Starlight Part 10

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#23 of Magnum's Storyline

It's the start of the Dove Festival and the three worlds are in celebrations, Magnum, Sabrina, Vanessa and her children are walking amongst the crowd of people as the kick off is about to start. While the latter four are excited, Magnum is a little uneasy as Elvo has informed him that the Fleur Federation is planning an attack, the wolf deciding not to spread word of it as not to spread any panic though and he has the deployment of his suit and Elvo's automata on stand by for launch just in case. The main issue isn't launching his assets it was timing, the unit holding his power armor is cloaked and nearby but Elvo's automata will takes some time to arrive.

Magnum ponders for a moment or two 'The three faction leaders are here though... would they really try something like that?', he sighs to himself 'Who am I kidding, of course they would, I've put down such empires and their cues before.'

Speaking of whom they make it to where the leaders of all three are on a stand, Vorca of the Fleur Federation, Prime Chairman Yuko of the Star Coalition and President Lance of the Confidant League. All three of them look a little uneasy, then again given they have no idea what caused the recent incident so it is understandable. Magnum wants to reveal himself but it wouldn't be the most appropriate thing right now given the situation, he can only hope he doesn't have to unveil himself in combat... but it may very well go that way.

President Lance takes the stand "Today marks the war that started twenty years ago, it is here we remember so that the war doesn't return and that we remember to work towards a better tomorrow and that those who we lost are remembered for their sacrifice."

Magnum tightens his gentle grasp on Vanessa's hand which she responds with a smile and thankful nod.

"And now the three key sovereignties of our confederation come together once again during this remembrance...."

Magnum can hear Elvo in his ear piece as the otter continues "I am picking up signatures heading towards the planets orbit, I am also picking up multiple signatures on sonar and radar... I am running scans now."

The mystic scans the three leaders as best he can at a distance but he begins to think of what he has learn of the three powers as he can't make anything of detail out, the otter finishes his speech and the crowd begins to cheer as Vorca takes the stand.

The lioness scans the crowd "It has been a fifth of a century since the war that changed our system forever and gave rise to the three powers, for we have come to shape our own destinies and cultures. While we may deny it, we all still bare scars of that time, as we all lost someone near and dear, all while we try to ourselves stable." smirk forms on her lips as suddenly she comes up on the screens "Which is why it is time to bring you all into the fold of the Federation." earning gasping as soldiers on the platforms aim their weapons at the two other leaders.

Magnum glaces to Vanessa who looks to him, she gives a nod along with Sabrina, Bensen and Marie, he nods back as he reclaims his hand, he activates his comm unit "Elvo, any contacts?" earning some looks.

Elvo's hologram comes through "There is a fleet consisting mostly of cruisers with few support craft and a carrier acting as it's flagship. As for down here I am picking up amphibious and aerial forces closing in."

The wolf looks up "Can the Confidant respond at all?"

"They have navel and aerial assets but no stellar forces of note, they are virtually defenseless."

"Bring the Belfast my way so we can deploy the Albion, I'll hold the area until you arrive."

"Copy that, launching the Gypse now!" and he transmission ends.

Vanessa puts a hand on his shoulder "Good luck hon." followed by Bensen "Kick some tail!"

Magnum nods "Acknowledged!" and runs off towards the leaders.

Vorca notices him, she looks and sees this transport machine de-cloaking, he leaps into the air with the aid of a car, spreading his limbs as the flyers opens a bay underneath, showing a blue light which scans onto his body this black suit with digital circuitry, arms come out of the flyer and attack parts of the Albion suit, at first putting the inner frame followed by the armor plates, helmet, backpack and lastly weapons. The Belfast flies away and now the mystic wolf is adorned in his power armor, the blue gems shining as the suit comes fully online, the crowd gasping at the sight as he flies off, ready to accomplish the mission. Eyes go towards the four that were with him... they know they'll have to answer to a lot of questioning after this, but for now they were more concerned about the outcome of the situation.

