Your Possible Pasts 5 - Empty Spaces

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#5 of Scriptures of Oddclaw 16 - Your Possible Pasts

Deep within the caverns of the Greatbeast's Spine, a raptor family must navigate through darkness and strange beasts to find their way out. Soon they encounter the next visitors from beyond with two new friends in of whom that Oddclaw has met already in conflict.

This chapter was a bit tough to work on mainly to deal with a very isolated space with not much interesting scenery but hey, that's the challenge I gave myself! Hope you all enjoy it!

OH, and a further note, since it's Christmas holidays there will not be a new chapter upload until January 4th. So I hope you all enjoy yourselves and have a happy hogmanay!

All original characters copyrighted to me, Riptor to Rare, and "the visitor" to Appaloosa Interactive.

"Nnnnngh..." Moonclaw shook her head, "what...what happened? S-seaclaw, Seaclaw where are you?!"

"I-I'm heeere!" The sounds of scattering rock came from the darkness. "A-are you okay?!"

"I...I think I am...did we fall into a cave?"

"Iiiiii...I think so?"

Staggering towards his mother Seaclaw looked up around them, a dark hollow cavern that stretched through the depths of the earth amidst glimmering tints of scarlet from some unseen source of slight. Stalactites dripped with crimson moisture as soft echoed rain filled the underground, whilst stalagmites littered the room in blood spires of cragged paths towards various passages that trailed off in each direction. The sounds of hollow wind came deep from each corner, withering gasps of the ancient world that made Moonclaw shiver through her bones until Seaclaw came to her side and wrapped his arms round her neck.

"Mmmn-n-n-nnnngh...hhhhah, this cave is close to water then."

"That's good!" he said patting her. "I can get out a-and find help!"

"First we find our family, THEN we find our way out, so until then you stay close to me."

She sniffed out the breeze for the strongest scent, tasting the salts as she picked one passage in particular to which Seaclaw followed behind into the mountain. Stones scattered underfoot as they heard creatures skittering in the black, rodents and lizards amongst beetles and worms that savoured the damp thick rocks. At one point they saw a mammal hiss at them, a wily shrew with eyes of fierce golden gleam before a beetle plunged its ruthless spearhead through its gut. Writhing in anguish it was taken back to its hunter's lair with a thin trail of blood that became inseparable from the vermillion dust that coated the floor.

"I hope there is enough food here," Moonclaw muttered feeling a tightness in her stomach.

"I got some food," Seaclaw dug into his satchel, "you want some?"

"Let us just find some light first."

The child regardless pulled out a roasted piece of meat from his satchel that he split in half.

"Here, you can have it."

" are a good son."

She nuzzled him with soft licks before gently taking the food from his hand, chewing up with a sigh of warmth through her briefly.

"If we get any food," he said eating his half, "I-i could make a fire, so it tastes better a-an' we can still keep warm!"

"Will you not need bark?" Moonclaw sniffed.

"Yah!" he patted his satchel. "I got some with me, father told me to always keep some with ya, cuz uh...uh-"

"Hmmmm?" She turned and tilted her head.

"Uhhh, s-so, I like to go in caves with um my friend, and I asked father about caves an' he told me 'take bark with you so you can make a fire'."

"Ohhh yes your friend," she nodded knowing, "and how did you meet this friend?"

"W-well, she was caught in the sealeaves," he rubbed his fingers biting his lip, "an' I helped her, so now we swim a lot but we don't go too far!"

"Swim?! She can swim?"

"Y-yah, yeah she's a greatfish!"

"...oh!" Moonclaw chuckled swishing her tail. "I see, you never told me she was a greatfish!"

"I-i didn't want...mmm," he fidgeted his feet, "I-i was worried."

"Why?" She slipped her tail against his back to pull him close. "You thought we would not like you being friends with a greatfish?"


"Seaclaw your family has friends with the hairless, the flyers and waterjaws, do you really think we would worry about you being friends with a fish?"

"I-i'm sorry. You're not...angry?"

"Of course not hahaha, you are a very sweet child and just like your father you make frineds easily. That is nothing to be ashamed of."

"O-okay!" He smiled skipping. "So, what was that thing that made the mountain fall?!"

"I did not see it," she shook her head walking on through the dark, "all I saw was the coldfire, the star and then...something broke through, a great beast."

"You think we...have to fight it?"

"If it threatens us, then yes, but do not fear. We fought a stonetail together, we can fight any starbeast."

"Yah!" He tapped his sword hilt. "We can DO IT!"

Keeping their pace they headed through the tunnel as darkness thickened against their skin, turning the world to pitch black as Moonclaw kept her snout ahead and sniffed through the murk. Seaclaw was less confident, stumbling blindly before he gripped his mother's tail and let her lead between the stony stumps as creatures scuttled and nipped at their feet, tasting the salt of their scales with fiendish teeth and cold slimy tongues that made them flinch. Reaching another room they found just enough light to separate the walls from each other, puddles reflecting tremors with each step they took between strands of little light, keeping out of sight from any potential other beasts beyond the subterranean fauna as they reached a slightly larger room with a small pond. The red-misted calcite had faded from the previous room to create a spectrum that changed to a deep amber hue where crystals hid within the crevices, tiny golden mirrors that gleamed like hunters' eyes.

"Is it safe?" Seaclaw asked.

"It should be," said Moonclaw, "cave water is always fresh, the water back where I came from was the most delicious."

"Really, were you from a cave?"

"Yes I was," she dipped her head at the flaxen-coloured edge of the water, "it is not far from the hairless' nest."

"Do you ever go back an' say hi to your mother an' father?"

"They are dead sadly."

"O-oh." He sat down beside her. "I'm sorry."

"It is fine, it happened many cycles ago. I have you, and your brother and sister and your father."

"Yah..." he started drinking as he bent forwards, "I hope they're okay."

"I hope so too," she lapped the water licking her lips, "this is good water."

"Yah, I'm gonna take some!" Seaclaw scooped his water pouch to full and capped it tight with a stone stopper. "Must be lots of water down here."

"That means we only have to worry about food and warmth, but your fire will help."



A voice came from the direction they came as Moonclaw quickly stepped in front of him. Tender scraping claws signalled a familiar creature as they saw the gleam of electric cyan, something which made Seaclaw grin and clap.




"SEACLAW I-...ugh!"

Her son raced off immediately to Riptor as the newcomer forced her breath from her lungs, gasping with a heave as she stumbled forwards to meet the boy kicking yellow dust.

"What, wh-what happened?!" she panted.

"There was a BIG earthshake, a-a-an' then a starbeast came!"

"Starbeast?!" Riptor blinked. "What, what does that mean?"

"It means that we have fallen into a cave," said Moonclaw strolling up, "have you seen my mate?"

"No, I fell the moment the earth started shaking and that...THING appeared from the sky, what do you know about it?!"

"Enough to know that you should keep your senses sharp," the grey raptor pulled her son's arm with her teeth, "come on, we must find our family-"

"W-wait!" he tugged out of her grip. "We can't leave Rumble, sh-she's lost too!"

"We are not lost, we know where we are!"

"Y-yah but, she-"

"I don't want to be in your way," Riptor shook her head, "your family are more important, I just don't want to be trapped in a cave."

"Right, we can't leave her mother, w-we, she's my friend!"

