A Tail for Two - Chapter 4
Don't leave me Luke. It had been nearly 2 hours since we'd last seen his surgeon and we still had no information. Was Luke going to make it, or not? I felt so helpless, so blind...
A Tail for Two - Chapter 9
I wasn't quite sure if i was flirting or making a romantic gesture. "last but not least, this one," he said, pointing to the last monitor on the far right, "this one is the list of playable music.
As One-Ch.3: Friends
**Got this one up sooner than expected. Only two readers so far. It doesn't phase me. Read if you wish, I'm not gonna force you to read my stories. They're just unpopular right now. And new. So I understand if not many people have seen it yet. Either...
My Wedding Story Ch 3
_ **Notice:These are my characters, only I can use them. If you wish to use them, please ask me.** _ _ **1 Week** _ "Its so damn hot!" Adrian yelled as he pulled off his shirt and threw it in the car, he looked so good with out it. "They...
A never fading thought
If I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath, I'd tell you I'll love you forever, even beyond death. If I thought for just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see, I'd take a million pictures and save them just for...
A Tail for Two - Chapter 3
The heartbeat was fading. Cyd burst through the doors of the hospital, rushing as fast as he could. I followed close behind him while a nurse pushed Luke in a gurney...
"Goodnight, sweetling," said Cadance, and she bent over the crib and kissed Flurry Heart gently, just below her horn. The tiny alicorn didn't even stir, she had given herself over to slumber at last. Cadance straightened and added, under her breath,...
Peace Silence Darkness ...bum...bum... A beat, slow and steady ...bum...bum... He moves ..bumbum...bumbum... His body tenses, reaching for the sky It brushes against me .bumbum.bumbum.bumbum. Two pools of silver storms find my scarlet...
K.K.'s Love Sonet
romantic k.k. x kicks the skunk paring xd i will only upload fur stories here! for other works please check out my wp page!
Tradewind Vs. Accord
Emily set down her cardboard tray. "We should do this more often." Seth and Martin both hesitated. She had to hand them each their own coffees, grumbling as she did. "Can't you read the names on the sides of the cup? It's not that hard." "I was...
A Tail for Two - Chapter 1
I hate Mondays. You get up after a long weekend, tired as hell, and the last thing you want to do is go to school. Sometimes you just want something new to happen;...
This Valentine part 2
[THIS VALENTINE part 2: The 2nd Valentine](http://dcatkuro.deviantart.com/art/THIS-VALENTINE-part-2-The-2nd-Valentine-513037027) · by [dcatkuro](http://dcatkuro.deviantart.com/), 22 hours, 19 minutes ago ·...