Magnum thinks for a moment "Elvo, can we calibrate the buster rifle to where we can just disable the heavy targets?"

"Affirmative, re-calibrating now!"

The wolf gets confirmation and zooms to the front, he sees the enemy fleet in the water, some carries but mostly cruisers, frigates and destroyers. Magnum aims the buster rifle with cameras watching him, he targets the front of a carrier "Magnum here, launching intercept mission... commencing counter attack now!"

The wolf fires the energy weapon, it hits the bow of the carrier just below the water line and opens a large hole, the shot not hitting anything critical but vaporizes a good chunk of that location. He fires again, this time doing the same to a frigate and races towards them as he readies his power sword, the anti-air weapons of the fleet open fire on him, ranging from autocannons to machine guns and missiles, the hits that do land don't do anything due to the field the wings produce, terrifying the crews of the vessels. Magnum gets above the fleet, he aims the buster rifle again, this time at the engine area of the carrier and fires, the beam travels and goes straight through the super structure, it vaporizes through the engine and out the underside of the ship, the engines suffers a small explosion but no one gets hurt as they issue an evacuation due to the water pouring in, he repeats this process to every carrier, he looks and sees Elvo coming his way with her machine.

Elvo gets close "The enemy fleet is nearing orbit, I can handle things here until you get back. I've added space to my shield for more power packs."

"Affirmative, moving to counter their space force.", the binders open as they unleash blue waves and he flies towards space, breaking through the atmosphere.

Elvo looks and sees enemy aircraft launching, she gives a digital smirk "Helicopters and jets... this is going to be easier then I thought."

Magnum's voice comes through "Elvo, I don't want any fatalities on their end, I'm trying to send a message."

"Copy that bro, will focus on disabling enemy material."

Elvo's machine flies around, she fires her beam smg as she aims for the propulsion systems of the enemy craft while zooming, the pilots are panicking at the display before them, the jets don't even have time to try to get a long as Elvo blows of wings and fires into their engine systems, the helicopters aren't faring any better as their tail and engine sections fail instantly. She moves to an enemy destroyer, firing the beams to the water line which turns it to swiss cheese as water now finds it way in before doing the same to a cruiser, she looks to see submarines coming up she moves to quickly disable them with a few opening these bays out-front to release boats but she makes short work of them.

The Albion reaches space, Magnum looks and sees the fleet, giving space a blue streak as he gets closer and closer to them. The ships begin to open fire with their kinetic weapons and missiles, Magnum flies around the carrier firing a buster shot which goes into the engines and puts the ship dead in the water but the carriers bays start to open, he lands in one of the hangers, he puts his sword away as he grabs a heavy machine gun laying around and starts to shoot up the craft in the hanger.

Magnum eyes each shot carefully 'Please, just surrender!' the 12.7mm weapon punching through the void fighters and bombers to render them useless.

The crowds all over the three worlds watch as the two fight, not landing any kills but disabling all of the enemy equipment though they can tell they could just wipe out the invading force if they wanted to, heck Magnum single-handedly can do just that. Vanessa's eyes watch closely as footage from the void carrier comes through due to it's security cameras, watching both the mystic wolf and digital coyote clean up the enemy forces.

Sabrina looks around "Peace is something we fought and died for all those years ago and now it's at risk again, those two are fighting to defend all of us and to make sure that the battles the Federation wants never comes around. We fought for freedom and peace in our day, now we have to show we still earn that right by holding the Federation responsible, not in an arms race but socially and politically, those two are making sure no blood is spilled, it's up to us the citizens to show that we don't want to fight each other anymore." noticing she is being broadcasted along with Vanessa.

