom.

Lynnette looked at the Hyena, slightly concerned "Why is Ken in the closet with your little sister and Erika?" she asked. Rociel stared back at her, "Do you want to know the answer to that?" she replied, wishing she hadn't peered into her sibling's private matters earlier. The Red panda considered it for a moment "Actually, I don't want to know what's going on and I don't need to." She said, feigning ignorance of the situation. "Good, because I haven't the slightest idea of what's up?" The crossbreed professed her lack of awareness at the moment.

The rest of the night was primarily uneventful, as Rociel went to work on her wrist-bound computer she had stored in her Khaki knapsack. Siria had set up a hammock for her and her companion, pestering her to come to bed until the crossbreed yielded eventually due to weariness. Lynnette had retired early into her sleeping bag she had laid adjacent to the coffee table, occasionally awakening once in a grand while for a glass of ice water...

...Morning arrived early with the house's phone network ringing to the high heaven's, Zoya was first to awake next to Iramei who was curled up with her "Oh no! Wake up Ira! My father is going to be up in a few minutes!.." she said, knowing that the only person who called their home number was the Steel Fabrication shop in case one of their machines went out. The Jaguar was vanished into the husky's closet without a trace of his presence; Alexander answered the phone in his room before he came to his daughter's door. "Zoya, I have to take a trip to work, the Assembly line went kaboom and I might not be back until after noon," he said, cracking the door slightly, presuming his little Radost' was in her birthday suit.

He rushed out the door as fast as he could, accidentally waking up the rest of the sleepover's guests with Rociel first to rise from her slumber with Siria still passed out. She garbed herself in her usual undergarment of cotton unitard, reflexively making her way to the kitchen, technopathically turning the dials on the oven burner and the kitchen sink, while causing a frying pan off its rack along with small saucepan. Rociel filled the pot with water, not even moving a muscle in her entire body, placing the skillet on the burner to preheat for the breakfast she had in mind. The radio in the kitchen soon turned on, playing the song "Hotel California" streaming from the Esper's memory.

Shortly after, Zoya and Iraimei came down dressed for their day ahead of time, catching a whiff of what smelled like Salmon sautéed in lemon and orange juice with a side of potato pancakes. Rociel was still half-asleep, yawning before she starts setting out the plates that had her Spectacular Sunday Morning Meal that roused the rest of the husky's guests from their sleep. Celestine came out of the closet with Erika in tow, taking a seat at the table, locking lips briefly before laughing at one another. Lynnette was quick to follow to the see what was made, inhaling the intoxicating cocktail of aromas that wafted in the den.

The Last one to arrive to the breakfast social after Siria, was Kenashi, who managed to hop his way to the dining room from the closet, looking at Iraimei who already started eating, "Hey get this crap off me!" he mumbled through the durable adhesive. The Jaguar laughed at his friend, "What the hell did they do to you?" wondering what sort of depravity he had gotten into in the first place. Rociel, partially conscious had set out a plate for the Crimson-furred fox that taunted him and his empty stomach, Ken eyeing it as he tried getting closer to it, only for Erika to shovel down his plate to spite him.

She kneeled down, still gnawing on a potato pancake. He knew what she was going to do to him, hopping away desperately to escape her Psychic ability as she grabbed a hold his neck, triggering him to fall into the land of nod once again. Iramei witnessed what happened "Uh... did you just use a pressure point to put him to sleep or is that something I should know about?" he asked, wondering if Ken had weak point he could take advantage of. Erika turned her head towards the feline "The less you know the better." She ominously answered, dragging her 'boyfriend' to the couch.

Celestine noticed the radio that wasn't plugged into the wall was broadcasting "That Old Black Magic" as her eldest was stalking around in partial consciousness "Sissy wake up! You're doing it again!" she said. Rociel shook her head violently, trying to rouse herself by slapping herself across the face, "Ugh! I got to stop thinking so much when I wake up" she muttered with the radio mysteriously shutting off. The Hyena soon sat down at an empty chair, seeing that she made plate for herself, "Well, Cell and I had fun but we got to head home after we eat." She said, speaking for her little sister who'd probably spend the rest of the morning with her new best friend.

Erika stretched her arms in out the air above her head, yawning "I am gonna take my moron back to my place to have a little talk about personal fucking boundaries if he hadn't gotten the lesson through his thick skull last night... and Cell?" she explained before diverting her attention towards the lavender-furred rabbit. Celestine returned her gaze back to the vulpine "Yes?" with a piece of salmon protruding from her mouth. The Vixen giggled, "If you ever wanna 'hang out', call me! My Inamorata..." she teased, having her written her phone number down somewhere but forgotten specifically where. Rociel noticed a series of numerical digits on her lapine sibling's right hind cheek, giggling at the odd location to write a phone number down "Talk about a Booty call..." she giggled, hinting towards the spot. Cell immediately looked around, all over her body then looking at her own backside, "Err... Be right back while I write this down on paper." She said, excusing herself from the table.

The Violet furred fox noticed that Iraimei and Zoya were sitting next one another, "So are you two a couple or you blackmailing each other into a relationship?" she questioned. The husky seem indifferent to the idea "I'm planning see how much trouble I can get into with him today...." She answered, turning her head towards the Panther, looking at him with playful intent in her eyes. "Be sure to pack a roll at least, I don't need to see you running around with a baby bulge then shanghaiing me into being the midwife..." Erika said, remembering the day she had to help deliver a baby boy on train southbound from Portland to Grant's Pass Railroad Station. The Panther looked back at the Siberian canine, still eating though pausing briefly "Hey, if I ever did that, I'd take responsibility for my actions and the consequences that happen because of me, unlike the ass that's passed out on the couch." he said, chastising his sleeping comrade behind his back.

