Part 16 - A Steady Recovery

Walking around, i saw many people looking at me, probably wondering how the heck i recovered so fast.


Treatise on Starwalkers

**super-fast metabolism:** to help support their super-fast brains, starwalkers need more energy that your average human. to help along with this, starwalkers have a super fast metabolism, and must eat often.

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Deep Space - Chapter 1, The Infinatum

See, if we can create a magnetic field that simulates the one on our target, pulling us towards it, then it's not gonna be going very fast.


Fain's Background - Part 1 - Kuma

He ran as fast as he could, not knowing that kuma was right behind him, chasing him as if he was a running stick of bamboo.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 6- Nightforest

Their feet echoed strangely through the forest ground with a fast hollow sound.

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Boiling Point

fast, fast, mr. bennabi had demanded, and fast, fast, was what he was getting. the bowls of veggies i had to slice my way through were dwindling by the second. nothing could slow the roll i'd got myself on...

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Smartphone Technology Review

The phone is fast, it responds to everything i do on it. the touch screen is sensitive and responsive, i can even use it through non-touchscreen compatible gloves!

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The Dark City: Canyon of Death

You can't pull yourself up with the water moving so fast; so you wait. the water finally starts slowing down; and finally recedes down the pipe and into the lake.

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College Transformation Part 5

It was fast paced, with no real melody. just a series of electronic sounding notes repeating themselves very quickly. something told mike to run. run fast. run away. he turned around to find a long, dimly lit, industrial looking hallway.

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Drachen World Geschichte THE END.3

Genlabor - teil 3 als ich kam, war es fast abend, ich fühlte mich noch wie betäubt. aber zur gleichen zeit ich kraft habe ich noch nie gefühlt, bevor fühlen konnte.

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Kane III V Astysh

Now the fighting was fast paced; quick slashes which were either dodged by a single step back and counter attacked with another slash or blocked by the opponents sword.

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