The skunk nods but she isn't paying attention to the cameras "These three worlds are all we have, if we destroy it all and what matters to us, then we'll have nothing left, we can't go back to that time or we risk losing what is left.", she looks to the crowd "Think about what we did lose, do we really want to relive such a thing again?", she looks back at the screen "That wolf, he is my mate and right now he is risking his life to ensure we keep what we cherish intact, the other is his sister and he may not look it but he is someone who has seen the horrors of war far more then any of us have, the both of them have roamed the stars and fought the worst it could throw at them. And now they are here to protect us in our time of need."

Magnum drops the heavy machine gun as he disables the last void craft in the hanger, a few soldiers fire launchers but the warheads are useless against the Albion, he sighs at their foolishness before he heads back into the void. He lines another shot and disables another ships engines, it doesn't take long before all the ships have lost all their engine systems, he then uses his power sword to cut into their main batteries to rip out their wiring as he doesn't want to risk detonating any ammunition, the carrier launches a surrender flare which he acknowledges as confirmation from every ship reaches him.

"Elvo, the enemy fleet up here is out of commission."

Elvo's machine takes out another jet "That's good, I could use some back up here."

The mystic activates his binders and re-enters the atmosphere, the field protecting the suit entirely, he breaks through and slices the tail off a helicopter "What's the enemy status?"

"So far their navel assets are at a 62% loss in total, they have some aerial forces en route."

Magnum's sensors picks up something big, he turns around and sees this flying unit that's about the size of a frigate, "Elvo, what is that?"

The a.i. runs some scans "My scans show no signs of life, it looks to be a large drone of some kind being used as a massive gunship. There are no signs of any other contacts."

The wolf smirks "No life signs huh? I can work with that! Revert the buster rifle to default settings!' and aims the weapon at the new machine.

Elvo shoots down a few more helicopters "Settings are restored."

The buster rifle begins to charge up, the Albion locks onto the massive machine as it's turrets begins to move, the wolf glares "Eliminating target now!" and fires the weapon, the more powerful shot goes through the armor and straight through, the entire units sparking as the energy overwhelms it, the machine then becomes consumed in this massive explosion "Target destroyed."

The sinking lead ship launches a surrender flare with everyone confirming it, the sight horrifies Vorca as the realization sets in while the crowd cheers, the armored wolf and automata land in front of the faction leaders, the lioness's guards aiming their rifles at them as Magnum has his helmet fold into the suit and he puts his sword away while Elvo projects a hologram of her face onto that of the automata, the cameras are all on them and they know it.

Magnum speaks up "I am Magnum, a Freeblade of the Knight Orders. This transgression will cease at once!"

One of her guards roars "How dare..."

Magnum has the soldiers canteen explode, the water wrapping around him before freezing to where he's entangled, the other finds his gun leaving his hands to Magnum's grasp, the wolf squeezes the rifle and it shatters to bits in his powered clutch. Everyone blinks at him as the soldier raises his hands in surrender, Magnum asks Elvo if anyone has died in combat at all for the engagement and she replies that no one has died despite the carnage.

Magnum takes a few steps forward "I am not just a knight, I am a mystic wolf... I didn't need my power armor if all I wanted to do is just wipe you out, I chose not to given that the Dove Celebration is starting today."

Vorca is frozen in place, she can't believe what she is hearing, that this wolf and the coyote took out all of her forces on their own.

President Lance approaches the wolf "So you two are our guests. It's an honor to finally meet you." with a thankful grin.

Prime Chairman Yuko folds his arms "Not what I was expecting at all, but it's good to see that this surprise wasn't a disaster."

The wolf looks to both of them "Is anyone injured?"

