Conquering the Black Seas
The storm that racked the Black Water Seas sent waves rushing up the white cliffs that ringed the churning waters. There were caves that dotted these white cliffs, where the amphibious creatures of the waters could go without going into more 'civilized' lands where they would be hunted down and destroyed. The creatures were ugly, twisted and combined with magic's that humans practiced, wanting to control armies of creatures. Of course, these spells usually backfired and the monsters killed the casters. They always came to the black waters of the Seas, drawn here by the powerful magic that hovered around the horrid waters.
The power of the Unagi called many, but few met him and survived.
Creatures that had been closer to the mouths of their caves shrank away from the entrances as a haunting call echoed through the harsh wings that stirred the waters. The storm hesitated in its ferocity, as if deciding whether to face the creature that called out to it, told it to calm and leave. Another call broke through the sudden quiet, and the storm clouds shuddered before the rain stopped, and the sun broke through to shine on the now calm waters. The creatures that riddled the caves, that hid beneath the waves, cautiously chanced a look at what had calmed the storm.
Something smooth broke the surface of the water, two long, whip like whispers testing the air above the waters. Nostrils flared at the end of the squared muzzle end, huge whooshing breath's of air gushed in and out of the creature. More of the creature's head raised from the water, up to the rounded cheeks of the creature. It had a slightly domed muzzle and it's throat pulsed and swelled as it breathed. Wide, green eyes had slits in place of rounded pupils, and it blinked with two pairs of eyelids--one that blinked downward, as was normal, and a red pair that blinked sideways. A huge fin crest was raised off the creatures head like a Mohawk, and it lowered slightly as more of the serpentine body raised from the water. The top of its head and body was a dark, forest green, but its stomach was a pale, creamy color.
This was Unagi, Guardian of the Black Water Seas.
He raised his great head at least twenty feet above the water, gazing around the calm seas. The sun shined down, reflecting off the calmed waters, hitting the unnaturally white cliffs so that they shone brilliantly. Beneath the waves, the great creature knew, lay underwater paths that lead to each of the seas and back again. He felt a sense of bitterness build in his ancient heart. For billions of years, he'd watched over these waters, he'd learned every nook and cranny, taken care of each new creature that had called its waters home....
And what did he get?
No! He got fear from the humans that lived nearby, he got hatred from those same humans and from the monsters he protected, he got not more than a gurgle of curse words and bad language skills. They were stupid, crude and ugly. And he was forced to look at them day and night.
A growl rasped out of his maw, his lips pulling back to display his beautiful white, sharp fangs and pink gums. He was sick of this! So sick of this trouble he was going through to gain nothing!
"Hear me creatures of the Black Waters!" he bellowed, his magnificent, deep voice echoing through the three Seas with the power of his ancient mind. He didn't need to move his mouth to speak, he could use his power alone. Creatures shifted from their caves, heads, twisted and gruesome, poking from their shelters. "From this point on, you will acknowledge my dominance over you, or you will die! Who will challenge my claim to ruling the waters I have protected for so many years?!"
There was a moment of silence, nothing stirring, not even the wind. Suddenly, from one of the larger caves, a huge cat-fish headed beast launched from the cave it called home. It had pale, slimy skin and wide black eyes and coral like growths covered its back. Unagi turned towards the creature charging him, sending waves up on either side as it barreled towards him. The great serpent snorted and waited, patient, knowing this conflict wouldn't last long.
Sure enough, as soon as the creature came within striking distance of the great beast, the Water Spirit surged forward in a blur of motion, fangs flashing as they tore into soft flesh. There was a squeal of pain as he reared back, throwing the two ton creature into the air as if it was a doll, blood splattering across his muzzle and fangs. The cat-fish monster thrashed in pain and fear as a wide set of jaws parted to allow the creature into the waiting gullet of the Unagi. Fangs clamped shut behind the creature, the taste of coppery blood flooding his maw, slipping down his throat like the finest of wines, the oily meat of the monster gliding along his pallet and down his throat. He swallowed the still twitching monster into his eager belly, giving a low growl of delighted pleasure. He liked causing pain, causing fear! It was such an amazing high, to know that now, creatures that killed humans with ease feared his wrath. He gazed around, blinking his bright green eyes slowly. All around him, fearful eyes gazed out of caves, from beneath the water, waiting for the next fool to charge him.
"Is there no other?!" he roared, adding an animal cry to the words that echoed with magic across the waters. "Does no one else wish to fight me?"
Silence. Complete and utter silence.
He felt his lips curl into a cold, terrible smile, knowing that his will was now law. His rage was going to be their pain, his desires their task to obtain for him. He shuddered with happiness and turned his eyes sharply to one of the nearest creatures; a small, dolphin like creature with amphibian legs. "You! Come to me." he growled.
The creature squeaked in surprise and hurriedly swam closer, stopping nearly ten feet away. "Yes, mas'er?" it managed in its bad human tongue. Still, he knew it had said 'master'. That pleased him and made him lower his voice to a softer, crooning sound.
"You shall be my personal servant. You can move on both land and water, correct?"
"Yes, mas'er."
"Then go to the humans. Tell them the reign of Lord Unagi begins today. Tell them they will give unto me a living sacrifice of young, female flesh at the beginning of every year. For the rest of the year, at each full moon, they give me either a bull or a goat. If these demands are not met, then every creature able to walk upon land shall unleash hell upon their little village. Every man, woman and child will be slaughtered to feed my servants." Unagi rumbled, eyes glittering with devilish delight.