"You-...nnngh," Moonclaw tightened her lips with a subdued snarl, "Rumble, yes?"

"Indeed," she faked a smile hiding her teeth, "you must be Seaclaw's mother, it's wonderful to meet you."

"You may follow us, but only until we leave the cave, we have to return to our home."

"Yes of course. Did your family fall in with you?"

"Nuh-uh," Seaclaw shook his head, "they were in another cave, like up there, but we fell."

"We just need to leave the cave," said Moonclaw nudging her son away, "your father is clever he will do the same."

"O-okay, c'mon Rumble!"

"Right behind you," said the ultraraptor tenting her frills, "I'm used to dark places so maybe I can help-"

"I lived cycles before in a mountain," Moonclaw barked, "just follow me and we shall be fine."


Taking a path further into the caverns, the ash-scaled raptor flared her nostrils and caught the strongest scents of the sea that she could find with Seaclaw grinning impishly between them. Riptor smiled upon the boy keeping a safe distance until he grabbed her arm gently and pulled her close to them both to her mother's chagrin with a sigh.

"You should be fine," said Oddclaw dabbing leaves over the wound.

"Nnngh y-yeah?" his daughter winced

"Your head is not broken so yes."

"You thure about that father?" Oddtooth leaned over grinning. "If that thtone knocked out her brain how could you tell?"

"Sh-shut up!" she yelped. "I'll kick the shit outta your head!"

"ENOUGH!" Oddclaw barked to them. "We are trapped in this cave and the last thing we need is both of you whining like hatchlings!"

"Th-thorry father," his son looked down

"Yeah you better be sorry-o-ow!"

"STOP it." Her father plucked her head where a trickle of blood ran past her eye. "Now, we must find a way out of this cave."

Taking the front lead Oddclaw found one dilapidated tunnel that had shifted during the quake, a clattering of stones under their feet as he cautiously stepped through before motioning his children to follow safely through the dark sapphire-black scape. The lights were far and few between as their eyes struggled to adjust within the mountain's hidden depths. Skyfang kept clenching her feet, the constant low roof stifling her as she kept close to her father, with Oddtooth on the other side as they kept a three-point view at all times on their surroundings as bugs slithered round stalagmites and rodents kept clear with a wide berth around the newcomers who took a cautious path through the murk. Sniffing the air amidst the damp moisture, they felt a cold shiver through their nostrils as Skyfang sneezed sharply enough to startle her father as he smirked at her.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, it's cold."

He pulled her close with a hug, smooching her cheek and rubbing her neck enough until she purred against his side.

"Mmmm, thanks father."

"Are you cold too Oddtooth?" he looked over to his son.

"I'm alright," he made a marching stomp in place, "uncle Barkclaw taught me to do thith to keep warm."

"Hhhah hahaha, he does do that yes!" Oddclaw walked on looking up at the cragged walls. "I remember when we were young, we went to the Roaring Caves because he found these crawlers that came from there."

"Issat the caves out by the sea?" asked Skyfang hopping beside him. "Yanno the ones you keep Seaclaw away from?!"

"Yes, those ones."

"Well that's what you get fer letting him swim, he's gonna wanna go in the sea!"

"I'm glad he can thwim!" said Oddtooth still marching. "That way we cover the land, water and thky between uth!"

"HHHAH, hahahaha!" His father patted his head. "You know there is more to life than hunting."

"Uh, yeah I know that father, I'm juthht thaying we have an advantage in hunting anywhere!"

"I know, I know, I just do not want you to be TOO serious, you can enjoy yourself."

"No he can't!" Skyfang scoffed turning on her heel. "He's always thinking about 'mmmm how do I hunt this' or 'where can I sneak up on them' like allll day!"

"I like being prepared!" Oddtooth stomped finishing his march. "And I do enjoy mythelf, I learn about thmallwingth and crawlerth with uncle Barkclaw, he taught me a lot about them!"

"Well that is good," said Oddclaw rubbing his son's neck, "as long as you know when to hunt and when to play, for too much of either will make you a worse hunter."

"Mmmm, okay...wait," he sniffed the air towards the east, "I thmell thomething."

"Huh?" Skyfang tried the same. "All I smell are warmbloods."

"No...thomething that...yeah, yeah thtonefith!"

"Whut, stonefish?!"

"Over there!" He pointed his snout through a crevice between the stalagmites. "Thtonefith alwayth live near water, we might get out to the thea!"

"That is true!"_Oddclaw nodded stepping ahead of him. _"Well done Oddtooth, now come let us find your brother and mother."

The dark passage was long and twisted, threatening to close in on them with its jagged ridges that Oddclaw decided to pull out a wooden stick and set it alight with sparks of flint before they stepped within. Taking gentle steps between the points underfoot, they navigated tightly through the path that was just barely wide enough to let them through as their scales slightly tore up against the raking stone with little nips and gasps. Five minutes of squeezing through they managed to push to the other side where a larger room lit up with green strands of mineral rivers above their heads that reflected within puddles, scattered throughout as they tasted the dampness of the air with new creatures scuttling about, crabs that scurried between cracks searching for minerals to pinch off the stone or smaller beasts to consume. Oddtooth sniffed out towards the water source through another fissure, larger but still dangerous with crackling barbs as Oddclaw kept his torch aloft feeling the flame falter from the cold moist air that made the walls shine from his light. The next room was much larger, and greener still where streams of emerald ran like paint down the walls in beautiful shades next to each other, a spider's web of jade in the roof patterned above a lake that stretched the length of the cave, split into several unusual shapes that curved to increasing depth, each section of the water turning darker in viridian beneath the light of his torch.

"Be careful," he murmured back to his children, "watch where you step."

"I coulda found the water," murmured Skyfang weaving between them, "I can smell too!"

"Yeah, you thmell like a flyer," Oddtooth pecked her neck.

"H-HEY, SHUT UP you want me to break your teeth!?"

"SHHH!" Oddclaw hissed at them. "Be quiet, both of you, we hunt together."

"Mmmmnnngh...can we drink the water?" she stepped closer to the lake.

"Let me see."

The father knelt down with torch still raised as he took a separate stick from his satchel and dipped it into the water, testing for acidity as he stirred gently with ripples echoing over the dark moss-coloured surface. His reflection burned into his gaze half-lit by the flame with burning pupils greener than the water before he pulled out the stick and sniffed it.

"Not poison." He dabbed his tongue against the wood and smacked his lips. "Hmmmm...yes, we can drink it."


Oddtooth dipped his head down to lap the water with his sister beside him. The father drank up what he could with scooping hands before bottling some for later as they took comfort in the silence. Soft flicks of the water filled the room with their tongues and claws slaking through the dark lake, staring at their faces in the water.

"I hope mother and Theaclaw are okay," said Oddtooth's reflection.

"I hope so too," said Oddclaw's face beside him, "they are fine I...I am sure."

"You don't think so?" Skyfang's head turned to them. "Are you worried?"

"Well of course, I always worry about all of you."

"Why?! We're hunters, we can fight, we can kill!"

"Yeah we killed a thtonetail!" Oddtooth snorted with head raised high. "You don't have to worry about uth father."

"I know," he stood up not seeing lights appear in the water, "but you are my family, and as your father I must always worry about you."

"But you taught uth to hunt!" Oddtooth turned swinging his tail over the lake. "You know we can do it ourthelveth!"