The two confirm that no one is hurt while the lion just stands there still in shock, the four look to her and she responds by raising her hands in surrender. Elvo's projection goes away as the lion is taken into custody, Lance and Yuko publicly talk to the wolf as their words are projected, ultimately they thank the wolf and say that he is welcome anytime and when he inquires if he can call this world his home and they agree which earns cheers from the crowd. It's clear to everyone that the mystic has learned to feel at home on their world, those who have been paying attention know that he's hooked up with Vanessa and that he's made a life of his own, they didn't care to what extent, what they see before them is a young man who protected them, that despite not being from their worlds he had found something there. The wolf soon flies down and lands, he begins to walk towards Vanessa, he has the left binder move towards the buster rifles as he raises it, the binders outer shell opening up and claiming the buster rifle and putting it in storage, the two come together and share a kiss which earns awws and cheers... with some shocked jealousy for good measure as they embrace. He doesn't care about the cameras watching, instead he cared more about what really matters to him and he wanted to show it, the two stop kissing and look into each others eyes as they press their foreheads together.

Magnum gets an idea "Have you ever flown before?"

Vanessa shakes her head "No, I haven't... but I would love to."

Sabrina smirks "We can meet up later." giving a wink.

The mystic wolf picks up the mature skunk and cradles her in his arms, the binders begin to lightly hum and the two gently take to the sky, Bensen and Marie smile at the sight as they see their mom happy while the crowd cheers. Vanessa looks at the sight below her, the city with water and sun on the horizon as she feels the wind, she and the wolf share a look and a quick kiss.

The skunk nuzzles him "My sweetheart isn't going anywhere." with a coo "But I know you, you are a knight and you'll still perform your duty no matter what."

The mystic nods "Yeah that is true...", he looks to her "But my home is here and I have something to come back too." with some tears towards the end.

Vanessa wipes his eyes "Even with all that armor... you still have a heart." and lays her head against him "It's what I love about you the most."

Magnum happily sighs "We can go anywhere you want to, where would you like to go?"

"Right now, I want to just be in your arms like this... that's where I want to be.", she looks to those young eyes of his "I love you Magnum."

He gives her a kiss "I love you too Vanessa."

The two smile at each other a little longer as they keep flying around, soon Magnum lands he has the Belfast reclaim his equipment and the two meet up at Bensen's shop where he is working on the car for the race.

The skunk looks to them "My, the love birds are paying me a visit." with a chuckle while the rest of the mechanics join in the laugh as they welcome them.

Magnum looks at everyone "Good to see everyone in high spirits." with a grin, he looks to Bensen "How's the car coming along?"

The skunk sighs "Not all the parts are in yet and with the Dove Celebration the mail is at a standstill.", he looks at everyone "I hate to see it but we are out of the game."

The mystic wolf thinks for a moment, he opens comms with Elvo "Hey sis, I need scans on this machine."

"You got it!" with the a.i. giving a smirk, she scans Bensen's race car "Hmm, what's the plan with this?"

"Look up all premium parts and run simulations, manufacture what gives the best result and send it to my location."

Bensen blinks, he takes a few steps forward "I appreciate it Magnum, but why are you doing this?"

The wolf decides to have a little fun "Hey, it's what dads do." with a wink and a chuckle.

Vanessa gives an amused giggle while Bensen gets into a laugh, within an hour the parts arrive via the Belfast and a few worker drones, everyone notices the parts are of a heavier metal and alloy, meaning they give even more performance and give the vehicle an actually higher power-to-weight ratio, with a combination of everyone's skills and Magnum's powers they get the car all set up. Vanessa watches as her mate and her son work together and it causes a happy tear to leave her eye, within about half an hour the car is fully reassembled with it's new upgrades and the drones handle the paint work, with Bensen asking if it can have blue racing stripes to which Magnum programs into the drones with a nod. The car now sits with a wonderful finish and protective coat, the chrome on it's wheels and all round tires ready to make the vehicle cruise with it's mighty engine ready to go.

Bensen gets everyone a refreshing soda and everyone begins to celebrate the creation of the machine, Magnum and Bensen begin to converse about small talk as Vanessa continues to enjoy them engaging.

Bensen sighs "Before he entered the military, my dad was a mechanic too. He would have loved to see this car in this kind of shape.", he looks to the wolf "He was working on it before the war and he never finished it... thanks to you it'll be on the track again. The parts for it are just so hard to come by and I never thought I'd see the day."