The creature perked up somewhat at the mention of food. "I tell 'em good. I tell 'em they die if they no give Mas'er sacrifice. Much blood, much meat!" it squeaked excitedly, its long back legs treading water, and it's shorter forearms splashing excitedly. Some of the other monsters moved closer, their eyes burning bright at the mention of slaughter.
Unagi smiled broadly, whiskers waving slowly. "Good. Do you have a name?"
It shook its head, bright brown eyes gleaming out of a clever looking dolphin's face.
"Then you shall be Death-Call, for if the humans do not give me what I wish, you shall be the one who calls their death upon them with your voice."
Death-Call squealed happily, flashing sharp pointed teeth in it's happiness. It turned and swam towards the only path to the land above the cliffs, chanting it's new name softly under it's breath. Other creatures moved forward, some begging for names, others pleading to give them food, or protection, or simply trying to be near him. He was bigger than all of them, most of them not outgrowing twenty feet. He was a hundred feet long, and he could feel some of the creatures brushing against the bits of his body that were hidden beneath the surface. He licked his lips, gazing at the eager, willing creatures, all wanting a piece of his attentions.
He gave a low roar that made them all quiet down, their many eyes on him, waiting eagerly for his words. "A god of the sea cannot be without a palace." he rumbled, smirking. "Put your backs, fins, paws and claws into action, build a palace fit for a god!"
There was a moment of hesitation, and then they went at with a furious energy. The larger monsters went in search of stones with which to build the castle, the smaller ones began clearing the sea floor, so that a palace could be built in the center of the black sea. He turned and swam slowly to a flat of rock that jutted out from the wall; it was the only one large enough to hold his massive girth. He used his long, thin limb's to pull himself out of the water. Despite the fact they looked pathetically small against his powerfully muscled, snake-like torso, they were strong enough to haul him out of the water, which was impressive. He weighed many, many tons and his bones were thick and heavy, his hide was practically steel. He flopped himself onto the stone and relaxed, his legs crossed in front of him, tail hanging into the water. A few of the smallest creatures, about the same size as humans, crawled up the rock walls and began rubbing and cleaning his thick hide. He didn't mind at all--besides, they were far to small for any real physical labor, so they were useful in other matters.
He watched as the castle slowly began to rise, the giant's among the monsters carrying stones, using giant claws and fangs to make the boulders into squares so that they would become walls. He wondered at the fact that he had not done this sooner. Had he simply been unwilling to give up on his task, bestowed on him by the Council of Ancient Ones. He'd been young then, and had thought it a great honor....
Now he thought it a folly, and was going to turn it into a new world for himself.
He half closed his eyes, a low thrum of purring escaping his throat as small hands worked to clean the parasites and scum from his hide. He enjoyed the petting, the small hands reaching where his tongue could not. He even lowered his head so that they could get at his throat, fin, and one even dared to clean his massive fangs. He examined this one thoughtfully, his large green eyes following her every movement. And it was most definitely a her.
She had almost completely human features. Her skin was, however, covered in small, silver scales that made her glitter slightly. She had small, firm breasts and silver nipples. She had full lips, soft grey eyes and hair--stringy, pale white hair, but hair nonetheless. She only had four fingers and toes, with webbing spread between them, but he was still impressed at how she'd survived looking that human. Most of the monsters hated anything remotely human. "Do you have a name?" he rumbled.
She froze, then nodded, eyes focused intently on her work. He'd raised his lips so she could get at the fangs, which had meat stuck between them "I...I called Pearl." she mumbled, shy and wary.
" have good human-tongue. I almost regret choosing Death-Call as my messenger."
She ducked her head, making a soft sound. "I no good at strong-talk. I...weak. Soft."
He grumbled out his laughter. "I can see that." he said, smiling slightly. "I still have an idea for you to serve me in other ways."
She glanced up, her soft gray eyes meeting his for a moment. " what, master?"
His smile turned wicked and knowing. "Soon I will tell you. Perhaps when my castle is built..."
They had no more time for talk, because a high-pitched squealing made him raise his head, eyes going to the cliff's. A shape leaped from the edge, obviously not human, and dove deep into the water with a splash. A few minutes later, Death-Call's head popped up from the water's below Unagi's outcropping.
"Mas'er! I tell, I tell!" it squealed proudly.
"And what did they say?"
"They say 'go to hell, take all monsters with you'." the dolphin-frog squeaked, eager looking. "We kill them? We hurt? We eat?"
Unagi rumbled softly, trailed a pointed pink tongue across his fangs softly. He considered it. He did not want to loose a source of food and worship by slaughtering the humans. He took a deep, slow breath and gazed at the one he'd named Death-Call. "Gather ten big land-walkers. We will show them to fear us, we will kill a few, but not all of them. After all, we need a source of food." he smirked.
Death-Call squealed with delight and turned, darting off through the water.
The mighty Unagi inhaled slowly, using his limbs to push himself up so he could gaze over the edge of the cliffs. He felt a surge of eagerness well up inside him, a desire for blood and pain coiling around his huge heart like a chain. He knew that after this, after this coronation of blood and death, he would never again turn back into the Guardian he'd once been. He was, now and forever more, the Dark Water Spirit Unagi!