Back into the real world

A female dolphin came out of the bathroom not dressed and tiran suddenly looked away embarrassed, "oh do we have a new roommate dinto?"

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Chapter 6- Rebirth as a Persona-User

I noticed my dolphin friend was about to reach the ending...which meant that i could still win...maybe. 'be prepared, kenny.......i'm coming!'

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Chapter 6: Rebirth as a Persona-user

I noticed my dolphin friend was about to reach the ending...which meant that i could still win...maybe. 'be prepared, kenny.......i'm coming!'

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Tania's Boundless Appetite

The dolphin squealed for being caught, but she didn't let go. with three quick gulps the gray snout vanished past her lips and into her mouth. tania closed her mouth tightly, trapping the dolphin between her tongue and the roof of her mouth.

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Your Possible Pasts 5 - Empty Spaces

_ _"my songs have many powers,"_ said the dolphin turning to them, _"such as the power to break stone when needed.

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Mars Sleeps

A marcat wails, like a gibbering dolphin, fades into the cold night... pneumatic hiss!, pressure door... shooop! mars is quiet, peacefulness descends, relax, sleep, dream... ---the end--- by thwale ©1996


The Dragon Kingdom - Chapter 6: Ark

Many dolphin people stop and look at the two, saint not even looking at them as he's looking at the water dome around the city and the buildings. ark focausing on finding the palace he stops and asks some of the people.

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Origin of the FinalGamer 3 - Two By Two

He sat on his bed rocking back and forth slightly in fear, the dolphin sitting beside him to hug him close with one strong bruised arm. "shhhh...s'alright."

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Her skin which should have been smooth like a dolphin had patches of what appeared to be green fur, which later had been identified as fungus growing in open sores on her otherwise dry and pallid flesh.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep16

The dolphin blinked oddly as she asked the fox. "that's... that's hazard!" rinami proudly proclaimed. "come on, guys, we got to get everyone out of here! it's an emergency!"

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Conquering the Black Seas

He shuddered with happiness and turned his eyes sharply to one of the nearest creatures; a small, dolphin like creature with amphibian legs. "you! come to me." he growled.

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Writing to Caroline

It just occured to me that i pitched a story to dolphin publishing last night. i'd better go check on that pretty soon.

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