The mystic gives a happy sigh "My father was a mechanic too, I never had much interest in being a mechanic but I learned as best I could so I could see what he liked about it. He always dreamed of having some of the classic cars when I was growing up, if he was here he would think I was a gearhead.", he looks to Bensen "Before asking to drive it." with a chuckle.

The skunk nods "Yeah, I wasn't interested in it at first either... but like you I think we just drifted into it, me because it eventually caught my interest and I wanted to help keep his memory alive. And you because you wanted to try to make a better tomorrow and you wanted to see what you can make like your dad did.", he puts his hand on the wolf's shoulder "When I race Magnum, I'll do it for both our fathers."

His words touch the mystic wolf, he pats the skunks back "They would both be proud Bensen." with a grin.

Vanessa gets a little emotional at the both of them, how they are connecting as they act like close friends. The two being of the same age she thinks is what helps it as it helps them see each other more as equals, she wasn't sure about how her children would respond about her seeing Magnum either but after hearing that they supported her choice and that they just want her to be happy it made things so much easier. Vanessa and Magnum eventually say farewell to Bensen and go to the recording studio where Marie and her band are trying to figure out a song to play, the groups asks Magnum if he has any music they could use for the festival, Magnum links his ships data system to a terminal and downloads his entire music library onto a media storage device so that they can go through it which they are grateful for.

Marie rubs her throat to relax her vocal cords "We have until the end of the feastival to get a song down... but it shouldn't be a problem."

Vanessa hands her a bottle of water "How many songs have you gone through?"

Her daughter takes the offered water from her mom with a thankful nod "About twelve hundred so far." and begins to sip on the cold drink.

Magnum thinks about the songs he just shared "I hope you find something with my music you like."

"I'm sure we will, we just need to keep the theme to the Dove Festival." with Marie giving a confident grin.

Vanessa folds her arms "The race is tomorrow so we should go get some shut eye in the meantime.", she looks straight at he daughter "Don't be too hard on yourself, finding something to play can be hard but it's not impossible, think of it kind of like how you went through the process of when you dyed your hair and how long that took."

Magnum and Vanessa leave and Marie begins to listen to Magnum's music to see what she can find. The genres she can easily make out are pop, power metal, rock, heavy metal and other stuff along those lines with some more gloomy stuff here and there, just the sheer energy in the music is pretty good. A song catches her attention instantly after a quick switch with some string instruments and a piano, the lyrics that come through are wonderful as they are soft and impactful, she looks at the song and it's Rainbow by some artist named Sia... she found the song that she wants the group to play. She has her band listen to it and they agree that it'll fit perfectly for the festival, they practice for a few more hours and they decide to call it a night, Marie listens more to the mystics library, most of it is so energized with strong melodies with everyone telling it's story, she looks and sees her brother is still in his mechanic shop despite it being after hours.

Marie enters the building "I'm surprised to see you still up." with an amused grin.

Bensen sighs "I'm too excited to sleep.", he looks to his sister "Magnum helped me finish dad's racer, now it looks like it's fresh off the assembly line."

Marie sits next to him "That's wonderful, I was stuck on a song and I found something to play for the festival from his music."

Bensen asks if he can hear the song and Marie plays it for him, finding the song to be inspirational relaxing, they continue to go through the tracks of the mystics music, a few catch them off guard from the bands Disturbed and Green Day though most of the music follows a more consistent theme, such as Powerwolf, Gloryhammer and Hammerfall with their strong orchestra, Sabaton with a range of rock cues as they seem to sing historical moments, the pop music is mostly done by Nsync and the Backstreet Boys but there are a bunch of single from various artists as well and some random classic rock tracks done by Kiss, Bon Jovi and a few others.

Marie blinks "Not a bad mix of music actually, his taste seems to focus on more energetic and upbeat tones that are complex." with Bensen agreeing with her.

