My Life V

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#5 of My Life

My Life V

I am lying in bed, awake thinking about what's happened over the past few months. I got out of that hospital, can't stand those places they don't smell right. Started dating Cathleen, I was excited at first. Now I'm not too sure, I feel it just isn't working out anymore. I am having second thoughts about us dating.

I mean ever since we started dating she's called me every day. It feels like she is smothering me. I keep thinking maybe this isn't meant to be, like it just sort of happened and that we aren't supposed to be together but then again I always second guess my decisions. So I really can't tell if it will work out or not. Eye lids getting heavy...


*Jingle**jingle*what in the hell is that... oh right Evelyn. Looking at the clock I wondered what the hell, it's seven in the morning. Store doesn't open till nine. Well, what day is it oh it's Sunday, I finally get these casts on my legs off. I'm looking forward to walking again.

"Hey what the hell are you doing sleepy head," she asked as she walked in ... naked.

"Okay, you know I hate that," I said turning my head away.

Just to annoy me even more she climbed up onto my chest and sat cross-legged. She started laughing hysterically as I was embraced as hell. There was no way I'd be able to get her off of me or even sit up. Then we both heard footsteps coming into my room. I looked past and it was Cathleen.

"Oh, hey Cath," she said calmly, "This isn't what it looks like, quite the opposite in fact. I was just teasing him, he hates this."

She got up and walked towards her and kissed her on the nose and announced eggs would be done in ten minutes. Cathleen realizing I hadn't dressed yet gave me some privacy. I suspect she had got here much earlier and decided to come up and see what was taking so long. Then when she got to my room she saw that.

"She answered the door like that," Cathleen said.

"Not surprising actually or that she kissed you on the nose," I replied.

"Does she do that often, tease you like that," she asked.

"Most of the time yes, only because it gets a rise out of me," I replied.

"Is there anything between you two," she asked.

"Oh hell no, just a friendship," I said.

She is looked at me in disbelief. I motioned for her to come over to me and I gave her as best of a hug I could. When I get out of these damn casts it will be so much better. So I grabbed my crutches and hobbled down the steps. Sitting in the wheel chair I rolled myself into the kitchen. The smell of bacon and eggs was wafting around in the air.

"Smells good," I said to Evelyn, now wearing an apron and nothing else other than the bell around her neck.

"Well thanks," she said, "who's ready to eat?"

"I know I am I am starving," I said.

We all ate in silence listening to the radio which was playing one of the songs that reminded me of her "Living La Vida Loca," but that was normal considering her personality is wacked(to our perspective that is).Anyway I was lucky to meet her in my freshman year. I was on the verge of killing myself. Thanks to her though, I found the will to live.

So we all climbed into the car and headed off to the hospital. The way there we were all joking about how stupid I'd look with a cane. Evelyn had the best joke, the rest of the time we spent talking about the store and video games.

When we signed into the hospital and went into a waiting room. We then sat around for about half an hour and had a conversation about what we wanted to do after. While they were doing that I was thinking about how difficult it would be for me to walk again. It is hard to first try it again after so long hell I haven't been on my feet in over a couple of months even when I used my crutches I put most of the weight on them. Then a nurse came by and wheeled me off to the room to cut these casts off.

"How are you feeling today, John," the doctor asked.

"Well, I really am looking forward to walking again," I said.

"Well I'm going to cut those casts of and give you that cane right there, Dasher is the name," he said.

"Wait didn't you sell me the house as while back," I asked.

"Oh, John Moulder, I thought that name was familiar," he said.

"Yeah, well the place is just great," I said.

"Good I'm glad you like it. Say are you seeing anybody," he asked.

"Yes and to be honest you aren't my type, I like women," I replied.

He said that was quite all right and that I should stay completely still. As he cut the casts I felt some of my fur getting touched by the blade but not causing any physical damage. I kind of mentally flinched and I was paranoid the entire time. I loved how I was going to be able to walk. About 5 minutes later the casts came off and I was handed a cane. I stood up and my legs started wobbling. I took a few steps forward and started to get used to it. Then I proceeded to walk up to the two and gave Cathleen a bit of a scare.

"Hey, I didn't realize you were so tall," she joked.

"Yeah, good to be back," I said. It's the moments like this I love her for...