Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.2

Story by Dragon_S_Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Problems of a Distraught Cub

"What are you worrying about, man? They're just punk kids who have lost their place in society."

"I know, and that's why I worry. Okay, not so much worry as I just fear that they're too bad to help and that they'll hate me and that-"

"Listen Dr. Müllen, they're punk kids and they are mostly teenagers who don't really give a crap about what you have to say anyway. You can try and help, but mainly it's just an act you put on to keep a job and keep this place funded. Apparently they need guidance from a psychologist or else they can't keep money in their pockets. They're hopeless cases anyway," the old monkey explains somewhat angrily, sipping and blowing on his coffee.

The husky sitting across the table from the angry monkey looks appalled and disgusted snapping back with "Dr. Spyle, there is no case that is hopeless and there is no child that is not savable! This is no act! They may have lost their way, but there is nothing wrong with these children!"

"You better watch yourself or you may be out of a job on your first day, doctor! Especially watch yourself around me. I've dealt with these little shits way too long and I deserve respect! Your first patient tomorrow by the way is an Arctic Fox named Kayleb Hathum. You'll find out his info in his file," he says as he slides a folder across the table. "He's a bad egg and probably will be all his life. He doesn't talk about anything that he doesn't want to, which is nothing, and he's my most difficult patient.

"I've got to get headed out," the monkey says impatiently as he checks his watch and then gathers his own papers and light jacket up, "it was nice to meet the poor fool who is taking over my job, and the state agrees I need a break from those children. Damn near gone insane myself! Good luck with everything doctor, I will now be taking my leave," he nods and heads toward the door.

"Right, right, sorry doctor. My apologies, and alright, okay, see you around then," the husky named Müllen says as he watches the monkey leave the café, heading toward his own car, knowing well enough that the monkey hadn't heard his last statements.

Müllen finishes his coffee, pays the bill and heads home alone that night, contemplating what to do for tomorrow's work, and wondering if this Kayleb kid is as bad as Spyle was saying he is.

After he got home he opened the file containing the information of Kayleb Hathum, checking to see this so called 'bad-egg' of a child. Age: 12, Birthday: August 23, 2046, Psych Synopsis: Adoption trials for three separate counts failed within a month or two. High risk of causing outbursts and causing trouble. Doesn't talk about anything and consideration of finishing treatment options is advised.

Seth shakes his head and sighs, looking over all the information again and again, the consideration of finishing treatment haunting him and filling his head with pangs of guilt and rage for not getting here sooner.