The hours tick by with news covering the days events, Magnum being the headline and front page of it all, between both him and Elvo they have crippled what the Federation can do on the world along with the assets used in space having been about a third of their fleet, the thing that amazes everyone is that despite the loss of material no life was lost, but the biggest highlight was when he used his buster rifle to destroy the massive drone that was inbound. The pair did make a few records and some information known about them, nothing about their armor or tech but mostly what was common information from what others know from where they came from, along with Magnum's Freeblade information, combat record since becoming a knight and things of that nature. The Confidant and Coalition are in talks with the Federation about the incident with their emergency conference resulting in hefty penalties for the latter as the former two take what's left of the material as salvage while fining the Federation and putting in place that they can't even maintain reserves during the Dove Celebration, otherwise this breech will result in open war according to doctrine. Given that the three factions at their core don't want to go into conflict as every citizen is demanding that such an event doesn't take place, The Federation accepts these terms even though both they and those taking part in their name will be under constant scrutiny, as for Vorca there is internal debate within the Federation's royalty if she should be dismissed or brought back on the throne.

What really has the attention of the three powers however is the Knight Orders that Magnum hails from, there are mentions of a few with most talk of the Order of the Everglaive and the information paints a picture worth talking about, that they answer to no government outside of themselves and they all are potent fighting forces, but more importantly it does show them that there is so much more outside of their system, if they could establish trade routes with other civilizations then they very may be able to save their worlds from such a catastrophe if resources were to become a concern. Either way it's established now that there are many new paths open to their worlds and that they have options, they'll need to speak with Magnum after the festival has run it's course, but for now they have a good chunk of information to look through and reference.

The next day rolls around and there's a massive crowd around the race track, Magnum, Vanessa, Sabrina and Marie having wished Bensen luck before he got into his car. There are thirty machines in total, ten from each of the factions ready to race with all of them evenly split between each other in random order, Bensen looks over the controls to the machine and takes in all the parts of old and new, his dad raced this machine when he was alive and now it was his, he glances to the mystic in the crowd as he subconsciously thanks him again for bringing this car back to life, the high quality parts having earned a lot of compliments as the older goers and crew members remark it looks exactly like how it did two decades ago. He can feel it all in the remade car, he doesn't know how but he can feel his dad smiling at him while he can see Magnum in the machine as well from all the custom panels with help from Elvo along with the new life given to it.

The skunk begins to think of the joke he and the mystic exchanged... he wasn't trying to be a father, he was just trying to be a friend offering a helping hand... but the more he looks at the situation and looking at the rare metals used in the construction of the vehicles parts, rare metals that Magnum needed to repair his starship to get it off the ground, not too many friends would be willing to do something like that.

Magnum like Vanessa and Marie are eager to watch this race play out, his eyes are right on Bensen's car 'You can do it Bensen!'

The countdown begins to chime, the growls of the engines sounding as they rev, the loud horn blows and they go at full speed, Bensen is amazed at the sheer power the car has and how fast it's going to where he has to adjust on the fly, the skunk making it past a few vehicles easily and gains full control.

The wolf smirks and cheers "Show them what you got Bensen!" with the three ladies joining him.

The skunk adjusts his control to semi-analog, the smooth transition of movement allowing him to better clear a corner and avoid a machine, two vehicles get close with one trying to get in the way of the other, Bensen holds his place as they cross the line for the first time... one lap down and many more to go! The race goes on with the skunk gaining or losing ground as he goes from position to position in the line up. A few close encounters and a few tire changes later with many more laps and now they are on the last lap, the big 120 and he's in the 2nd position, neck and neck with the lead car, Bensen tries to take the corner but the car is going to fast and begins to lift up, the crowd becomes consumed in awe as the skunk sees his life flash before his eyes as he tries to balance it on it's right wheels and slowly it goes down as he notices a change in the controls, he glance and sees Magnum give a wink as he passes by.

