Starlight Part 10

It's the start of the Dove Festival and the three worlds are in celebrations, Magnum, Sabrina, Vanessa and her children are walking amongst the crowd of people as the kick off is about to start. While the latter four are excited, Magnum is a little...

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Starlight Part 6

Vanessa and Sabrina are having a lunch out before the get together that is happening tonight, the skunk wishing to talk to the doe and fill her in a little given the events with the mystic. Sabrina is someone who could practically mingle with almost...

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.8

I don't know what the hell they are doing keeping me here in this waiting room type area of this place. The doctor hadn't been to see me and they took me straight from my room. They even forced me to get a shower and brought me a fresh pair of clothes....

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.7

**Doctor's Log - Monday, July 12, 2058** Kayleb has made great headway. He has opened up some since I've started working with him. At least from what I can tell from the files and notes the old doctor had written about Kayleb. I am starting a full...

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.6

"I'm glad you were able to make it on such short notice. I'm surprised twice, actually. The first is that you seem to be the perfect species match, and the second is that you were the only one to sign up for this. I'm glad you did though. Your species...

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.5

This is a short part, sorry! "Well, Kayleb, it seems as though you're a tough nut to crack. I'm sure we can get you to open up though," the doctor says nearly scaring me literally half to death, "my name is Dr. Müllen, but you can call me Seth if...

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.3

I simply sat there thinking. With the drugs it was hard to concentrate and think, but I was. That's all I ever do anymore, is think. About what I can't really say. Maybe about how the hell I'm going to get out of this place. Maybe about what I had done...

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.2

"What are you worrying about, man? They're just punk kids who have lost their place in society." "I know, and that's why I worry. Okay, not so much worry as I just fear that they're too bad to help and that they'll hate me and that-" "Listen Dr....

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.1

It is unsuitable for furs under the age of 18 to view due to coarse language, profanity, sexual content, age difference, pedophilial content, etc. if you don't like what you're reading, turn it off! but i hope you'll like it! enjoy!

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Trailblazer Part 4

Mo'Ceva is working an elaborate terminal that looks like a combination of a pipe-organ and steam engine, the machine emitting an orange glow in some of it's glass tubing as on either side are orbs of shifting and floating sand of shimmering gold. The...

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Maycor II

_So I decided to write a continuation for [**a previous slice-of-life story I wrote**]( You don't need to have read that before story you read this, since the whole point of slice-of-life is to be mundane and...

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Trailblazer Part 9

Magnum is moving around what looks like a city, the architecture looks to be mystic but other then that can't make anything else out. The mystic wolf turns a few corners to find quite a view waiting for him as he finds he is extremely high up,...

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