My Life IV
#4 of My Life
My Life IV
Two and Half Months Later...
Ugh... what the hell happened, I feel like I was hit by a bus. Never felt like this in my life. Something is keeping me from sitting up. Well let me try to move one of my paws. Holy shit, my god that fucking hurts like hell what the hell happened. I open my eyes I see a bunch of florescent lights. Off in the distance I hear voices.
"H-he-hello," I call out as strong as I can which at this point isn't very strongly.
"How are you Mr. Moulder," a female doctor or nurse said.
"Well I feel like I got hit by an eighteen wheeler, other than that I feel like shit," I said.
"Yes, don't try to move your legs," she said.
"Why are they broke too," I asked in a gruff tone.
"Yes they are. What else do you know is broken," she asked.
"Well for instance my paw. I guess that's not all though,"
She told me it wasn't and listed off the rest of my ailments. Holy fucking shit, I never had a broken bone before but the first time for everything seems to be breaking. My first physical fight I knew I'd lose any fucking way. Then she asked me to call a list of people to call one of my friends left. I asked to read off the list. I told her to call Evelyn first and then the rest. Then I waited, Evelyn showed up first.
"What's up," she asked.
"Well I'm tied down to a bed, and you know where I'm going with this," I said, she knew I was into the whole bondage thing... well only in my fantasies.
"Yeah I think I do," she said.
"Well it sucks being here," I said.
"Well since you two are friends I was wondering if you wouldn't mind looking over him after he gets out of here in a month," the attractive wolfess said.
"Well I don't know...," I started to say but was cut off by Evelyn.
"Oh I would love to Dr. Silverman," she said in a deceptively pleasant tone.
I know why she did that. She usually does this I assume that this is because of the surprise I gave her over three months ago. I realize at this point trying to get payback on her about anything she does it is impossible. I also don't know when she plans on getting me back about this situation. I saw Cathleen walking over to the desk. They pointed towards my room and as soon as they did Evelyn stepped out of the way. She ran right up to me and wrapped her arms around my back and squeezed.
"Ah, holy shit," I yelled.
She let go and asked, "What's the matter?"
"Well I have three broken ribs," I said.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she said.
"We'll give you to some time to catch up," the wolfess said dragging along Evelyn who was trying to protest leaving.
So there we were just sitting in awkward silence. I mean I had dreamed this day would come. I just never expected it to happen so suddenly. I mean here I was laying in this absolutely pathetic condition. I felt that she was giving me more pity than anything. I hate it when it's like that, not that I've ever been in this situation before. Cathleen was the first to break the silence.
"So how are you feeling," she asked.
"Oh, I feel completely rested, other than that not too good," I said.
"So why did you move out here," she asked.
"Well my Dad and Brother died and my Mom got re-married, and I had to get away so I moved far way,"
"Wow, those are good reasons," she said.
"Yeah well, enough of my sad depressing life. How are you," I asked.
"Well I have been thinking about how this is going to work out, you and me," she said worriedly
"Look if you aren't ready...," I started to say. She was crying, about what I have no idea. The only two things were either me or Jeff.
"What's wrong," I asked.
"Oh, nothing, I just think it's entirely my fault," she said.
"No, its not, I could have gotten the police involved as soon as he threatened me," I said.
"What do you mean," she asked.
"Oh, right it was my first day here and, when we went out to dinner. You and Evelyn went to the bathroom and he freaked out on me," I explained.
We talked for several hours and she was still a little upset when she left. I didn't blame her I'm just like that; thinking something totally out of my control is my fault. Then Evelyn came back in and actually asked me if I knew why she did that. I guessed it was about something I did, in other words revenge. She told me because I got the snot kicked out of me. Like I could help it, he broke my fucking leg right away. I'm not too sure that this relationship will work out between Cathleen and me...