Bensen nods 'Thanks Magnum, you saved my hide!' with a grin.

He gets back to being side by side with the other car, the finish line is coming up, in a flash both cars cross the finish line, they stop a moment later along with the other cars as they bring up the high speed... and Bensen crosses the line first by a few inches, the crowd goes wild with the races conclusion, Bensen gets his trophy and the gang begin to head back towards Vanessa's and Magnum's place.

Bensen sees that no one is around "Hey Magnum...", earning a glance from the wolf "I just want to say thanks for saving me back there. At that speed I would have smashed through into the railing." now with his mother, sister and Sabrina looking at them.

The wolf pats his back "Anytime Bensen, anytime." with a smirk.

Vanessa, Sabrina and Marie grin at the both of them, the former going "We've got a ways away before the music portion. Now we can enjoy the Celebration until then."

The next few days go by without an issue, now it's the second to last day with Magnum, Vanessa, Sabrina, Bensen and Marie enjoying the time fly as the city becomes one big party at night, though the five end up mostly celebrating on their own for the most part as the cities across all the worlds do get a little too crazy.

Meanwhile with the repairs of the Howl of Silver going smoothly, Elvo is working on that shattered puzzle that they uncovered a while ago as both she and Magnum are still curious what it shows. The coyote begins to reflect not just on the time she and Magnum have spent on this world, but for the entire time they have been together, how she has seen him grow from when they first met to where he is now... she's happy that the wolf has moved past what was weighing him down and that he's become a more relaxed and open person, someone who is still shy but having learned the benefits of opening up, that now he has a real home to fall back to, that he wasn't on a constant crusade until his last breath leaves his lungs, digital tears leave her eyes as she knows Magnum will be alright if anything happens to her.

Suddenly an alarm catches her attention, she stops analyzing the fragmented piece and looks through the satellite systems, looking out into the void as what ever it is it's out in space, she's hoping that it's their allies having finally found them... her hopes are dashed by the sight of a mystic cruiser having just come out of ftl, Elvo knows what they are after... she begins to try to contact her brother...

Magnum, Sabrina, Vanessa, Bensen and Marie are walking around as they continue to enjoy the Celebration, having just finished a light lunch as they don't want to weigh themselves too much to not enjoy the day.

Magnum's communicator begins to go off, he answers it "Hi Elvo, checking in?" with a grin.

Elvo's voice comes through "Magnum, a mystic cruiser has just entered the system and is heading towards Balleva... and I have a feeling we know who it is..."

The wolf stops walking "Za'vara!" with his gaze going towards the sky.

Elvo's face appears as she nods "The Howl of Silver is still too damaged to fly, it can't fight nor flee."

Everyone looks his way, he gives a sigh "I wasn't thinking of running, we know what to expect this time. Send the Belfast my way with the Albion."

The a.i. nods "I'll send my automata your way as well..."

"No, I will fight them on my own!"

The coyote puts on a stunned look "Magnum, you know what they are capable of!"

"And your automata won't make any real difference, we need to keep the ship hidden from their sight.", he puts on a sad smile "That way if anything happens to me, you can still get away."

The crowd puts on surprised looks, Vanessa blinks "Magnum, are you saying that...?"

He gently take her hand "I haven't lied to any of you and I will be damned if I start now, this fight could well be my last. She claims she has seen my future and deems that I am a threat, so she seeks to kill me.", his gaze goes towards the sky "It is my fight... and I won't run from it. I need to limit the only casualty on our end to myself.", he looks to Vanessa "No matter what happens, I will always love you." as he moves his hand to the side of her face as she gives a tear.

The Belfast comes into view as the mystic sheds some tears of his own, it's sinking into everyone that Magnum is expecting to die here, they had seen what he could do mere days ago... what could be out there that is stronger?

The wolf glances to Elvo "I need real time data on their location, I don't think I can destroy them from here, but I can give em a black eye at least." earning a nod from the a.i. as he fully looks to Vanessa before giving her a kiss.

