Conjoined Siblings, pre bunny info (Updated)

Her favorite thing to do is practice fighting and work out. she's pretty well build and not afraid to use her large claws to her advantage. mostly you will find her working out naked since she feels clothes are a hindrance more than a help.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, part 22.

It had been too long since my last work out, and my physique was beginning to tell the story of neglect, so with wolverine's help, i decided to set myself up on a work out routine, starting slow.

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Gets Better

Still, that was a lie, or maybe he'd just been so foolish as to believe that it meant everything worked out for the better.

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My Life IV

I'm not too sure that this relationship will work out between cathleen and me...

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This is how love goes:Chapter one- The Accident

He likes to work out in his free time. he works in a gym. he is best friends with tatomoru ventan ever since tatomoru moved into town three years ago.

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Shadows Returning: Tabel of Contents and Chapter 1

Next to the flowers was a small "pet park", the towns way of saying work out area, where all the studs and babes of the town worked out regularly when it was not snowing out despite the $10.50 admission fee.

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Epilogue (The End)

I had hoped to put up another chapter before posting the epilogue but in all honesty i don't see it working out so well so i'm cutting to the chase and ending it here.

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My Life V

Now i'm not too sure, i feel it just isn't working out anymore. i am having second thoughts about us dating.

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Quarrel (Spoilers)

You kneel down close to him, gently stroking his back, telling him that it's okay, he just had a lot of emotions to work out. you can tell that's been bottled up for who knows how long.

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Sweet Tooth

I think we can work out a deal just fine. i'll let you know what i want after you've eaten to your heart's content. fair enough? eat as much as you want."

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True love never rust: Part 2 - 14 years later

I know i left you with a false hope and made you devastated... but in the end it didn't work out so why... did you turn up to my birthday..." "for me it isn't over, henrik.

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