"I think one of my new acquaintances here made a good point about planning for my future..." Zoya said, smiling at the Jaguar, debating whether she should keep him or not. Rociel's ears perked, watching the time on the Microwave oven before leaving the kitchen to dress herself, with Celestine not far behind. They soon left with Siria, having stashed high-tech Motorcycles inconspicuously at the side of garage, the rabbit waved goodbye to Erika before her sister sped out of the cul-de-sac in high gear, escaping the hellish nightmare of suburbia.

Rociel soon drove up on the gravel road to her home, dismounting the vehicle along with her sister as Siria did the same with her before they were sent back to their storage locker. The Hyena sighed, aggravated from the whole experience, "I'll start the bath for us..." she hinted towards her sibling's potent aroma. Celestine felt the thud of Rociel's words hit in her the head "Do I really stink that badly?" she pondered. Siria sniffed herself, "It's not just you. The Russian's house was rank with that industrial smell..." she stated, disgusted by whatever was causing them to reek with a rancid unnatural stench.

They were quick to enter the cottage-style abode, promptly walking through the door as Rociel's Mother was sitting on the couch, disassembling a Vector Assault Combat Pistol, which the company became a popular for Home-defense weapons due the appeal of their products considered a military-grade quality. Jacklyn stopped her daughter on her way to the bathroom, leaning on the back of the couch, "So how did the sleepover go, Brainiac? Did Celestine have fun?" she asked with a gentle smile, showing her ivory white teeth. Rociel examined the day prior in her mind, "It went better than I expected and she made a friend..." She answered but her expression revealed an aspect of uncertainty.

Jacklyn understood when her daughter made that face, it potentially meant it was something she wouldn't appreciate "What kind of 'friend'?" she questioned, staring at her. Rociel didn't look directly into her mother's eyes, "Ehm... the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" kind of friend." The adolescent crossbreed explained. Jacklyn fell over on the couch laughing, finding it comical "Hehe! You were scared to tell me that!" the giggling 38-year old Hyena replied. Rociel started giggling in relief, "Mom, you gotta' stop screwing with me like that! It's bad enough Dad does it..." she said.

"Yeah but that's the fun part about having a kid. Anyways, so what if she got herself a little girlfriend, that's how Kaina and I got to be friends in the first place. One day she shows up at the door with her heart in her hand then next thing I know it, I am in bed breaking a sweat with this cute well-rounded bunbun in my lap..." Jacklyn boasted, tormenting her child the best way she could think of, continuing her description of how she and the other woman of the house became partners. Rociel covered her ears the best she could "I get the point! I get the point!" she said, trying to get her birth mother to stop with her sick humor. The elder hyena snickered "The point is that as your folks, we want you to have fun while you're still a stupid kid without getting hurt too badly in the process. Hell, when I was your age, I was showing off my 'switch' at sleepovers just to see the look on those cliquey prep-school girls' faces when they got a look of..." she said, deliberately pushing her daughter's buttons for the sake of her own amusement

This was one of the rare moment's Rociel blushed, nervous whenever it came to these enlightening moments of wisdom from her parents "Alright!..." She said. Jacklyn grinned before opening up her arms, "Come here Brainiac, and give me hug!" she said, hopping over the furniture. The adolescent Technopath wrapped her arms around her progenitor, engaging in hugging contest to see who was physically stronger. Rociel's mother forfeited at the final second "We love you and Cell, kiddo... don't ever forget that or else!" she said before sending her Daughter on her way to remove whatever scent she had picked up from the Markov residence.

Rociel was fashionably late at this point; Siria was already grooming Celestine's lengthy locks of hair, lathering Aloe Vera gel into her scalp to kill any dandruff that might be lurking on her head. The Hyena tossed her clothes into the nearby laundry hamper, along with her younger sibling's garb that fell close to it, then slinking down into expansive tub with her comrades. "What a head trip that was..." Rociel said, her muscles unwinding from the stress of dealing with a crowd, the steam rising into her nostrils.

Celestine moaned while the canine washed her diligently "Yeah! It was neat! Now I know why you and Siri do it so much!" she said, recollecting last night's experience with Ms. Erika Yamizaki in the closet of another individual's home. Siria opened her mouth briefly before contemplating on how to best to explain it to the lapine "Ehm... That's because she can do something that most other girls can't without the use of a... apparatus." She said, politely explaining how the birds and the bees worked between her and the crossbreed. "I know that! I meant being with a girl...it's so...wow! It's a like watching a nonstop all-day Anime Marathon with a Jar of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookies and a big pitcher of Raspberry-Mint Ice tea!" Cell cheered, searching for words to explain the confidence that came from emotion she was attempting to describe.

Rociel deadpanned with her ear's perked, staring at the alabaster-haired Wolf for moment "... that would pretty much describe every time that Siria and I have been intimate... " she said. Cell returned the favor, rinsing Siria's silvery strands with the caress of her hands "Huh. That's comforting to know." She replied, feeling that her momma Jacklyn would be more suited for this conversation. The girls finished after a few minutes of soaking in the tub, finally rid of the grungy miasma that'd been tailing them for an hour.

Siria stretched her maw out, yawning, still tired from the impromptu wake-up call before Rociel carried her up stairs to her bedroom, Jaded from the sleepover. Celestine sat down next her other mother in the living room, marking the start to long and awkward conversation with Jacklyn sighing in contempt to the fact that she was the only parent around currently. The adolescent hyena and the Wolf soon curled up in the freshly cleaned hammock, dozing off for the day.