The pre-teen asked his adoptive mother.
"salamanca is continuing my education about the indigenous plants here in the canyons. you two?"
"kiwi will be learning advanced tracking skills." stab said petting her squire on his head.
"how is he doing?"
Adventure Series, Akita, Alternate Reality, Bear, Bondage, Breast Play, Bull, Carried Like A Bride, Cat, Chakat, Dall Sheep, Dawn Horse, Deaths, Deflowered, Demon, Depowered, Dragon, Dry orgasm, Eagle, Entity, Ewe, Female penetrated, Full Body Massage, Goo Creatures, Group Sex, Hedgehog, Hotel, Humans, Imminent death, Jackal, Kissing, Library, Licking, Male/Female, Monkey, Nude, Oncilla, One, Panda, Podcast, Possession, Power Failure, Presenting, Rabbit, Rape, Reality Shock, Reign of Terror, Rotisserie, Savages, Scalie, Search Party, Separation, Serial, Sex Exploration, Sex dungeon, Slaughter, Story Series, Threats, Torture, Tour, Underage, Wolf, Wolverine, abandonment, assembly, butt hurt, cameo, danger, empathy, execution, monsters, prisoners, prototype, question and answer, space ship, transformed, volcano