"I know you can, that is not what I meant. When you have children one day, you will understand that even if you know they can fight by themselves, you are responsible for them as your father. I mean, you know your sister can hunt, but you still worry about her getting hurt."

"Mmmmm..." he looked towards Skyfang biting at her own claws, "yeah, I do, but...not ath much ath Theaclaw."

"Why is that?" Oddclaw stroked his head.

"Well...promith you won't be angry?"

"Of course, why would I be?"

"Jutht...he ith weaker than uth, me an' Thkyfang, and I know he can't help that...that'th why I worry." He looked down averting his gaze and licked over his long tooth. "I really hope he'th okay."

"As I said, I hope so too," his father smooched him and lifted his head up to look at him, "but your brother has been getting better, his longstone helped him greatly with that stonetail!"

"Yeah yeah, I'm really happy that he did, that wath great! I only worry about him becauthe he'th thmaller than uth."

"Your grandmother worried about me EVERY day," he rolled his eyes with a smirk, "but as annoying as it was, I knew it was because she cared about me so I know that Seaclaw knows that you care about him."

"I know father, jutht I-WHA-AAAAGH!"


Something pulled the feral hard into the water as his tail suddenly went into the lake. Oddclaw planted his torch in the wall and grabbed for his head, pulling him back as hard as he could with Skyfang quickly clamping her jaws at his tail and yanking with all her strength to keep him from going under.






The water thrashed violently as Oddtooth struggled to pull himself away but the force of the creature beneath was dragging him back as he felt teeth pierce into his flesh, claws scraping towards the edge of the lake as he gasped and shrieked digging into the hard stone until Oddclaw pulled out his gun.


He plunged his shotgun into the water and took aim below where Oddtooth's tail would be. The click of the trigger was barely heard from the deep rumbling burst from beneath, like a depth charge amidst the explosion of white that fumed from the lake as Oddtooth felt the jaws release from his tail and stumbled falling forwards to get as far as he could from the water. The explosive force of Oddclaw's empowered gun sent a trembling quake through the cavern even with its suppression beneath the water as the raptors tripped from surprise and felt the crackling of stalactites from above that threatened to come down on their heads as they leapt and rolled fast from the cracking swords of stone that plunged to the earth and crumbled, some of which fell into the lake causing waves to splash over the floor.

"Are you alright?!" Oddclaw rushed over to his son.

"Y-yeah...a-aaagh," he turned over to look at his scarred tail, "th-thomething jutht...bit me and tried to pull me in."

"Well it's dead now," Skyfang licked his face, "thanks to father's stonefire cuz it can kill ANYTHIN-"


Their father's cry made them jump before two blasting shots of water came from the lake. From the flickering light of the torch flame they saw two long-headed beasts with bodies thinly wrapped in jade leathery chitin that almost blended with the cave. Four arms each grabbed against the stony earth with a long single ridged tail that flapped thickly behind them as they rasped a vile shriek from their insectoid jaws as black obsidian eyes gleamed in the dark, looming almost to Oddclaw's height.

"What the SHIT IS THAT?!" cried Skyfang.

"Keep back!" Oddclaw shouted. "Do not let it pull you into the water!"

The first one looked towards Oddtooth and suddenly skittered across the floor with a frightening speed like a scorpion on the hunt, the raptor strafing from its wicked claws as he countered with a lunging bite at its arm where he pierced to the bone. Skyfang made a flying leap towards the second, but it rolled itself onto its back and grabbed her foot with a hard swing of brutal strength that sent her straight towards the other wall with a crunching wince, before her father came with a sliding kick against its head.

Oddtooth snarled and twisted his teeth into the monster's limb whilst it tried to swing its other arm around to slash at his face. The creature managed to grab his head and twist him away with a rending rip of dark silver blood trailing down its arm before swinging its lengthly tail against Oddtooth's face, knocking him down as both creatures rose onto the tips of their tails and dove back into the lake. In the water they were much faster, circling with demonic speed like sharks in a freeding frenzy

"B-burn 'em again!" Skyfang cried.

"No!" Oddclaw shouted. "The cave might fall on us, just keep away from the water and fight when they come to us!"

The sounds of their hissing echoed throughout the cave as the raptors tightened their claws and braced against the walls as the monsters leapt from the lake, spiralling towards somersaulting towards the raptors to become a whirlwind of ruthless emerald with whistling claws through the darkness. Oddclaw strafed fast around the creature that flung its body towards him, dragging its long thick tail behind in a cloud of dust as the raptor threw a driving punch to the side of its head to stagger it as the monster fell onto its side and swung its tail straight to his legs. He jumped forwards and stomped its face, twisting the claws hard into its elongated head that shone like rubber before it grabbed his leg with two arms and threw him down to the floor to climb on top of him. Oddclaw rolled quick before it could assert itself, swinging his legs around its midriff between the body and tail with a crushing squeeze of his thighs as he swung his body up to its side with a headlock to choke the beast, claws savagely raking the earth to try and pull away before its head suddenly vibrated with a piercing shriek that jolted through his body. Oddclaw flinched with a shock through his system as a burning electric pulse surged to his muscles before the lake-monster grabbed his arms and used its remaining two to strangle him. But his son came running with a full body slam to throw the creature against the wall when it was distracted, piling against it with a crush before he tried to lock fangs around its throat and twist with tearing teeth to send dark spittling fluid down his chin.

Skyfang however was facing the second beast, ducking beneath its leap to slam her head straight into its stomach before jumping on top, snapping at its throat as the beast grabbed her face with all four of its hands and twisted just enough to throw her off in a hard roll. Landing on top of her body it went for her eyes as Skyfang kicked both her feet into its gut to send it flying over her head, rolling onto her feet to jump on its back with her large wicked claws gouging deep through its chitin and hooking beneath the shoulderblades. The creature screamed with rasping snarls trying to push the raptor off, feeling its blackened blood squirt down her claws until it bent its tail against its back to wedge it against Skyfang's chest, vaulting her backwards off its body with a tearing shriek before it swung its tail fully backwards to club her hard in the stomach with a heaving gasp.

"NNNNGH! N-not...FAIR!"

Groaning as she tried to roll herself up before the beast came towards her, she felt a shadow from behind as Oddclaw countered with a a wild turning kick through the air, cracking his foot against the beastly head and sending it slightly staggering left. The monster rasped lifting its upper body with four arms wide and ready to lash and punch in sequence, swinging ruthless haymakers with double-armed strength from each side as Oddclaw swerved and ducked beneath. Sometimes it would slam down its fists to try and trap him, other times they would clap in sequence and once caught his head between them in a crunching hammerfist, stunning him as he groaned stepping back quickly to shake himself clear.

Oddtooth kept the first beast focused with a pinning strike against the wall, mauling at its throat and plunging his large bucktoothed fangs. Finding the chitin much tougher than expected, he tried to to dig into the larynx before the creature slapped his legs out from under him with its huge tail, sending him falling with it in turn on top of him before the raptor tried to snap his jaws round its long head and throw it off in a half-roll from his body. The creature reared its body back and lunged forth like a cobra as Oddtooth dodged fast with a swing kick to throw its head back against the wall and grabbed its neck with his jaws to hurl it into the water. This was a mistake, as the raptor soon realised when the beast made the water tremble around it which formed a strange harmonious wave of energy. Oddtooth backed off waiting for its attack, but instead he was assaulted by a vicious energy shot that formed from the water and burst like lightning into his face. Crumpling with spasms that made him shriek and shudder, he tried to push himself back up as all his muscles twitched in succession, legs kicking as he snarled and whimpered feebly as the creature slipped back out the water and slithered towards him.


