Kane III V Astysh
#1 of Mathon
A battle 3000 years in the making...
It took 3000 years for this battle to happen.
Many lives dedicated to this one night.
Many fights, lessons, adventures- led to this very night.
The tension was unbearable for both of them. Standing merely metres away from each other, eye to eye under the setting sun that was turning the sky a beautiful colour of red. The suspense was eating away at their patience, neither wanted to make the first move and mess up this legendary fight instantly. However, they were both patient and waited until the night fell to actually start.
Astysh Lox Rhix. She made the first move, worried that whatever was eating away at her impatience would quickly become fear the longer they waited. She drew the two great swords from her hips, slowly, letting the stars light touch them and illuminate the powerful blue carvings. Yes, those blue carvings. Where many sacred crystals were melted into the swords in the hopes they would be used to take out the rival clan one day. She held her pose, swords drawn, waiting to see if Kane would react.
Kane Mafane the third. A descendant of the first Kane who created the clan and began the rivalry between the two. He watched her for a few moments, before reaching behind his back and drawing the torso-length sword from his back. Arguably it is a buster sword, covered in ancient red carvings with the same kind of crystals that are in Astysh's swords, put there with the same purpose. He too stood with his sword draw, waiting for her first attack.
She struck, lifting her swords together and swinging them in unison at him. The swords glowed a misty blue as she began to use them. He ducked, easily avoiding the attack and attempted to kick her back to increase their distance again. But she stepped back herself, not allowing him a chance to swing the massive sword at her. Kane leaped forward, wielding the sword with both paws as it began to glow and slashed at her figure, but this attack was also easy to avoid. They continued to leap at each other and dodge, slowly draining their energy but continuing to fight fiercely. It was taking both of them too long to gain the momentum needed for an attack with the heavy swords they each had. The fighting was slow and they were hungry to win before sunrise. A change of pace was needed.
Kane decided to leap, but backwards, and created quite a bit of distance between them. He sheathed the massive sword behind his back and took out a lengthy, but light katana. This katana was also covered in red carvings, however these were more elegantly placed across the blade and showed a more rich period in the clans history. He had the elegant katana in one paw and drew the small Leaders Sword with the other. A weak sword but had meaning to the clan, and could be used effectively. Astysh took this time to put away one of her swords and used the other with both paws.
They both leaped at each other, swords clashing together repeatedly this time, trying to get a quick hit on the opponent. They continued to hit at each other with their swords, standing almost face to face, not backing down or creating distance. Now the fighting was fast paced; quick slashes which were either dodged by a single step back and counter attacked with another slash or blocked by the opponents sword. This fast fighting lasted a while, very occasionally a sword would scrape the opponents fur, but that's all the contact they had.
As they began to wear each other down, more effective hits started to land. Scrapes and scratches turned into cuts and wounds that began to bleed and hurt. Scars were made, deep cuts that would never properly heal. At one point, Kane turned slightly to dodge and Astysh took the chance to go behind him and attempt to kill him from the back. Luckily he realized and leaped forward. Unfortunately he was not quick enough, and she managed to cut off half of his striped tail. The pain was excruciating, but he managed to turn around and fight even more fiercely afterwards, determined to avenge his tail.
The blue and red glows from their swords moving around each other illuminated the desert and could be seen for miles around. But no one would see them. As big as the planet was, it was entirely desert. Nothing could survive out there, unless someone was in hiding and supplies were being brought to them often. If someone were to watch, even from a distance, it would be quite fascinating; trying to figure out who was winning and watching the beautiful spots of light against the black sky above the great desert.
Finally the first lights of dawn streaked above them, and a winner must be decided quickly. The fast fight stopped for a mere moment, but in this moment Kane took out the sword on his back again and Astysh drew the other great sword. They were both tired. Both eager to end the fight. Both craving victory. The fight was taken up again, the fast pace continued even with the heavy swords being used. Astysh slashed at Kane, missed, and he used the big sword to pin both of her swords into the dusty ground. She was going to pull them out from underneath and wack his head open, figuring there would not be enough time for him to bring the sword back up to block it. She could almost taste the victory. Alas, before she could pull the swords out, Kane had taken a paw off the sword and used it to unsheathe the katana which was quickly and violently stabbed through her chest.
She fell, lifeless, onto the sword. And then onto the hard ground when Kane took out the katana. He had won. He had avenged all of his clan mates who had been killed. He had ended the 3000 year war between the two clans. He had fulfilled his destiny.
But, most importantly, he had brought peace to his life.