This is how love goes:Chapter one- The Accident
Sorry this is kinda short. This is my first story so be honest with you and if you have any ideas please tell me. I need as much feed back as possible and I will make more for this. I want to go as far as I can with this and please comment. I am introducing these two as friends, but they have strong feelings for each other that they can't explain, so they keep it a secret from each other to keep their friendship strong. Oh and I may add more chareters! If I do I will put more info up about the new ones.
This is how love goes:
Zeck Tesona: Is age 22 he is a wolf with pure snow white fur he has icey blue eyes and is 5"8 with a six pack that comes easy for him. He likes to work out in his free time. He works in a gym. He is best friends with Tatomoru Ventan ever since Tatomoru moved into town three years ago.
Tatomoru Ventan: Is age 20 he is a fox with snow white fur he has bright yellow eyes he is 5"5 and thin. He works a part time job at a coffee house as he goes to collage. He is best friends with Zeck Tesona.
Lilly Simora: Is age 25 hair color varies; she changes it every week and the style every day. Her natural hair color is blonde and her eyes are blue and she is a human. She is 5"6 and she has a perfect figure and she knows it. She is married to Teseno Simora.They have been married for five years. She works at the hosiptal as a nurse/receptionist.
Teseno Simora: Is age 28 he is a lepord and his fur is purple with spots that are black with blue around them. He is a doctor at the same hosiptal as his wife Lilly. He looks like he works out but dose not.
chapter one; The Accident
It was the dead of night. A cell phone rings and disturbs a sleeping wolf "H-Hello?" said Zeck still in a daze from sleep "I need your help" said the voice through gasps of crying and pain. Zeck sat up strait in his bed. "Tatomoru whats wrong were are you?" Asked Zeck franticly. "Im in the p-p-park please help I d-dont know what to d-do" Tatomoru was trying to fight the pain he was in. "I wiill be there soon hold on" Zeck's heart was pounding in his chest as he ran down the stairs to his car almost forgetting his key. He drove off as fast as he coud to get to his friend in the park.
As he raced to the park thoughts ran through his head; 'what coud be wrong? What's he need help with? I hope he is not hurt or anything' as those thoughts ran wild, he began to cry. As soon as he arrived at the park, he jumped out of his car looking around franticly. "Tatomoru?!" He yelled as he began to run through the big park, trying to find his friend. Then all of a sudden, he saw a shadowy figure sitting on a bench in the middle of the park under a big tree. As he began to walk to it, a street light flickered on to reveal Tatomoru coverd in blood and clinching his ribs and crying. Zeck took off in a dead run as tears began to run down his face. He stopped in front of Tatomoru falling to his knees "what happned to you?!" Yelled Zeck as he broke down crying at the sight of his friend broken and bloodied up.Tatomoru looked up weakly "H-Help m-me p-p-please" was all he could say as he fell toward Zeck out cold.
"Oh my god Tatomoru, come on wake up dude. Oh man I have to get you to the hospital fast" Zeck said as he picked up Tatomoru as carefully as possible and ran him to the car."Oh man" he repeated to himself as he sped off to his destination. As he drove, he began to think to himself and he looked at Tatomoru and said "I will get whoever did this to you... I swear" The more he thought to himself, the more he began to feel the feelings he was trying to hide, so he shook his head to bury them again.
Soon they arrived at the hospital and Tatomoru began to stir "daddy no please dont" he began to repeat. Zeck looked at him for a minute then grabbed him carefully and ran him to the front desk. There was a human girl that looked about 25 years old with purple hair, it was in a beehive. "Good morning, my name is lilly, how may I help you? Oh my god! What happened here?" She said looking up from her computer. "He called me and asked for help, and told me he was at the park, so I went to get him and I found him like this" Zeck said franticly with tears running down his face. Lilly picked up a microphone and said "we need a gurney at the front dask for the ER ASAP!" Almost instantly, four nurses came running out of double doors. They took Tatomoru with little fight from Zeck and strapped him to the gurney. They took off for the ER with Zeck close behind. The docter stopped Zeck from going in and said "I'm sorry, you can't come in here, you will have to wait out in the waiting room" then he went inside and left Zeck all alone.
To Be Continued...