The moment the beast raised its arms with claws outstretched like daggers in the dark, a black fire suddenly burst from its side as it shrieked howling with rage to clutch itself tight, hissing with sullen anguish as it looked towards something glinting from the lake.

"Made you look."

The head of the monster suddenly became flat when it flew back against the wall by some invisible force, crushed brutally into a cold smear that spread over the stone as if something was pulling the black blood off of it. Oddtooth looked up towards the now-headless body of the beast as it crumpled, bone from its skull forming an impact crater on the wall as a floating cloak stood before it. A silhouette framed in the flickering light that carried a long burning length, shaped like a large hammer that was blacker than night



His father's roar trembled through the cave as he turned his head to see the raptor beat the creature to death with his shotgun like a club, bludgeoning its eye then ripping out its retina with such deep punching claws that he tore part of its brain out with the stem, watching it spasm and shriek with gurgling fits in death. Oddtooth stumbled up once the electrical spasms passed from his body and quickly raced to his father's side.

"Not bad." The cloak brushed his sleeve. "I knew you were strong, even without your weapon."

"F-father!" his son cried. "Father, th-thomething, thomeone ith there i-it killed the beatht-"

"You." Oddclaw put himself in front of his children. "What...are you doing here?"

"I told you before..." the shadow turned with smiling voice, "I would come help you save your world."

Standing before the raptors was a tall stranger wrapped in black, his face covered by a hood deeper than the night with a voice as cold as the winds of the cemetery as Oddclaw kept his gun trained upon him.

"Do not fear," the cloak clicked his hidden fingers as the black hammer disappeared, "I come as an ally this time, as I promised."

"Promised?" the father raised his brow. "...that was...ten cycles before, but you said-"

"Yes, I did say seven years, not eight. I made a mistake, forgive me."

"Who's THIS shit?!" snorted Skyfang.

"Do you know him father?" Oddtooth sniffed ahead. "Thmellth like a dry dead body."

"A beast I fought before," said Oddclaw keeping his gun raised, "he said he would come to me again to help, but I do not trust him."

"I understand," the shadow bowed deep, "Our first meet was to test you, I needed to see how you fought so I could learn from you."

"Learn what?"

"How best to assist you in fighting your new enemy." He pointed his sleeve towards the creature's body. "The ones that caused the earthquake which sent you and your family down to the depths of this mountain."

"You know about it?!" Oddtooth stepped forwards before his father pulled him back. "Wh-where'th my brother, and mother!?"

"I sense them deeper below," the hood turned slightly, "they are alive and well."

"How do you know that?"

"I can sense the lives of every creature in these caves. And also those who are about to die."

He pointed towards a rodent sipping at the lake's edge, blissfully unaware of the giant centipede that had crept up behind to suddenly throttle its neck with its body and wrestle it to the floor before crushing its windpipe. The tail went limp as the insect started feasting with its hidden mandibles chewing on the rodent's face.

"How can I trust you?" Oddclaw rubbed his finger against the trigger. "For all we know you are working with the starbeasts that caused the earthshake."

"Because I won't fight you," the cloak raised his sleeves and shook his head, "even if you shoot me now I won't, but I know you won't because you are not a fool who would shoot a powerful weapon inside a cave."

"DO IT FATHER!" Skyfang jumped slapping her tail. "I don' trust this thing!"

" are right," Oddclaw holstered his gun, "I will not use my fire."

"Good," the shadow nodded, "now, my name is Hanma, and I-"

Oddclaw's fist interrupted him when he leapt straight for his head and plowed through his hood as he felt bone scrape against his knuckle. The shadow reeled back with torso horizontal and his legs still standing firm as something fell off under his hood and clattered towards the water.

"Ah...yes." The cloak raised his upper body back with a creak of his spine. "I should have expected that, I won't say it was undeserved."

"YEAAAAH, YEAH!" Skyfang spin-jumped in place. "You broke his head!"

"No just my helmet." The spectre floated over to the black-domed helm and slipped it back inside his hood. "Your fist has gotten stronger at least."

"We are hunterth," Oddtooth stood to his full height trying to peek inside the head, "we are thtrong when we are together."

"Which is exactly why I wish to join you, so as to save your family, and your world from the other beasts that invaded it."

"Really?" The feral sniffed his musty cloak. "You come down deep into a cave thmelling like the dead, to help hunterth you never met who could kill you if they wanted?"

"Well...I admit I have my own mission too."

"And what is that?" asked Oddclaw tensing his fingers.

"I must save my family." He pressed his sleeves together with a soft creak. "Just as you must protect your world."


"The ones that just arrived, the beasts...they threaten my family, and I need your help."

"And why should I believe you?"

"You have no reason to," said Hanma nodding, "I know you don't trust me and that I understand, but I only ask because I cannot do this by myself, they're an army too much for one alone to fight."

"My only concern now is to find my family." The raptor crossed his arms and stiffened his tail. "We find them, then we will see what we can do."

"That is all I ask. Thank you Oddclaw."

"But," Oddtooth stepped up raising his snout, "you know where my mother and brother are, right?"

"I do."

"Can you take uth to them?"

"I can yes, I scoped out the caves so I know the safest route."

"If you lead uth wrong, we'll kill you."

"Oddtooth." The father motioned him back as he did so. "My son is right however, do not try to trick us."

"I've no intention Oddclaw, if I wanted to deceive you I'd not have bothered showing up eight years ago."

"I have known many tricks from many odd beasts, so do not think I trust you."

"Of course. I will let you decide how to lead us, I will only tell you that your family is that way."

He pointed towards a hole that went south-by-southeast as they picked up the scents of the sea. Oddclaw stepped forwards with a motion to his children to crowd behind Hanma and move in a single file through the cave as the father kept his weapon raised. The tunnel inched downwards at a steady tip, keeping their claws tight as Oddclaw made a half-turn into the next open space with his gun pointed in each direction. He had no intention to use it within the subterranean earth, but he knew the sight of the barrels pointing down towards someone's face was enough to startle ambushers by itself. Hanma kept his senses sharp with his sleeve raised above their heads, feeling the aura of all creatures as he pointed the way from one room to another deeper into the cavern.

"OOH, more water here!"

Seaclaw pointed at a singular lake shaped like a crooked triangle.

"Be careful," his mother warned, "water attracts all beasts both hunter and prey."

"She's right," Riptor nodded, "take it slow, check your surroundings."

"Mmmmm kay."

The boy crept towards the pool with sneaking steps as he spun in a circle, keeping watch on every nook and cranny around them in the cone-shaped room they now stood in where cragged walls of electric yellow thinned out above them to form the remains of an ancient funnel. The gold sheen of the room helped give them some semblance of light as Seaclaw sniffed the air finding no creatures present, besides the usual insects skittering through the sands as he waved back towards the ferals.

"It's okayyyy it's safe!"

"Well done dear," Moonclaw purred, "I just need to speak with your friend about something, just wait there."