Vanessa looks to Sabrina who's really releasing some tears, the doe moves over to him, she embraces the wolf and gives him a kiss on the cheek, a second later Vanessa and her children are hugging him, he hugs them back as tears from his eyes finally flow. Now if the worse comes to pass, there won't be any thoughts of "what if" or "maybe", they all now know where they stand.

Magnum looks at the skunks, doe and coyote "I love all five of you, always remember that."

They reluctantly let each other go, Magnum hands his communicator to Vanessa who takes it, Magnum gives them a weak grin, he begins to head towards the craft as it's bay opens, already the sound of news helicopters sound but he pays them no mind, no one is.

Vanessa stays as strong as she can, she whispers to where only Sabrina and her children can hear her "Magnum... we'll always love you too. You have gotten so much stronger and I am proud of you."

Sabrina hugs her "He is our man." she wipes her eyes "He's a knight, it is what he does."

Back aboard the Howl of Silver, Elvo is eyeing all of the alerts, she releases a digital tear "Brother....!"


The mystic vessel is in orbit, Za'vara is looking down at the planet below with a smirk as she has her sword at the ready, after all this time she has finally found her prey, now she'll make sure her vision doesn't come to pass.

The navigator looks to her "We are in position."

The mystic vixen begins to walk around "Exellent, now comes the time to carry out what we were sent to do!"

Two flashes come from the planet which catches all of their attention, two blue beams storm towards them, both striking the cruiser, overwhelming the cruising shields instantly as one beam hits the engines while the other strikes towards the middle which results in explosions across the ship as it rocks.The beams stop, the damage report is insane to them, not only have they lost engines but they also lost the primary stabilizers and all weapons are knocked out, the scary part is that one beam is discovered to be from the buster rifle and the other is the mystic wolf's natural beam which scares a good chunk of the mystic crew.

Mo'Ceva looks to Za'vara "What kind of mystic wolf are we chasing?"

Za'vara smirks "The fighting kind, it's not uncommon for them to use their beam in such a way."

"It's rare for it to be this strong!" Mo'Ceva moves towards her "This has gone too far Za'vara, I will not risk the crew for you! If you want to try to take this one, then you are on your own!"

Za'vara gives a short laugh as she looks at Mo'Ceva "That was my plan to begin with, weather you join me or not it doesn't matter, I will make sure the destruction doesn't come to pass!" she readies her sword "This won't take long!" and she disappears in a flash of golden light.

The sensor operator picks up something "Uh, Mo'Ceva....?"

At the edge of the system the Hunter of the Damned exits ftl, backed by a combined force of Knight vessels and Marouge's forces.

The same mystic eyes Mo'Ceva "What do we do?"

Mo'Ceva sighs "Try to establish contact!"


Magnum is adorned in the Albion with it's helm folded into the suit already, he closes his mouth as his buster rifle steams for a moment, he readies his sword as he waits for the inevitable. he knows Za'vara wants to finish what she started on the mystic station before bringing the Mystic race back completely, she just strikes him as that type. He knew that he and the mystic fox would cross paths again, he just wasn't expecting it to be this soon. A golden flash comes and the vixen is ready with her sword already drawn, her weapon giving and orange glow along it's curved blade as she gives the wolf a pleasing grin.

Za'vara takes a step closer "Magnum, I finally found you! Now I can finally put this prophecy to rest"

He glares at her "We don't have to fight Za'vara, we can find a different way."

"No chance, from what I saw the outcome is likely to come to pass if you don't die... I have seen what you can do, I will not risk it. I can't withdraw!"

Magnum's power sword ignites along with the gems on his suit and his eyes "Then the time for talk has passed!"

The binders of the Albion open and he zooms towards the vixen, he swings but the vixen blocks him with her sword effortlessly, they both look into each others eyes as the wolf glares while the fox grins... now... it is mystic versus mystic...

To be continued...