Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 59: While I Breathe I Hope (My Place In This World Part III)

Counter earth chronicles - fallen empire **chapter 59: while i breathe i hope (my place in this world part iii)** day n/a (still in the between) **_you appear mostly well alex winter._** the sexy lioness said to me.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 40

Her breath flowed over her tongue and he slowly breathed it in, feeling her flavour rush inside of him, so beautiful, so peaceful, and when she breathed back in, he breathed out, so that his flavour would go into her.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 40

Her breath flowed over her tongue and he slowly breathed it in, feeling her flavour rush inside of him, so beautiful, so peaceful, and when she breathed back in, he breathed out, so that his flavour would go into her.

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Some Clear Joy

Field's breath caught in his throat. he wasn't sure what to say next. (say something, say something, say ... ) "so, what do you want to do?" "um ... um ... " (breathe. breathe!)

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I Surrender All

Ada," he breathed again, squeezing her tightly. hugging her. he closed his eyes and breathed of her scent. making love, indeed, was sweet business.


Airtime (commission for Arno)

"i want you to take a nice, deep breath in for me." "yup, definitely another relaxation exercise." "ssshh!! breathe deep. now." "okay, okay." arno felt their chest rise as they took a deep breath, just like roman had requested.

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Hypnovember Day 15 - Drift

Let's start with your breathing. it's as good a place as any to kick things off. in through the nose... and out through the mouth. don't force it, don't overdo it, just breathe gently and normally.

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In the Pale Moonlight

I'm ... " he paused, breath shaky. "but ... you're right," he breathed. he didn't feel like rushing, either. she nodded. knowing his body was coursing with a repressed anxiety. that it was clawing his insides.

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A Curtain Falls over Furdom 3: Zombies?

"just breathe, focus on just your breathing. you can relax." he rested his muzzle over my neck, chin against my shoulder as i lay on my side. he breathed evenly and i struggled to match. i opened my eyes, somehow they had been closed.

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