He drank up the water tasting its cold rich nutrients, despite its gold-flaked surface reflecting the sunkissed funnel above before dunking his arm full in to test how deep it was. Moonclaw took Riptor to the side into semi-darkness with a warning look as she followed.

"Alright...I know my son thinks of you as a friend-"

"Which I am," Riptor grinned.

"But I do not trust you, nor do I ever want you near my family after this."

"Is this really the time to start being prejudiced? We have to work together if we want to escape."

"Which is why I am willing to let you assist UNTIL we are out of this cave," Moonclaw snarled pressing her snout against hers, "but when we find my mate and other children, you are NOT to speak with him."

"Why? Jealous?" The new-raptor swished her clinking tail. "Afraid he'll want to trade you out for a new model?"

"Of course not! He only cares bout me, not a freak such as you!"

"What are you afraid of Moonclaw? My strength? My fertility which clearly exceeds yours? Pathetic that you at the end of your rope would resort to making this a contest about whose womb is better-"

"SHUT, up." She reared her fangs back with a dangerous glint. "You know well why I do not trust you, I do not trust you because you speak to yourself to another who is not there, you never leave the edge of our territory for a cycle and a half and in those cycles you only made friends with my son."

"It's my life I'll do what I want," said Riptor flicking one of her claws on Moonclaw's face, "unlike you I have some life left."

"At least I have a family, what have YOU done in your life to be any worth beyond a wastrel?"

"Hhhhm. Hmhmhmhm, ohhhh if only you knew."

"Well?" The older raptor raised her head with a smirk. "Tell me."

"I don't have to tell you everything," she walked away with a flick of her tail, "all you need to know is that I'm none of your business."

"Then why were you so nervous about me telling my mate what you are?"

"First impressions count, and I don't want YOU ruining his expectations of me."

"His what?!" She marched up towards her. "When were you planning to meet him?!"

"In time, when I wanted to be part of your pack despite your exceptional rudeness."

"Well, if you are such an innocent beast, you can surely make friends with my mate by yourself after I tell him what you did, my mate is not a fool he can decide for himself."

"Of course," Riptor turned her head, "but I'd like to do it on my own terms-"

"This is OUR family," she hissed, "we decide how you meet us."


Something splashed out of the pool as Seaclaw scrabbled back. The raptor adults turned and quickly raced to his side as they saw a huge brown worm rear out of the pool with faceless visage staring down upon them. The creature swung its body towards their faces as they ducked, Seaclaw rolling as he pulled out his sword ready to attack as Riptor clicked her tail to a scorpion's curl with Moonclaw tensing her feet. But before it could make its second move the beast suddenly exploded in a rippling shockwave from beneath the water, bursting in a meat-slathered splash that painted the walls of flaxen with its cold dark lustre.

"Are you alright?"

A voice came from the pool resonated strong throughout the cave.

"U-um, yeah?" Seaclaw looked around fidgeting.

"Ahhh good. Those things are relentless if not dealt with swift."

"Who are you?!" Moonclaw shouted keeping her distance. "Are you one of the starbeasts?!"

"I come from the stars yes," said the unseen voice, "but I am not one of those creatures."

"Then what are you?" Riptor raised her head trying to see the water's surface. "I'd rather see who I'm talking to before I trust what they say."

"Well...I suppose that is fair."

Slowly parting the waters with a brief spray from its head, was a lone silver-skinned beast with a long beak that to Riptor and Seaclaw resembled a smaller icthyosaurus without scales.

"Hiiii!" The boy waved to him. "I'm Seaclaw, who're you?!"

"I am Ecco," the stranger nodded, "was that the first of the creatures you saw?"

"Yes," Moonclaw stepped forwards raising her height, "you do not look like any greatfish I have seen."

"Nor smell like one," Riptor sniffed forwards, "you smell that too right?"

"Well I'm not a fish," Ecco raised his head, "I'm a singer of the sea."

"A singer?" The grey raptor turrned her head. "I have never heard of any beast called that."

"Well as you said I am a starbeast, but my kind call ourselves singers back in my time."

"Your...time?" Riptor squinted.

"I am from the future," the singer drifted back with a click of his teeth, "I have come from an age beyond to hunt down these creatures before they threaten your world."

"Wh-whut's a fyoo-tcher?" Seaclaw asked walking up to the water's edge.

"I exist from many, many days and nights long after this day."

"OH!" Moonclaw perked up with a croak. "Just like the hairless, do you know them?"

"Hairless?" Ecco turned onto his side.

"The hairless warmbloods who live in the shining mountain, far to the northeast."

"Do they look like him?" Riptor poked her snout towards him. "I mean he's hairless and warmblooded too."

"PFFFT noooo!" Seaclaw giggled. "Hairless are like, this high and uhhh they walk like this!"

The boy made a rather exaggerated walk like a child would when mocking an adult, grumbling growls that made his mother and Riptor cackle.

"Hmhmhahaha, yes!" his mother chortled.

"Th-they are EXACTLY as-" Riptor hiccuped with a laugh and looked to Moonclaw before they turned stiffly away.

"Are you speaking of Man?" Ecco snickered swimming towards him. "Because I certainly recognise that walk!"

"Uhhhh, well they got like hair on the top of their heads," Seaclaw pinched his scalp, "and they got three-an-two claws but they're not sharp!"

"Ahhh yes, hahahaha, you are a good mimic!"

"Heehee!" the boy grinned rocking on his feet. "OH, that's my mother Moonclaw an' that's mah friend Rumble!"

"Ah yes my apologies for not asking-"

"It is fine," said the mother walking past to the next tunnel, "but we must find the rest of our family so please pardon us."

"Of course," the newcomer bowed showing four white dots on his head, "but you must beware of the creatures that have landed here, I would like to ask if I can accompany you."

"What?!" She looked back shaking her head. "Why?"

"I know how to destroy them, as you must have seen."

"And how are you going to come with us?" Riptor snorted puffing at his face. "Unless that little pond has tunnels to follow."

"Oh I can just swim alongside you, like this."

Closing his eyes he raised his head as the dots of his forehead shone like brilliant stars that bathed him in light, slowly levitating his body out from the water to reveal his full form of a dolphin, gleaming silver body with a white belly as water pooled around him to form a bubble completely encasing him, floating eerily above the golden pool.

"You can...FLY!?" shrieked Seaclaw.

"Hhhahaha, well not really," the dolphin chittered, "is it really still flying if the water floats too?"


"Thank you, it took me years to perfect this."

"What sort of fish ARE you?!" Moonclaw barked stepping in front of him.

"Well as I said I'm not a fish, I am a singer. I am only here to fight the invaders, not anyone else I assure you."

"SO, ummmm," the littlest raptor stamped his feet, "h-how do you DO that with the water?!"

"My mind," he lowered his head pushing it free from the bubble, "I have learned many things through the great power of my ancestry."

"Wooooow...c-can you help us?!"

"Of course Seaclaw, I would be glad to help you. But you must beware of the invaders, come I will tell you all about them."


"S-seaclaw wait!" Moonclaw stepped between them. "We cannot just blindly trust every new beast we meet!"

"I agree," said Ecco.

"And that is why-wait...what?!"

"I would not want you to blindly trust me based on what I say, so let me help you. You are trapped in this cave yes?"

"We are leaving yes," she turned to him.

