Melancholy Hearts: Chapter One

Story by Sparky137 on SoFurry

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#1 of Melancholy Hearts

I know this is a super short entry, but once again I would like to know if this is a series that you guys and gals would like to see more of, so if you would it would be very nice of you to drop a comment down below!

I got this idea out of nowhere in the middle of the night, so after grabbing my notebook, writing it down, and coming up with a plot I had this to present to you!

I hope you enjoy!

Melancholy Hearts

Chapter One

He looked at her. With every passing second he felt his heart grow faster in pace, stronger with each beat. The beautiful white fur looked like fresh snow, as inviting as it had been when he was just a child. She was looking down at her feet, the slim figures waving back and forth as if the wind was taking control. He studied her figure, from the very tips of her long black ears to the very ends of her toes, every inch making his heart feel more and more delighted.

The late summer winds blew through the trees that surrounded them, causing a slight shiver to run through her body, just slight enough for him to notice and take worry. She was quick to shake her head, showing that she was fine. There was no reason to return right now. They had too much time left.

She knew he was watching her, yet she acted like she was oblivious to his watchful eyes. She spent most of her days like this, sitting right next to him for such small amounts of time, saying nothing, thinking nothing. She loved it, the fact that she could get away from it all. All the suffering, all the terrible crimes that went on each day in the small sector that she was forced to reside in. There was no law besides the few that kept the rich, the creators of all the laws, away from the poor, who had no say in anything at all.

She was one of the poor.

A few days a week she would leave her sector in secret, travelling by foot over five miles away just to sit for no more than ten minutes like this, and then hurry back before she was missed. He would do the same, but he had far more space between here and his sector and yet he kept the schedule, only missing twice in the past seven years. He was devoted to her, heart and soul, and would rather die than see her in pain and agony.

The area that surrounded the two was densely wooded, hiding them from any kind of wandering eye. They had found this spot years before all this had happened. Before everything went downhill, before all the useless laws went up and all the important ones were torn down. This little forest had remained untouched, however, when the walls went up. There were few other places like this that weren't smothered in smog and polluted with the voices of thousands of people.

He grunted slightly as he scooted over towards her, wrapping his dusky red arm around her insipid white body, lightly pulling her back towards the ground so that they could spend what little time they had left together laying on top of one another. She felt his quick heartbeat, making her blush at the thought that it was beating for her. Her insides tingled, the slight display of emotion warming her up the very tops of her long ears. She curled up next to him, coiling her legs with his and wrapping her arms around his chest, not wanting to ever let go. If she could stay like this she would finally feel complete.

But they both knew it would come to an end.

He grasped her body, his arms holding her almost tight enough to make it hard to breath. She didn't protest the pressure that was being put on her chest, and instead tried to bring herself even closer to him.

"How long do you think we could make it?" She whispered into his ear, her breath tickling his very sensitive hairs. The only reason for the hushed tone was to preserve the sacredness of this place, for there was no one around for miles.

"What do you mean Taj?" He let her name roll off his tongue, one of the most pleasant words he had gotten to say in almost a week. He knew where this conversation was leading, yet he didn't try to stop it. He thought about the prospect all the time, but never let it lay in his mind for too long.

"You know perfectly well what I mean Amias. We go over this almost every time, but every time you..." Taj didn't need to finish the sentence. She knew what his response would be, as she had every other time she had asked.

"We couldn't do it Taj. You know as well as I do. They would find us in under a day, if that. The only reason they haven't found us now is because they're too lazy to realize that two of the billions of people have wandered off." The people who enforced the laws were usually drunk or passed out, so it was easy to sneak out and get back in without notice if a person left at the right time. But once they were given a task they finished it in no time, being that they had nothing else to do in their miserable lives.

"But like you said, there are billions of people out there that they have to monitor, so what would they care if we disappeared." Her voice was still at a whisper, but Amias could tell Taj was becoming distraught over the fact that they would never be able to be together. This was the way it was almost every time they came here, but he knew that she needed to be reminded that she couldn't do what she wanted; else she might do it anyway and get herself killed.

"They wouldn't let it happen. If one person escapes, others start to think that they can too. And you know what happens when..." He didn't want to finish the thought. He wouldn't allow his brain to. To think of some random person getting taken by the Enforcers was bad enough, but to think of Taj being taken was too much.

He grabbed even tighter, as if trying to restrain her from having any of those types of thoughts.

"And even if they did let us leave, there would be no way for us to survive out there. I don't know if you've see the books about what's past main gates, but I have. They say there are creatures strong enough to kill an adult elephant in one swipe of the paw. I wouldn't let you leave, even if the Enforcers opened the doors for you. End of discussion." He no longer whispered back, trying to let the sound of his voice persuade her as much as the actual words.

"S-so you would rather stay in your sector, with each day a new chance that we may never see each other again? That is no way to spend our lives... y-you know that. I can feel it." Taj had what Amias called a sixth sense. She was able to tell what was going on in other people's heads, what was coursing through their minds at any moment.

She hated it.

"No... not at all. I would faster die than never see you again... but there is no way for us to escape. Don't mistake me; I would trade the world to be at your side for every hour of the day. You... you are the only reason I wake. The only reason that I travel to my Assignment each day. If not for you... I would not have made it this long." Amias looked her in the eyes, the bright blue pools clear enough for him to make out his own amber ones. Without words the two pulled together in a kiss, the heat transferring from one body to another and back for only a few seconds, yet for the two it felt like an eternity. Their eyes closed, the embrace draining most of the energy from their sore and bruise ridden bodies.

After Taj pulled away, hating herself for doing so, she kept her lids closed; not wanting to see Amias's hurt.

The watch on her left wrist started vibrating, signaling that it was time to for her to return. It was a very soft vibration, yet it sent pain throughout her body, for it meant her departure from the one person she truly loved.

"S-see you in two days' time at sun high, Amias." The last word came painfully from Taj's mouth, not wanting to let the embrace and their meeting come to an end.

They both stood up in unison, looking at each other with love and sorrow flowing from their eyes. Her optimistic blue eyes suddenly clouded over with grief, tears welling up in their corners. He grabbed her arms with his rough pads and drew her near, putting his head over hers. This was the sign of utter love and trust, with his neck exposed and undefended. Rarely did one ever find this much trust in another these days, but he had been doing this for years upon years now.

Plus, Amias was almost a foot taller, so it was hard not to expose his neck when holding Taj. The little bunny was about as tall as they got at around five feet tall, and she was, in his eyes, as beautiful as any of them had ever been.

In her eyes, he was the most beautiful animal that had ever crossed the boundaries to speak to its pray.