"Then let me help you leave. That way I can fight the invaders without having to fear for your lives."

"OUR lives?" Riptor snorted. "We're not weak."

"I never said you were, but this is not your battle. This is mine, and I would not wish to draw any other creature into it if I can help it."

"I see," Moonclaw tapped her foot, "that...that is fair actually. You help us leave and then we never meet again."

"Exactly," the dolphin nodded with a smile on his beak, "if any invaders come for us, you just leave them to me, I'll keep you safe."

"Okays!" Seaclaw grinned hopping up. "Th-thank you Ecco!"

Clicking his tongue the dolphin searched for the next passage through as he led the raptors onwards, swimming through the air as his bubble shifted shape to accommodate his body like a serpent's scales across the dirt. Through darkening amber tunnels they went upwards and beyond, taking it slow between the cragged paths and disjointed steppes as the path widened towards another room without water, one much darker and empty of colour with no exits apparent from it.

"Hmph, no way out," said Riptor scanning the walls.

"Not yet," said Ecco winking at her, "let me just check, Seaclaw could you help?"

"Yah!" he stepped up to his full youthful height. "What're we lookin' for?"

"I will teach you a trick, come with me."

Moonclaw kept close as the dolphin led Seaclaw around to each wall and focused on a stone to lift it up and tap it against the wall.

"Hear that?" he asked the boy. "That means the wall is solid stone, but if there is an exit then it will sound different if you tap a stone on it."

"Oooh?" He picked up a stone and started tapping. "What'll it sound like?"

"Different than that, you will know, I will cover one side of the room and you will take the other, that way we find the exit twice as fast!"


They went around the room tapping every inch of the wall that they could, clinking rocks firmly against the harsh stone keeping their ears open with Moonclaw looking somewhat confused as she looked to Riptor. The cyberraptor shrugged waiting to see what they would learn before Seaclaw squeaked from the other side of the room.


"Really?!" Ecco swam across the room like a silver bullet with water trails behind him. "Let me hear."

He tapped the wall with a hollow thunk as Ecco nodded.

"Excellent, good work!" He nuzzled the lad. "Now just stand back next to your mother whilst I open this."

"How?" Riptor sneered looking him over. "You can't just break that wall."

"Fish do not fly either," said Moonclaw, "do not doubt the strength of a starbeast."

Focusing on the wall he pointed his beak towards what he sensed was the weakest point as he pulled his head back inside the bubble, tightening the back of his eyes as he made a deep resonating call that shook the earth in front of him with invisible waves that ripped the ground like claws a foot deep and crunched into the wall. Something trembled and came loose before the whole wall shattered to a dozen pieces of rolling rock, tumbling past the raptors as they stepped back quickly to see a new passage open before them that led upwards still.

"WOOOOOW!" Seaclaw bounced clapping from foot to foot. "That was GREAT!"

"H-how did you," Riptor stuttered, "you didn't even touch it!"

"My songs have many powers," said the dolphin turning to them, "such as the power to break stone when needed."

"Our alpha can do that," Moonclaw walked past slapping her tail at Riptor's head, "not that you would know."

"OH!" Seaclaw slapped his knees. "I got a friend, she knows about s-songs too!"

"Really?" Ecco lowered himself to his height. "What is she like?"

"She's called Highwave an' she looks like you but bigger an' not a warmblood, she does something called songsight where she makes a noise an' then she can see like ALLLL things even when it's deep!"

"Ahhhh I see!" he floated with him down the new tunnel. "And how did you meet her?"

"She wuz caught in like, sealeaves an' I got her free, an' then we just like talk an' find caves an' talk about things!"

"That is good!"

"I-i can swim too, I'm the ONLY hunter that can swim except fer my father!"

"Now that is new," Ecco rolled onto his back alongside Seaclaw still, "I've never known any of your kind to swim."

"I-i can show ya if we find more water!" said the boy swinging his arms behind his back. "Soooo can all of yer tribe just fly-swim like that?"

"No no just me. At least in my time, others in a future beyond can but in my pod alone, it is just me."

"How'd you make the water go like...pshhwwww?" he gestured vaguely to him whilst sliding his fingers through the water. "Why you even need water if you can fly?!"

"Well my songs help me move things in the air with me, also I need water or else my body will dry up and I will die."

"So like a FISH," Riptor flicked her tongue.

"See that there?" he pointed his beak at a rodent. "You breathe and walk on land like it does, are you both the same kin?"

"Obviously not!"

"Exactly." He smiled swimming onwards. "How many of your family are there?"


"Many," Moonclaw cut her son off stepping between them, "that is all you need to know."

"I understand," Ecco nodded with side-eye.

The new passage gently sloped as it circled around like a stone pillar of steps, water trickling beneath their feet to smooth out the floor through years of erosion as they found another cave. Another brown serpent rose from a deep pool as Ecco swam forwards with a bursting shriek of a sonar that was just beyond the raptors' hearing, causing the monster to explode from its head sending a chain reaction through its body as they travelled onwards.

"Did not expect them to travel so quickly," he muttered.

"Whut are those things?" asked Seaclaw stepping over the goo.

"Vortex worms, do not touch it, it's poisonous."

"These new starbeasts," Moonclaw asked, "are they all like that?"

"No, these are the seekers, they search the new land for subjects."

"Subjects?" Riptor murmured to herself.

"The drones are the true threat, warriors that hunt under a queen whose cruelty is unmatched across the stars."

"So they are a tribe," Moonclaw pondered, "and we cannot speak to their alpha?"

"I am not certain," said the singer, "she is recovering from our last conflict but I must warn you I aim to destroy her so I am not looking to parley."

"Kill her?! Why?!"

"She once kidnapped my entire pod to devour us. In one timeline she succeeded, but so long as I live I will not allow her cruel hunger to eradicate another species."

"That's just survival," Riptor stepped up beside him, "what gives you the right to deny their feast?"

He turned to her with a cold stare as the smile faded from his beak.

"May I ask, what was your name again?"


"Tell me, Rumble, do you believe every creature exists to feed you?"

", but there is a natural order to things."

"And every creature has the right to defend themselves, I am not entitled to sacrifice my pod to feed an alien hive."

"I understand," Moonclaw nodded, "the prey we hunt always fights us, they must survive as much as we do."

"But we are superior," Riptor looked to her, "we are true hunters, our prey understands that every day they live is a risk they must take, they cannot be upset by their lives being claimed to feed us."

"What?" Seaclaw grimaced shaking his head. "Th-that's not right."

"What I meant was," she kneeled down to him, "all creatures that we hunt know that every day they live, they risk being hunted. Yes they have the right to survive but they also must accept that they are weaker than us, and that is their fate."

"I fought a stonetail an', it wasn't that weak, it hit mother really hard an' it was bleeding but it was REALLY strong an' we still ate it."

"Yes, and?"

"SO, should we have not killed it cuz it was strong, cuz it wasn't weak, tha, that makes no sense."

She raised her brow at him somewhat perplexed, Moonclaw grinning to herself before Riptor caught her look and fumed inwards with a tightening of her jaw.

"Ahhh hahaha, I think I explained myself poorly," she said with forced chuckle, "sorry Seaclaw, I'll try to explain in...better terms you can understand."

"I know what you said," he crossed his arms firm, "I don't like what you said."

"Well then let's agree to disagree."


They moved on towards the next passage, higher they climbed as the air became warmer and the scents from outside turned stronger giving them hope towards their exit. Then Moonclaw caught something, a familiar scent that excited her as she struggled not to rush straight towards it. Instead Seaclaw did once he picked up on it and squeaked out towards the next tunnel.



A light started growing from within the dark as the sounds of footsteps came closer, the boy hopping back and forth waiting for his father to appear with torch in hand.


"Ohh Seaclaw!" He hugged him tight with one arm keeping his torch above his head. "Are you alright?!"

"Y-yah, I'm okay!"

"Moonclaw are you alright?!" he looked up to her.

"I am yes," she sighed walking up to nuzzle him, "where are Oddtooth and Skyfang?!"

"HEEEERE!" Skyfang shouted barging through the passage. "Hiya!"

"Keep your voithe down!" snarled Oddtooth. "There might be more here!"

"Ohhhh my dears!" Moonclaw nuzzled them both with feverish licks across their snouts. "Are you hurt, nothing broken?"

"We're fine mother," said the son nuzzling her back.

"We fought TWO beasts!" said the daughter proudly. "They were swimming around in the water, they looked like fish with looong heads but you could see their BONES!"

"Wait, what did you say?!" Ecco swam forwards through the air to her. "What did you say these beasts-"

"AAAAIIH FISH!" She snapped towards him with a vicious bite as he reeled back.

"WAIT WAIT!" Seaclaw pushed her away. "H-he's my friend he helped us!"

"Ugh, another fith friend?" Oddtooth nipped his head.

"I-i, how'd you know-I MEAN, nooooo?!"

"Pffft you're tho eathy..." he snuffled his face with a tender lick, "are you alright?"

"Yeaaaah, are you?"


"Are you not going to introduce me?" said a deep voice from the passage.

"WH-who's there?!" Riptor shouted.

"HEY, you have new friends too!" Skyfang shouted at the raptor and dolphin.

"I am Ecco," the singer bowed his head through the bubble, "forgive me but you mentioned beasts with long heads and bony bodies?"

"Yeah, we killed two of 'em!"

"By yourselves?!"

"Not fully," Oddclaw said motioning towards the passage, "we had some help."

Stepping out from the darkness was the cloaked Hanma as both Riptor and Moonclaw bared their teeth at the looming figure that walked past Oddclaw and stood before the dolphin hovering in his orb of water.

"I am Hanma. Forgive me but, did you know the creatures that we fought?"

"The longheaded swimmers with bony bodies yes," he nodded, "they are called the Vortex, vile beasts with a ravenous hunger."

"You have fought them before?"

"Many times, through Time and Time again."

"I require your assistance, Ecco. My family are in danger from this Vortex and I-"

"Say no more," he shook his head, "I understand your plight and I will do what I can to assist, but first let us help this family leave this cave."

"Thank you."

"Oddclaw may I speak with you alone?" Moonclaw whispered to her mate. "This is urgent-"

"Excuse me but," Riptor shuffled with a sudden nervous walk, "are you Oddclaw by chance?

"I, yes?" He bent forwards politely to her. "I do not think we have met."

"No but, my name's Rumble and, I'm a friend of your son Seaclaw-"

"Forgive me but," Moonclaw nudged him, "I NEED to speak with you now."

"Well let me just say hello to um, Rumble yes?" Oddclaw rubbed his head. "How do you know my son?"

"Well just I um...I'm rather was...lost without a pack of my own," she dipped her head with metal frills lowered in a muted whimper, "much like your mate here from what I heard and I was-"

"Oddclaw, PLEASE." The look in his mate's ruby eyes burned deep into his as Riptor continued.

"-I was struggling admittedly out there, alone, in the world but then your son came up to me and asked if I was alright, such a sweet child he is-"

"Forgive me but," Oddclaw raised his hand, "I must speak with my mate can it wait?"

"O-oh, but..." she pulled her saddest face, "I was very much hoping to meet you after all your son told me."

"And I am honoured, I know my son makes friends easily but this is important."

"Well there's hardly anywhere else to go I'm sure I can just at least say hello first an-"

"Yes but if she-"

"And I was so worried about making the best first impression on your family-"

"I know but-"

"As a friend of course it's just I have no one else left in the world-"

"I understand yes but-"

"So please if you could just-"

"ENOUGH!" Oddclaw bared his fangs briefly at her face. "Rumble, it was good to meet you, I am happy my son made friends with you, but my mate needs me now so please wait until I am ready."

"Yes but I'll only be a minu-"

"No." He flicked a finger an inch from her nose. "You, wait, until I am ready. I do not know you, you are my son's friend and that is good, but we have only just met, if my mate needs me, if my family need me, then they are more important. Do you understand, Rumble?"

"...yes." She sighed deep with a hot breath on his claw. "My apologies. I'm just...well, this has been a very hard day for me I-i don't know what's happening with all these things and that earth shake."

"It is fine," he smiled curt, "I will just speak with Moonclaw and then you and I can speak, alright?"

"Right, sorry." Riptor forced her smile. "I'll just...there's some water over there I'm just going to whet my throat."

"I will speak with you soon."

They walked to opposite sides of the room as Riptor sat next to a puddle, whilst Oddclaw and Moonclaw went to a corner with the grey raptor huddled over him with deep murmurings of something. Seaclaw was jostled between Oddtooth and Skyfang who nipped each other in tussling fights kicking up dirt playfully whilst Hanma and Ecco continued speaking with the cloaked figure gesturing his sleeves about his mission. Riptor turned her head to the husband and wife, trying to hear them with a squint as the children's rasping echoed through the cave.

"Shit." She snarled tightening her claws. "I was careless, I didn't think his mate would be THIS much trouble, what now!? She's probably telling him everything we argued about he won't listen to me now!"

"Maybe not," a voice tingled through her ear, "but that's only because he has a voice to listen to."

"Wha-...S-sulphide?!" Riptor hissed lowering her voice and moving closer to the wall. "What are you-h-how did"

"You really have been so forgetful lately, haven't you?"

"DON'T." Her voice dipped with bitter seethe. "I am not in the mood and I am CERTAIN I turned off my comms this time!"

"Apologies, my leader," she somehow felt his bowing through his voice, "but I could not help overhearing your first meet with Oddclaw."

"Yes...that old bitch of his somehow figured enough of me out and she's already planting the seeds of distrust in his mind."

"Well that is a shame," mused the comms, "well, if someone made assumptions about me I would prove them wrong?"

"And how am I to do that?" Riptor huffed looking down at the puddle. "His son I can get back into good graces but that mate of his is the problem, she's a lot smarter than she looks."

"Then you know your obstacle. If she is not present, then you have a chance with Oddclaw yes?"

"Yes but...wait." Her eyes glinted with a soft smile behind them. "You are not suggesting-"

"You said it yourself, she is old and infertile," the same smile came through his voice, "there are plenty hazards out in the wild, and all it takes is one misstep."

"But...w-wait, wait," she shook her head staring at her reflection, "that would be...not only difficult but it would harm his family, his children still have to grow up!"

"Sunscreech managed without a mate, didn't he my leader?"

A cold wind rippled across the water, slightly tarnishing her face into a dozen fragments as she looked towards the wall imagining Sulphide's face.

"I wasn't...expecting you of all creatures to suggest this Sulphide."

"Would you rather I be obstinate?" he replied smoothly. "You want Oddclaw, for whatever reason you want him, I know it's not my place to question you which is why I want to help you."

"I know but this is...if it was some other beast yes but another raptor I-"

"It wouldn't be your first, remember Jade?"

"Of course I remember him," she tightened her scowl, "but this is different!"

"Right now she is in your way and the only means of getting to Oddclaw is without her. She is the guardian to his heart."

"'re right, he..." she looked up towards the two now speaking with their children, "I will think of something, they're always together so it will be difficult."

"I'm sure you've dealt with worse, my leader."

"Hmph. Well, I'll speak with you later he's coming over to me now."

The voice ceased as Riptor turned to Oddclaw marching up to her, keeping herself seated by the puddle. She braced her chest at the look on his face, taking in the view of his body in the dim light of the cavern.

"Hello again," he nodded, "may I sit?"

"Um...o-of course," she smirked playing awkward, "it's not my cave hahaha."

He sat down crosslegged with a sigh as he took a moment to breathe and compose his thoughts. Riptor smelt his musk and tightened her throat.

"My son has told me about you, both before and now as a friend that he has met over the cycle before."

"Yes, he um, he's, he's a very sweet child, I appreciate him making me feel less...lonely."

"Hmhmhm, he does love to make friends," he rubbed his claw in the dirt, "but he is also young, and I hope you understand that if you still wish to be his friend, I want to know that you can be trusted, Rumble."

"How so?" Riptor asked cocking her head.

"My mate has told me that you speak to...someone that cannot be seen."

"I-i, well let me explain firstly, she has completely got this wrong I-"

"What is his name?" Oddclaw asked leaning close. "You can tell me, I understand."

"It-...Sulphide." She nodded slowly.

"Hmm. And does he speak to you often?"

"Not that often no, only when I need...guidance."

"I see. What sort of things do you speak with him about?"

"I'm not crazy," she growled clenching her eyes.

"No no, I believe you Rumble," he smiled calmly, "I just want to know more about my son's friend, as his father I think I should know about the friends he makes so he does not get into trouble."

"Oh...oh! OHH hahahaha o-of course yes th-that would make sense!" She smiled suddenly with a cackle of relief. "Hhhahahaha, ohhh I am so sorry I didn't mean to make you worry!"

"It is fine, I have known plenty odd beasts I mean I myself am no different," he wiggled his claws, "or perhaps all different yes?"

"AHA, haha, aaaah yes yes, so uhm...s-sorry I was really worried that I made a bad impression-"

"It is fiiine," Oddclaw smiled patting her leg, "my mate just worries about our son, Seaclaw is a very dear child, all of my children are dear but because Seaclaw is different well we-"

"No, no I understand of course," she snickered sniffing at his face, "thank you for being understanding."

"May I ask one thing?"

"Of course Oddclaw."

"Are you from the tribe beyond the Deep Mountains?"

"I am, yes."

"...ahhhh." He nodded clasping his hands. "Sulphide, yes, I remember him."

"Y-you do?!" Riptor shook her head.

"He seemed nice, and is doing well, but I do not think he will return to my tribe."

"W-well I, wasn't, expecting him to-"

"But my son told me that you had been living near us for a cycle at least."

"N-no, NO tha-...that wasn't why I stayed here."

"I do not mind." Oddclaw smiled soft as he could. "I am sorry I cannot help, but when we leave this cave I hope you find someone who can help."

"Help?!" She pulled back against the wall. "No, no listen I'm not some lovesick fool what do you take me for?!"

"I never said that Rumble please!" he raised his hands defensive. "Forgive me, I misunderstood. Let me say this."

He pulled himself up with a firm stretch and a deep sigh.

"I am the voice of my tribe yes, but I cannot help everyone. I have a family to raise and if you wish to join our tribe then you should speak to my alpha. But until then I must ask that once you leave this cave, you leave my son be unless you wish to join us."

"WH-what? But, but I haven't done anything-"

"No no of course not, however my son has his needs as well and I worry that...he is a good child, he will want to help you with whatever you wish but as his father I have to keep him focused on the hunt, providing for his nest and to not get distracted by the needs of others, especially those who may not know what they need and he is unable to provide help to."

"And what of the fish he made friends with?!" she barked trying to lower her voice. "Will you stop him from seeing that too?!"

"Do NOT!"

He raised his finger with deepening snarl and a thickening scent.

"Do not, tell me how to raise my son."

"I am simply askin-"

"NO, you are not, now be quiet and listen." His sudden dominance startled her briefly. "I am giving you a chance to leave without trouble, I will even let you say goodbye to him when we leave the cave, but please do not make trouble for my family Rumble."

"And if I refuse?" she tested with a glinting fang.

"The alpha of my tribe is my brother. Only he can decide whether you can stay or leave and all I have to do is tell him the same as Moonclaw told me. Do you understand?"

"...perfectly." Riptor smacked her lips like breaking glass. "I will consider my options then."

"Thank you." Oddclaw took a careful bow. "And...I am sorry for what happened to you before."

"What do you mean?"

"For why you have left your tribe, why you are alone in the land. I will not ask why, that is your life and I will respect that. So please respect my family and my tribe, that is all I wish."

"Yes...thank you, Oddclaw."

Turning back towards his family he sighed with a puff of his cheeks as the weight of his head lifted. Moonclaw nuzzled him with whispers of gratitude as he hugged her before turning to the dolphin and the stranger.

"Alright, now that we have all rested some, I must ask you both. Who are you, and why are you here?"

"Well," said Ecco floating past his head, "if you'll all sit yourselves close I shall do my best to explain all about my mission. As for Hanma well he can explain his as much as he wish-"

"I want to hear it all," said Oddtooth sitting down, "if we're thtuck in a cave with two thtarbeathtth-"

"Sn-snrrrkh," his sister tittered.

"-then I want to know what they're doing."

"I suppose that's fair," said Hanma clasping sleeves, "would serve us best if we have everyone up to speed."

"Then I shall begin," Ecco started, "it all started in my youth, back in the home bay that I was born and raised in..."

As the raptors sat and listened intently to the newcomer's tale, Riptor kept her distance with twitching eye as a deep piercing sting went through the back of her brain, nostrils flaring to catch the scent of Oddclaw from across the room as her steel tail thumped against the wall behind her slightly. All she needed now, was a single chance.

Your Possible Pasts 6 - Ebb And Flow

_"It all started in my youth,"_ Ecco began, _"back in the home bay that I was born and raised in, there was a fearsome typhoon that came from the stars and swept all of my pod away into the stars."_ _"They were taken?"_ asked Oddtooth looking up at...

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I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day

_" morning. No morning left for us."_ _"Gerald. Don't. Ah need you to be strong okay? Just...just stop thinkin' aboot the fire, that wuz JUST a dream, th-that means nuthin'!"_ _"No. N-no it wasn't Mary. I know when it's a dream and what's...

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I Dreamed of Fire 6 - And I Dream of His Father

"Are you ready James?" asked Mr. Rodersten. "Y-yeah," muttered the boy, "so...whut do I do?" "Just follow our instructions, do not worry, you are safe here. Alright everyone take your places and we shall begin shortly." Standing in a ceremonial...

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